Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-5 04:29


本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-2-7 23:12 编辑

a/an (不定冠词)

a 用在以辅音字母开头,或以读做辅音的元音字母开头的单词前面:

a man / a university / a hat/ a European / a one-way street

an 用在以元音字母(a, e, i, o, u )开头, 或以不发音的h字母开头的单词前面:

an apple / an island / an uncle / an onion / an egg /an hour

an 还用在发音以元音开头的单个字母前面:

a L-plate / an MP / an SOS / an 'x'

a/an 没有性的变化:

a man / a woman / an actor / an actress / a table

P.S. 作业如下,请童鞋们做四六级选择题 o(∩_∩)o

1. The atmosphere ____ of certain gases mixed together in definite proprotions.
a. composesb. comprisesc. consistsd. constitutes

2. While he was in the office he ____ doing something to doing nothing.
a. preferredb. likedc. favouredd. approved

3. Metals ____ when cooled and expand when heated.
a. decreaseb. reducec. condensed. contract

4. Take your raincoat with you ____ it rains.
a. by chanceb. in casec. at larged. on occasion

5. He was afraid he would have to ____ her invitation to the party.
a. refuteb. refusec. rejectd. decline

6. At the Committee last Saturday the following proposal was agreed ____ by those present.
a. tob. withc. overd. at

7. We went to see the exhibition ____ the storm.
a. but forb. in spite ofc. for the sake ofd. instead of

8. To my surprise, at yesterday's meeting he again brought ____ the plan that had been disapproved a week before.
a. aboutb. outc. backd. up

9. The doctor took X-rays to ____ the chance ofbroken bones.
a. make sureb. rule outc. break downd. knock out

10. He felt it rather difficult to take a stand ____ the opinion of the majority.
a. forb. againstc. tod. by

答案见下期 Q33)敬请关注

wyd2008 发表于 2008-11-5 12:38

1, a
2, a
3, a
4, b
5, c
6, b
7, b
8, a
9, a

百姓 发表于 2008-11-5 17:57


百姓 发表于 2008-11-5 18:12


Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-6 03:57

第1课 小结

1. [C]consist of"由...组成(或构成)"

    作此义解时该短语只有主动态,没有被动态,不能说 be consist of

2. [A] prefer"更喜欢"常使用的正确的句子是:

    prefer A to B; prefer doing A to doing B; prefer to do A rather than (to)B; prefer that sb (should) do sth

    like 和 favour两个动词后面都可以跟-ing,但不用like/favour (doing) A to (doing) B 句型

3. [D]contract"收缩,缩小,缩短" (如 contract one's muscles; One's muscles contract )

4. [B]in case“以防万一,假使"

    后面直接跟从句,从句谓语多用一般时态,也可用should/ may + 原形动词,但不直接用原形动词;

    美国人常把in case + 从句放在句首,表示“如果”,如 In case I forget, please remind me about it;

    但有时 in case 可以单独用,后面不跟从句,表示“以防出现万一”,

    如 It may not rain, but you had better take an umbrella just in case.

5. [D]decline“婉辞,谢绝(邀请); 不愿(做某事)

    vt. 后面跟不定式vi. “下降、减少、衰落”

6. [A]agree to sth"同意,赞成"

    相当于 consent to, 其宾语可以是计划、办法、措施、方案等名词。

7. [B]in spite of"虽然,尽管;不顾"

8. [D]bring up"(在会上) 提出(问题供讨论或引起注意);培养, 教育(子女)

9. [B]rule out"排除(可能性)"

10. [B]take a standfor/ against sth"对...表明态度支持/反对”

      take a stand 后面不跟 to/ by sth

P.S. 请童鞋们积极参与Q61)谢谢

wyd2008 发表于 2008-11-6 10:41




Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-7 02:40


a/ an 的用法

A 用在第一次提到而非特指某人或某物的单数可数名词前面:

I need a visa.我需要签证。

They live in a flat.他们住一个套间。

He bought an ice-cream.他买了一个冰淇淋。

B 用在代表一类东西的单数可数名词前面:

