172046709 发表于 2008-9-27 15:20


【来源】美国:yahoo news 【链接】http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080927/ap_on_re_as/as_china_white_rabbit_candy
茶 stall 的主人袁雅琪,自称非常喜欢大白兔奶糖,在她面前有一只5磅重的袋子,在等待她的客人。她说,我小时候就非常喜欢大白兔奶糖,因为我喜欢奶制品。我依然记得在春节的时候,我的父母准备了一大盆混合着西瓜子,花生还有糖果的盆子,那是用来款待到访的朋友们的,我通常会吧大白兔奶糖翻出来并且藏起来自己享用。
原文:BEIJING - They were Premier Zhou Enlai's favorite late-night snack. He loved White Rabbit candy so much he gave a bag to President Nixon during his historic visit to China. But the iconic brand, beloved by generations of Chinese, took a hit after it was linked to the tainted milk scandal.
The Shanghai-based maker of the candy said Friday it had halted production because of suspected melamine contamination. The chewy vanilla-flavored White Rabbit sweets have already been pulled from shelves around Asia and in Britain.
The Guan Sheng Yuan Co. was still waiting for test results on samples of its exported products, but all sales have been stopped as a precaution, said Ge Junjie, a vice president of Bright Foods (Group) Co. Ltd., which owns the Shanghai maker.
"It's a tragedy for the Chinese food industry and a big lesson for us as it ruined the time-honored brand," Ge was quoted as saying by the Shanghai Daily.
The popular sweets are sold in more than 50 countries throughout Asia and the world, including most of the Chinatowns in the United States. Overseas sales have reached $160 million over the past five years.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended Friday that consumers not eat White Rabbit candy and that retailers remove it from sale. The agency also recommended avoiding Mr. Brown instant coffee and milk tea products being recalled by Taiwan's Car Food Industrial Co. Ltd., though it said it was not aware of any illnesses in the United States linked to either the candy or the coffee and tea products.
Tests in Singapore and New Zealand this week found White Rabbit sweets were tainted with melamine, the industrial chemical that has already been found in milk and other dairy products in China. Used in making plastic and fertilizer, it has been blamed for causing kidney problems in infants and young children, sickening some 54,000 and killing four babies. About 13,000 remain hospitalized.
The widening scandal has dealt a huge blow to China's leading candy maker, which has been producing the hugely popular sweets for about a half-century.
"White Rabbit is a famous brand, with huge brand assets. It's almost an icon and carries lots of memories. Imagine if the same thing happened to Coca-Cola," said Kara Chan, a professor in the communication studies department at Hong Kong Baptist University who studies branding.
White Rabbit was first produced in 1959, "in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China," according to the company Web site.
Its historic pedigree got an even bigger boost in 1972 when the Chinese premier gave the candy, along with two pandas, as a state gift for the visiting President Nixon as a sign of friendship.
Virtually all Chinese have fond memories of the sticky, taffy-like confection wrapped in edible rice paper. With its distinctive red, white, and blue packaging and wide-eyed namesake, White Rabbit candies are ubiquitous, routinely offered up in homes throughout China.
"When we were in school, all my classmates liked White Rabbit," said Su Yan, a 19-year-old sales clerk. "Girls would ask their boyfriends to buy it for them and the candy would be served on occasions like holiday receptions, a graduation party and wedding ceremonies."
Retailer Carrefour and supermarket chain Jingkelong in Beijing said their stores have pulled the candy off their shelves, but other grocers, including one in the popular Silk Market, still stocked it on Friday.
Tea stall owner Yuan Yaqi, a self-described White Rabbit fan, had a 5-pound bag open beside her as she waited for customers Friday.
"I loved White Rabbit when I was a child, because I liked milk products," she said. "I remember at every Spring Festival, my parents prepared a big dish mixed with melon seeds, peanuts and candies to be served to visiting friends. I often picked out the White Rabbits and hid them somewhere for myself."
Yuan said she had not heard about the melamine contamination ban, but said: "If White Rabbit was gone forever, I would feel very sad."
It's not the first time White Rabbit has faced allegations of contamination. Last year, it was at the heart of another controversy, with the Philippines government claiming the candy contained formaldehyde and demanding a recall. The company blamed counterfeit candy for the problem. Concern about White Rabbit candy has spread as far away as South America, where health authorities in Suriname ordered stores to stop selling it as a precautionary measure. The candy is widely available in Suriname, where people of Chinese heritage make up roughly 8 percent of the population. In Peru, White Rabbit candy was among five milk-based Chinese products banned for import or sale by the health ministry. Mexican health official ordered stores removes the candies as well as Mr. Brown instant coffee, and announced the country was banning imports of those products.

[ 本帖最后由 172046709 于 2008-9-27 15:26 编辑 ]

172046709 发表于 2008-9-27 15:22

请大家指教这段Virtually all Chinese have fond memories of the sticky, taffy-like confection wrapped in edible rice paper. With its distinctive red, white, and blue packaging and wide-eyed namesake, White Rabbit candies are ubiquitous, routinely offered up in homes throughout China.

不好意思啊 大家,翻得比较差,没法看,呵呵。

lezaiyisheng 发表于 2008-9-27 15:31


75144678 发表于 2008-9-27 15:53



beryl 发表于 2008-9-27 16:08


前無古人 发表于 2008-9-27 16:10


leiyuan 发表于 2008-9-27 18:50

伤心了~前段时间我还想买 继续重温 儿时的时光

baggio0351 发表于 2008-9-27 23:09


leiyuan 发表于 2008-11-18 19:58

造谣 刚查了 新闻~

jundaomc 发表于 2008-11-18 22:07


[ 本帖最后由 jundaomc 于 2008-11-18 22:09 编辑 ]

bigsuperman 发表于 2008-11-18 22:50

Virtually all Chinese have fond memories of the sticky, taffy-like confection wrapped in edible rice paper. With its distinctive red, white, and blue packaging and wide-eyed namesake, White Rabbit candies are ubiquitous, routinely offered up in homes throughout China.

[ 本帖最后由 bigsuperman 于 2008-11-18 22:51 编辑 ]

古禾 发表于 2008-11-18 22:52


antiASU 发表于 2008-11-19 16:26

没想到雅虎新闻也要做标题党。。。o3O105) o3O105)
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