宜笑 发表于 2008-11-5 13:52

【08.11.3 英】博客;苏格兰教会领袖支持糟糕的独生子女政策

【08.11.3英国电讯报】Damian Thompson 博客

Moderator of Church of Scotland backs China's disgusting one-child policy

The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Rt Rev David Lunan, has praised China's one-child policy on the grounds that it is good for the environment. What a revolting thing for a church leader to say - and what an insult to ordinary members of the Kirk, who now find their denomination supporting a grotesque abuse of human rights.

This is what the egregious Lunan said to the BBC: "Interestingly enough, the country that is doing the most for the planet is China. People talk about the smoke and pollution from China, but they have limited their population in a way that no other country has or will, and that in itself will have an effect on not using up the Earth's resources."
可恶的Lunan对BBC说:“很有意思,为这个星球做得最多的国家就是中国。人们都说烟尘和污染来自中国,但中国已经采取了一种其他国家没有采用过未来也不会采取的方法在控制人口了, 这本身对防止地球资源被耗尽将有很大的作用。

China has "limited its population" by the criminal abuse of parents who exercise their God-given right to have more than one child. No one knows the full extent of forced abortions and infanticide in China as a result of this tyranny - but, hey, the Moderator isn't worried because these unborn - or dead - children are "not using up the Earth's resources".
中国通过剥夺父母的生儿育女的天赋权利这种违法的方式来“限制人口。” 没有人知道由于这种苛政,中国强制流产和杀婴的程度。但是,嘿,我们的领袖却并不焦虑,因为这些尚未出生的或死亡的孩子“不会耗尽地球上的资源”。

The Catholic Church in Scotland has quite rightly condemned Lunan's comments. And I hope that Cardinal O'Brien, a doughty defender of the unborn child, has picked up the phone to tell the Moderator exactly what he thinks of him. I don't know much about the internal government of the Church of Scotland, but surely a resignation is in order.

各位如果感兴趣,也请来帮忙翻译一下吧。顺便练习一下英语,呵呵o3O118) 。(我先领1-5条评论哈)

Better the population grows above the carrying capacity of the planet and we all exercise our God given right to starve? Of ALL the organizations on earth the one with, arguably, the least authority to preach on matters of population control is the Catholic Church.
Al Hamilton
November 03, 2008
05:11 PM GMT   

As you so rightly say Damian "I don't know much about the internal government of the Church of Scotland". The moderator is not a protestant pope - as the Church of Scotland's website states "no one person or group within the Church has more influence or say than any other" and "The Church does not have one person who acts as the head of faith, as that role is the Lord God's."
I know this is heady stuff for Catholics but the moderator's opinion is just that - his - and the "denomination" as you call it is in no way bound by what he says. The job of the moderator - elected each year - is to chair the annual general assembly and carry out ceremonial visits in his or her (yep ladies too) year of office.
That said, the moderator is a plonker - he has four kids of his own!
November 03, 2008
05:12 PM GMT   

ouch! good point
population, no i mean over-population is certainly one of the pressures of the last days, that we are certainly living in.
Mr Chipfat
November 03, 2008
05:14 PM GMT   

Peter51, when I said I didn't know much about the internal government of the Kirk, I didn't mean that I didn't know what the Moderator does. I've attended and reported on the General Assembly enough times, God knows.
Damian Thompson
November 03, 2008
05:17 PM GMT   

But it was only a week ago that the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales promoted a Green Youth Day where Banners arguing for 'Sustainability' were paraded everywhere....
It's unimaginably diabolical.
They still promulgate the malthusian fallacy as if it held any scientific validity or moral worth ; may God forgive them.
I have family members who belong to the Church of scotland ; I am certain they would dissociate themselves from such sentiments ; and be appalled that anyone among them would promote such a heinous proposition - let alone their General Assembly Moderator.
November 03, 2008
05:20 PM GMT   

I’d like to see these anti-Christian ‘Christians’ evangelise the good news of contraception and abortion to the Muslims. How long would they last? If such ‘policies’ are truly good then their proponents should seek their implementation where the ‘problem’ is greatest. For climate change the abstinence from technology should be sought in India or China not Britain with it’s tiny population For population control, the policy of reduced birth rates should be advocated in those areas with high birth rates, Muslim lands not the already aborting and contraception West.
Shocking but not surprising: Protestantism is a path of errors leading away from God. A 'one Church' policy is our only hope.
November 03, 2008
05:39 PM GMT   

OK Damian so why pretend that the Moderator's words mean that the Church of Scotland supports this policy? Just mischief making as usual. Even OTSOTA puts you right.
November 03, 2008
05:52 PM GMT   

The role of Moderator is a yearly appointment, right? There have been some outstanding Moderators, but in a smallish pool there are going to be some smallish fish being promoted. At least it's only for a year.
November 03, 2008
05:52 PM GMT   