A car must be insured. 汽车必须投保。

= All cars/ Any cars must be insured.所有汽车/ 任何汽车都必须投保。

A child needs love.孩子需要爱。

= All children need/ Any child needs love.所有孩子/ 任何孩子都需要爱。

C 用在作表语的名词(包括职业名称) 前面:

It was an earthquake.是一次地震。

She'll be a dancer.她将成为舞蹈演员。

He is an actor.他是演员。

D 用在某些表示数量的短语中:

a lot of

a couple

a great many

a dozen

a great deal of

E 用在某些数字前面:

a hundred

a thousand

当 half 跟在一个整数后面时,a 用在 half 前面:

one and a half kilos 或 a kilo and a half

但是:1/2kg = half a kilo 半公斤( half 前不用 a ),然而有时也可以说“a + half + 名词”:

a half-holiday一次半天假

a half-portion半份(食物)

a half-share半份(钱)

表示1/3, 1/4, 1/5等时,前面常用 a :

a third三分之一

a quarter四分之一

F 用在表示价格、速度、比率等的短语中:

5p a kilo5便士1公斤

1 pound a netre1英镑1米

sixty kilometres an hour每小时50公里

10p a dozen10便士1打

four times a day每天4次

(这里 a/ an = per)

G 用在感叹句中单数可数名词前面:

Such a long queue!排的队真长!

What a pretty girl!多漂亮的姑娘!


Such long queues!排的队可真长!

What pretty girls!多漂亮的姑娘们!


H 用在Mr/ Mrs/ Miss + 姓氏之前:

a Mr Smith

a Mrs Smith

a Miss Smith

a Mr Smith 是指一位姓史密斯的先生,表示这位史密斯先生对于说话的人是陌生的。

如果 Mr Smith 前不加 a,则说明说话人认识史密斯先生或知道有这么个人。

P.S. 作业如下,请童鞋们做四六级选择题 o(∩_∩)o

11. He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I can't____ his behaving like that at all.

a. look intob. break throughc. account ford. get over

12. How did it come ____ that you made a lot of mistakes in your homework?

a. aboutb. alongc. aroundd. by

13. He could produce no evidence ____ his argument.

a. in respect of   b. in view ofc. in support ofd. on account of

14. The goverment should ____ with the irrational regulations restricting drinking hours.

a. break awayb. come upc. get awayd. do away

15. I know him well enough to accept his explanation ____.

a. without questionb. by all meansc. at any costd. in any case

16. It was a small country house, but it was large ____ urban standards.

a. atb. forc. byd. from

17. The travellers sought shelter ____ the rain and happened to find a road-side inn.

a. fromb. againstc. for   d. with

18. All our attempts to ____ the child from drowing were in vain.

a. regainb. recoverc. reserved. rescue

19. This is the first draft of the book. Please feel perfectly free to____ it.

a. deal withb. comment on   c. cope withd. dwell on

20. I was always taught that it was ____ to interrupt.

a. rudeb. coarsec. roughd. crude

答案见下期 Q33)敬请关注

[ 本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2008-11-7 02:42 编辑 ]

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-8 03:08

第2课 小结

11. [C]account for说明或解释(原因);说明(钱是怎么花的);占...(多大部分)

      如 account for one's absence from class; accountfor the money spent;

         Women account for half of the population

12. [A] come (about)发生,造成

      多用于How come +从句?如 How come you were late for class yesterday?

13. [C] in support of(状语) 支持,证明

14. [D] do away with sth废除,消除,去掉;干掉,处理掉

15. [A] without question毫无疑问地,毫无异议地;不加怀疑地 (作状语修饰谓语动词或放在be后面修饰标语)

   如 He can do the work well without question; He is without question the best player on the team.

   还可以说 beyond question 毫无疑问,确定无疑 (不过该短语一般作表语或修饰表语)

16. [C] by... standard按照...的标准来衡量

17. [A] seek/ take/ find shelter from the rain or other dangers寻找蔽雨(或躲避其它危险) 的地方

18. [D] rescue sb from把... 从...救出;come/ go to sb's rescue前去营救某人

19. [B] comment on sth对...发表评论

20. [A]rude adj. 粗鲁的,不礼貌的,粗糙的(工具等)

      如 a rude child; rude behavior; rude remarks; rude tools

P.S. 请童鞋们积极参与Q61)谢谢

[ 本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2008-11-8 03:10 编辑 ]

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-9 04:28


a/ an 的省略

a/ an 不用在以下几种情况下:

A 复数名词前:

   a/ an 没有复数形式,所以 a dog 的复数是dogs, an egg 的复数是 eggs.