Correct Calleva - moderators are very "diverse". By the way, I think that the demographic transition is a good thing and a normal feature of economic development which must not and need not be brought about at the point of a gun - when people's kids stop dying in droves they tend to have fewer children.
November 03, 2008
05:59 PM GMT   

It is obvious to all that are capable of lucid thought that the biggest problem facing the world is overpopulation. It has been forecast, that in the not too distant future, there will be wars over water, fuel and food. It is only necessary to look at Africa to see the results of large populations and inadequate agriculture. Why condemn China for having the foresight to see the problem, and the courage to act upon it. There is after all a thing known as birth control.
Anthony Bootle
November 03, 2008
06:13 PM GMT   

Listen Anthony - prosecuting and ruining people who have children "without permission" , forced abortions? No thanks
November 03, 2008
06:27 PM GMT   

Isn't the Kirk is a presbyterian outfit founded by that former galley slave, John Knox? What would Knox and Calvin think of the moderator's comments?
November 03, 2008
06:42 PM GMT   

"Ye will have had yer tea, Mr Fu, ah dinnae want to be boiling that kettle again the nicht, ye cannae keep up wi they elctric bills noo adays. An remember its no good fur the planet an aw' that. For aw' that a hope ye'll be wearing an overcoat on Rabbie if yer "visiting" Mrs Fu, nudge, nudge, ye ken whit ah mean, eh Mr Fu. Ye cannae hey all them bairns eatin all the rice, whit are my "Parishoners" gonnae eat if all youse Wily Oriental Gentlemen scoff all the vittles. If only ye could learn tae eat yir dog, without the rice, ye would be saving me an awfy lot o' hassle, that O'brien, the "Jungle Jim" wa' the Roman Idolatrous Church is fair bittin' ma ear over me an my God given right, to state that the lower orders on the planet shoold be drowning ther superfloous bairns in a sack...!!!. Better than leaving them on the street I'd have thought, they get eaten by the dogs an' then youse get looking for your elevenses.....Whit is that yer saying, you hivnae had Yer Tea.....well why didn't ye say that before. In that case Go on get out of here, what dae ye take this place fur....A Lyons Tea Hoose..!!! get on yer rickshaw pal, you an yer 100 billion bairns. Bluddy cheek coming round here an' disturbin' the divout.
November 03, 2008
07:04 PM GMT   

Just goes to show why Catholics believe in a One True Church policy.
November 03, 2008
07:22 PM GMT   

Loony Lunan's pronouncements are an insult to the Chinese.
As DT says " no knows the full extent of forced abortions and infanticide" .
yorkshire rose
November 03, 2008
07:29 PM GMT   

OH yes. I heard a prominent Catholic recently speak to a wide audience about how we have failed to grasp the wonder of China's ability to feed it's many millions. Their solution: the one child policy, has worked, he claimed. And what does the West do ? criticise it, whilst falling into economic recession itself.
It was a very interesting subversion of the truth. But lots of people (mainly Catholics) clapped.
I'm guessing the bloke had a free pass to the Olympic Games. In the process, his reasoning faculties were removed in exchange for a few goody bags and some Dim Sung.
November 03, 2008
07:37 PM GMT   

Your propensity for digging up stories of interest reminds one of a Fox Terrier rather than a ferret. In the words of Columbanus Hibernus, from his first letter to Gregory the Great, 'Canis vivus in hoc problemate leone mortuo'; i.e. 'Better a living dog than a dead Lion.'
Thank you!
November 03, 2008
07:57 PM GMT   

As long as Catholic priests limit themselves to only one child I'm not complaining.
November 03, 2008
08:01 PM GMT   

How I would like once...just once...to read something you've said without getting the feeling I've just gargled with raw sewage....
November 03, 2008
08:43 PM GMT   

Birth control, now there's a nice way of saying murder. Has Peter heard of the forced labour camps for religious people (Falun Gong, Catholics, Christians, Buddhists, anyone who dissents) and the harvesting of organs to be sold and sent to the West?
November 03, 2008
09:36 PM GMT

[ 本帖最后由 妩人少将 于 2008-11-5 14:32 编辑 ]

宜笑 发表于 2008-11-5 13:57

Anthony Bootle:
Loathsome views of your kind are made trebly worse both by the shroud of total ignorance covering your inanity, and the hatred of humanity your opinions express.
As I have pointed out to Peter51 before, who has also swallowed the lies about the 'over-populated world' rubbish, the truth is almost exactly the oppoite: the world is in fact mostly empty. Take a look at your maps, it's not difficult.
The savage Chinese system not only directly leads to the enforced murder of millions of unborn infants, but has grotesquely unbalanced the sexes in China so that more than 100 million young Chinese men will never find a mate. There is also increasing evidence of the psychological damage caused by this montrous intrusion into the dignity and freedom of the family, because of the lack of playmates of an equivalent age within the family.
What is it about the Scots? There's this moron of a Calvinist; and weren't the major proponents of the evil philosophy of utilitarianism Scots?
God, grant us a Catholic world soon! Lord, come quickly!
I now await the hand-wringing agonising of Ubi Tabletas and his side-kick Gerard.
Benedict Carter
November 03, 2008
09:45 PM GMT   

The entire human population of the world would fit onto an area the size of the Isle of Wight.
November 03, 2008
09:59 PM GMT   

I don t know why anyone would be surprised at this.A church that believes in pre-destination is capable of anything.
November 03, 2008
10:21 PM GMT   

Perhaps the time is now long overdue for the Scottish Bishops to review the very large sums of money and extensive resources which they plough into ecumenical
initiatives which are going nowhere.
Paul J
November 03, 2008
11:56 PM GMT   

Trust BC and OTOSSA to try and pick an unnecessary fight. Raw sewage - wow! What is their problem?
November 04, 2008
12:16 AM GMT   

Nobody is suggesting that the population has a shortage of space to stand. What it is does have is a shortage of space for sustainable agriculture.
Are there problems with the implementation of the one child policy? Yes. But throwing the baby out with the bath water is not the answer (whoops! inappropriate analogy).
Al Hamilton
November 04, 2008
12:46 AM GMT   

What is my problem Peter ?
Just the regular - trying to fight evil and save souls as I pass upon life's weary way...
Then people like you and Al come along with your opinions resembling a pernicious thoughtless genocidal agenda - and I just can't understand how people can think that way...
I think Nicholas once said I was a waste of entropy ; to which I responded 'isn't that a tautology'...
My problem is you Peter...I don't understand how you can think the way you do...you terrify me...I think your opinions are inhuman beyond imagining - and I cannot understand any human being ever supporting them...but you lot do !
November 04, 2008
01:21 AM GMT   

Protestants are still heretics. It's gotten no better with time.
November 04, 2008
01:22 AM GMT   

Al Hamilton - we'll believe you're serious about zpg when you remove yourself from the gene pool.
November 04, 2008
01:23 AM GMT   

Anthony Pootle: "It is obvious to all that are capable of lucid thought that the biggest problem facing the world is overpopulation."
There there.... No need to work up an appetite! Next time you get an infection of some sort, refuse to take antibiotics. You may indeed die, but think how much better off the world will be.
November 04, 2008
01:29 AM GMT   

Rt Rev David Lunan
An ideal candidate for a Darwin Award:

November 04, 2008
01:51 AM GMT   

Allowing the olympics to be held in China was a travesty. That country is the biggest human rights violater out there. The one child policy is just one manifestation of that. It just translates into the one child.. many abortions policy.
The population in many parts of the world are actually in a state of stagnancy(or even decreasing). A prime example of this would be Russia or many of the nations of Europe. With Russia's rapid conversion from its hopeless atheism, things are actually improving on that front.
There is a whole lot of empty space in this world, and plenty of untapped resources. Oil is a great example. The price of oil is no longer based soley on supply and demand. Its not high because we are running out of it. A large percentage is based on speculation. There is a reason that the amount of oil in saudi arabia is a state secret.... perhaps because it will not run out in the next 1000 years...
Right or wrong, when we as society look at these arguments about resource shortages, life becomes a potential target. we start turning potential food into car fuel, the problem is not the starving people who have "too many" babies, its the industry that turned food into an expensive commodity and predatory international banks that purposely sink poor nations deep in debt as a form of slavery, its the modern form of usury.
The world overpopulation argument is soley there to justify an attack on life.
Because LIFE becomes the problem.
November 04, 2008
02:07 AM GMT   

Chris, apparently for you the Isle of White will not be big enough to house all the straw men you brought to the argument.

Al Hamilton
November 04, 2008
02:07 AM GMT   

His statement is horrific on many levels...the tyranny, the forced sterilizations and abortions, the gratitude that foreigners are limiting their populations in accordance with Western political correctness regarding the evils of human existence. Because, God knows, when it comes to overpopulation, those dirty foreigners and all their babies are the cause of all the world's problems.
Bu on U
November 04, 2008
04:00 AM GMT   

I've said it before, and i'll say it again: Protestantism generally, and Calvinism in particular, are "religions" straight from the haemorroihdical anus of Satan himself.
David from Oz
November 04, 2008
04:20 AM GMT   

That goes for Islam, too.