B 不可数名词前

C 三餐名称之前,但这些名称前加形容词除外:

   We have breakfast at eight.我们8点钟吃饭。

   He gave us a good breakfast.他请我们吃了一顿丰盛的早餐。

   I was invited to dinner (at their house, in the ordinary way.)



   I was invited to a dinner given to welcome the new ambassador.


P.S. 作业如下,请童鞋们做四六级选择题 o(∩_∩)o

21. Except on official ____ such as formal receptions, American society has a certain amount of informality.

a. casesb. situationsc. eventsd.occations

22. The final document was, of course, supposed to mend the damage ____ upon the world.

a. imposedb. impressedc. compelledd. compressed

23. While walking along the icy river banks, we could see cracks in the ice ____ in all directions.

a. radiatingb. dividingc. splittingd. tearing

24. Tibet, the second largest province of China, is ____ in uranium and underground thermal power.

a. wealthyb. abundantc. adequated. sufficient

25. The young couple were quite excite by the ____ of having their first child.

a. perspectiveb. prospectc. futured. foresight

26. So many children have bought balloons that the store is now out of ____

a. stuffb. materialc. stockd. staff

27. She was alwaysin perfect sympathy with me ____my love of nature.

a. with regard tob. in contrast to   c. in case ofd. in the event of

28. There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has ____ povery.

a. fallen intob. consisted inc. resulted ind. amounted to

29. This is the ____ to an improvement of their living conditions.

a. keyb. decisionc. essenced. alternative

30. It was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it ____ as well as we had expected.

a. went offb. worked offc. broke offd. came off

答案见下期 Q33)敬请关注

[ 本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2008-11-9 04:31 编辑 ]

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-10 01:47

【通知】第3课小结 周二晚上发


5. 如果有种新药能治关节炎,但1%的服用者会有严重的并发症,你会向公众推广吗?

If a new medicine were developed that would cure arthritis but cause a fatal reaction in 1 percent of those who took it, would you want it to be released to the public?

From《The Books of Questions》by Gregory Stock

[ 本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2008-11-10 02:03 编辑 ]

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-12 18:47

第3课 小结

21. [D] occation n.重大活动,盛会;时刻,场合;时机,机会

      on official occation在正式场合on occation(s)有时,间或on such occations在这样的场合

      on many/ several occations有许多次,有好几次on one occation有一次

      on the occation of   在……的时候,置……之际

22. [A] impose sth on sb把……强加于;征(税)

      如 impose one's will/ one's wishes on sb; impose taxes on cigarettes/ tariffs on imported goods

23. [C] split v. (多指顺纹) 裂开,撕裂

      如 Bamboo splits easily; He split his pants.

24. [B] abundand (in) adj.大量的,充足的,丰富的

25. [B] prospect n. 前景,前途,展望(一般作不可数名词用,与 the 连用)

      如 the prospect of a holiday; the prospect of owning one's own house

26. [C] stock n. 库存,现货,备料

      如 have sth in stock有现货sth is out of stock

      The store is out of stock of sth没有存货

27. with/ in regard to关于,至于

      in this/ that reard关于这一点without regard to/ for而不管,不顾

28. [C] result in导致,结果造成

      如 The accident resulted in three deaths.

29. [A] key (to) n.方法,关键;题解,答案

      the key to world peace; a key to the grammar exercises

30. [D]come off成功;发生,举行;脱落,分开

      如 The experiment did not come off; His plans haven't come off; The picnic came off at last

P.S. 请童鞋们积极参与Q61)谢谢

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-19 00:41

【通知】第4课 周三后发


15. 你最崇拜的人是谁?TA在哪些方面激励了你?

Whom do you admire most? In what way does that person inspire you?