David from Oz
November 04, 2008
04:22 AM GMT   

Though slightly tangential, I am reminded of the old joke about why presbyterians are opposed to sex (because it leads to dancing).
The world overpopulation argument is a way to avoid responsibility. Rather than do something about the fact that lots of people are starving, we simply prefer to eliminate the starving. Quite typical of a sentimental society, really. I mean, why would Mr. Hefner want to share his world with a bunch of starving smelly Africans and Asians?
Then, there is the "sex without consequence" (oops, I meant "punishment") mentality. Abandon the transcendent value of the human life, and you can do whatever you like.
We must remember too that the pagan deities typically were associated with woods and dells, and one cannot engage in nature worship without human sacrifice.
Qua myth, "overpopulation" is an extremely useful indeed. Don't knock it.
November 04, 2008
05:09 AM GMT   

So which belief that I expressed was such a problem OTSOTA - my rejection of China's policies, my description of the moderator as a twerp or my factually correct observation that in developed economies in which children don't die in great numbers in infancy the birth rate is lower than in poor countries with high mortality rates?
I think you are losing it a bit just now.

November 04, 2008
10:00 AM GMT   

"With Russia's rapid conversion from its hopeless atheism, things are actually improving on that front."
Have to take issue with just this part of your excellent post. The rise in the number of babies being born in Russia has had nothing whatsoever to do with any conversion - because there has been no conversion. It has everything to do with the new hope in society born of a high oil price for a few years and Putin's rhetoric.
Even so, your thesis stands, because the rise in the birth rate is still eclipsed by the death rate, although one notes also that male life expectancy HAS also risen to 61 (!).
Russia is a profoundly pagan and superstitious nation with elements thrown in of Christianity and even more elements of the new western religion of consumption, hedonism and selfishness.
If they worship anything, Russians worship power (for dominance over others), then money.
Benedict Carter
November 04, 2008
10:10 AM GMT   

They loathe Catholics,take a trip to Dornock,as a Catholic you're as welcomed as a Jew in Chester Cathedral.
November 04, 2008
11:25 AM GMT

大斌斌 发表于 2008-11-5 14:15



[ 本帖最后由 大斌斌 于 2008-11-5 14:19 编辑 ]

jdshfl 发表于 2008-11-5 14:38


bumbum 发表于 2008-11-5 14:39




zhuowenlin 发表于 2008-11-5 15:05


noonoo 发表于 2008-11-5 15:06

I’d like to see these anti-Christian ‘Christians’ evangelise the good news of contraception and abortion to the Muslims. How long would they last? If such ‘policies’ are truly good then their proponents should seek their implementation where the ‘problem’ is greatest. For climate change the abstinence from technology should be sought in India or China not Britain with it’s tiny population For population control, the policy of reduced birth rates should be advocated in those areas with high birth rates, Muslim lands not the already aborting and contraception West.
Shocking but not surprising: Protestantism is a path of errors leading away from God. A 'one Church' policy is our only hope.
November 03, 2008
05:39 PM GMT   


OK Damian so why pretend that the Moderator's words mean that the Church of Scotland supports this policy? Just mischief making as usual. Even OTSOTA puts you right.
November 03, 2008
05:52 PM GMT   


The role of Moderator is a yearly appointment, right? There have been some outstanding Moderators, but in a smallish pool there are going to be some smallish fish being promoted. At least it's only for a year.
November 03, 2008
05:52 PM GMT   


Correct Calleva - moderators are very "diverse". By the way, I think that the demographic transition is a good thing and a normal feature of economic development which must not and need not be brought about at the point of a gun - when people's kids stop dying in droves they tend to have fewer children.
November 03, 2008
05:59 PM GMT   


It is obvious to all that are capable of lucid thought that the biggest problem facing the world is overpopulation. It has been forecast, that in the not too distant future, there will be wars over water, fuel and food. It is only necessary to look at Africa to see the results of large populations and inadequate agriculture. Why condemn China for having the foresight to see the problem, and the courage to act upon it. There is after all a thing known as birth control.
Anthony Bootle
November 03, 2008
06:13 PM GMT   


zhuowenlin 发表于 2008-11-5 15:36

原帖由 noonoo 于 2008-11-5 15:06 发表 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
I’d like to see these anti-Christian ‘Christians’ evangelise the good news of contraception and abortion to the Muslims. How long would they last? If such ‘policies’ are truly good then their...


蔚蓝矢车菊 发表于 2008-11-6 14:36

翻译~ 我们要翻译~~

simon999 发表于 2008-11-8 21:05


Listen Anthony - prosecuting and ruining people who have children "without permission" , forced abortions? No thanks
November 03, 2008
06:27 PM GMT   



Isn't the Kirk is a presbyterian outfit founded by that former galley slave, John Knox? What would Knox and Calvin think of the moderator's comments?
November 03, 2008
06:42 PM GMT

苏格兰教会不是那个曾经军舰上的俘虏,John Knox建立起来的长老宗组织么?Knox和Calvin对于主席(鲁南)的这些评论会怎么想呢?


[ 本帖最后由 simon999 于 2008-11-8 21:32 编辑 ]

无可就要 发表于 2008-11-8 21:11

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