From《The Books of Questions》by Gregory Stock

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-27 06:31


a/ an 和 one

Aa/ an 和 one (形容词)

1. 计算时间、测量距离或重量等时,a/ an 或 one 可以用于单数的前面:

    1 pound= a/ one pound
    1, 000, 000 pounds = a/ one million pounds

    The rent is 100 pounds a week.房租为每星期100英镑。
    week 前面的a 不能用 one 代替。

    在其他类型的陈述句中 a/ an 和 one 通常不能互换,
    因为 one + 名词 通常意为 one only/ not more than one (只有一个),而 a/ an 则没有这个意思。

    A shotgun is no good.猎枪不行。(这种武器不合适)
    One shotgun is no good. 一支猎枪不行。(我需要两支或三支)

2. one 的特殊用法

(a) one (形容词/ 代词) 与 another/ other 对照连用:

One (boy) wanted to read, another/ others wanted to watch TV.
一个(男孩) 想看书,另一个/ 别的男孩们想看电视。

One day he wanted his lunch early, another day he wanted it late.

(b) one 可以用在 day/ week/ month/ year/ summer/ winter 等词之前,

One night there was a terrible storm.一天晚上有一场特大的风暴。
One winter the snow fell early.有一年冬天雪下得早。
One day a telegram arrived.有一天来了一封电报。

(c) one day 也可以表示 at some future date (将来有一天):

    One day you'll be sorry you treated him so badly.(这里也可以用 some day)

B a/ an 和 one (代词)

one 是可以用来代替 a/ an 的相应的代词形式:

—— Did you get a ticket?你搞到票了吗?
—— Yes, I managed to get one.是的,我设法搞到了一张。

具有这种用法的 one 的复数形式是 some:

—— Did you get tickets?你搞到票了吗?
—— Yes, I managed to get some.是的, 我设法搞了几张。

P.S. 作业如下,请童鞋们做四六级选择题 o(∩_∩)o

31. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th ____ the birth of Jesus Christ.

a. in favour of   b. in honour ofc. in terms ofd. in accordance with

32. The ____ action of the policemen saved the people in the house from being burnt.

a. alertb. urgentc. promptd. punctual

33. The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ____ again next spring.

a. assemblyb. conferencec. conventiond. session

34. Your ____ is the round of things that you usually do each day.

a. practiceb. habitc. routined. custom

35. I ____ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of his new colum.

a. expressb. acknowledgec. confirmd. verify

36. David is the ____ holder of the world 5000-meter race world record, but there is no guarantee that he will win the Olympic Games.

a. prevalentb. dominantc. currentd. prominent

37. Your complaint is being ____ ; when we have anything to report we'll write to you again.

a. looked throughb. looked overc. looked afterd. looked into

38. To our delight, she quickly ____ herself to the new situation.

a. acquaintedb. exposedc. adaptedd. devoted.

39. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her ____ attitude toward customers.

a. straightforwardb. partialc. favourabled. hostile

40. With the joint effort of everyone, the plan is ____ to succeed; I'm sure of that.

a. obviousb. boundc. doubtless d. necessary

答案见下期 Q33)敬请关注

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-29 19:23

第4课 小结

31. [B] in honour of“为庆祝,为纪念,为向……表示敬意”

32. [C] prompta. "及时的、迅速的、敏捷的"

33. [D] sessionn. 会议,一届会期

如中共第XX次全国代表大会选出的第XX届中央委员会每年开一次会议,每次会议就叫做一次 session,而不叫meeting.

34. [C] routinen. (每天要做的) 例行公事,惯常程序

35. [B] acknowledge vt. 对……表示感激 acknowledge sth with thanks

36. [C] current a. 现实的,当前的;通行的,流行的

      the current fashions; This view is current in the capital.

37. [D] look into调查、观察

38. [C] adapt…to使适应,使适合;(少数情况下用) adapt to 适合

      He has not yet adapted to the climate.

39. [D] hostile (to) a.敌对的,不友善的

40. [B] be bound (to do)一定的,必然的

      be bound to/ for a place 准备到……去,开往

[ 本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2008-11-29 19:26 编辑 ]
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