荡漾 发表于 2008-11-6 14:11

[08.10.29 福布斯]图片透视: 中国发展最快十大城市(乌龙编辑)

【原文标题】In Depth: China's Fastest-Changing Cities
Question: 照片对号入座是否有问题呀?请从1-10倒序过来看看图片是否对...

No.10: Chongqing
Population: 5.5 million Economic growth rank: 16 Market size rank: 10 Building boom rank: 4

人口:550万 经济增长排名:16 市场规模排名:10 建筑业繁荣度排名:4http://images.forbes.com/media/2008/10/29/1029_chinacities_01.jpg
No.9: Tianjin
Population: 11.5 million Economic growth rank: 12 Market size rank: 6 Building boom rank: 11
人口:1150万 经济增长排名:12 市场规模排名:6 建筑业繁荣度排名:11http://images.forbes.com/media/2008/10/29/1029_chinacities_02.jpg
No.8: Xiamen, Fujian Province
Population: 2.8 million Economic growth rank: 4 Market size rank: 16 Building boom rank: 9
人口:280万 经济增长排名:4 市场规模排名:16 建筑业繁荣度排名:9http://images.forbes.com/media/2008/10/29/1029_chinacities_03.jpg
No.7: Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Population: 7.5 million Economic growth rank: 11 Market size rank: 8 Building boom rank: 8

人口:750万 经济增长排名:11 市场规模排名:8 建筑业繁荣度排名:8

No.6: Dalian, Liaoning Province
Population: 3.1 million Economic growth rank: 6 Market size rank: 9 Building boom rank: 10

人口:310万 经济增长排名:6 市场规模排名:9 建筑业繁荣度排名:10

No.5: Beijing
Population: 17 million Economic growth rank: 13 Market size rank: 3 Building boom rank: 6

人口:1700万 经济增长排名:13 市场规模排名:3 建筑业繁荣度排名:6http://images.forbes.com/media/2008/10/29/1029_chinacities_06.jpg

No.4: Shanghai
Population: 18.5 million Economic growth rank: 17 Market size rank: 2 Building boom rank: 2

人口:1850万 经济增长排名:17 市场规模排名:2 建筑业繁荣度排名:2

No.3: Hong Kong
Population: 7 million Economic growth rank: 18 Market size rank: 1 Building boom rank: 1

人口:700万 经济增长排名:18 市场规模排名:1 建筑业繁荣度排名:1

No.2: Guangzhou, Guangdong Province
Population: 7 million Economic growth rank: 9 Market size rank: 4 Building boom rank: 3

人口:700万 经济增长排名:9 市场规模排名:4 建筑业繁荣度排名:3

No.1: Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
Population: 4 million Economic growth rank: 2 Market size rank: 5 Building boom rank: 5

人口:400万 经济增长排名:2 市场规模排名:5 建筑业繁荣度排名:5


[ 本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2008-11-6 15:41 编辑 ]

荡漾 发表于 2008-11-6 14:17

[08.10.29 福布斯]中国发展最快的十大城市(摘译)

【原文标题】 China's Fastest-Changing Cities
What the Future Holds

If industrialized expansion was the tale of the last 10 years, consolidation will be the story of the next decade.

Shenzhen, once a fishing village, has been competing for logistics, financial and technology services with Hong Kong ever since the 1997 changeover. Shenzhen, which borders Hong Kong to its north, has grown at an annual clip of 18% since the 1997 changeover, according to the Asia Development Bank.

Shenzhen was the mainland Chinese rival to Hong Kong before Hong Kong became part of China, but has only recently decided to move toward economic cooperation, instead of competition, with the special administrative region. That means ceding financial services to Hong Kong and enhancing logistical and shipping services in Shenzhen, says Yan Xiopei, vice-mayor of Shenzhen.

"We want to connect Shenzhen and Hong Kong," says Xiaopei. "We will make endeavors for building Shenzhen and Hong Kong into a world-class metropolis."

Not far from Shenzhen, a massive railway and port expansion development across the Pearl River Delta, slated for completion in 2010, will connect the east- and west-bank factory facilities, which manufacture everything from Apple Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) electronics to Wal-Mart (nyse: WMT - news - people ) products, to the deep-water shipping ports on the east bank.

"Factories on the western bank have always been at a disadvantage, because they don't have access to the deep-water ports on the east bank," says Andrew Ness, executive director of C.B. Richard Ellis, an international commercial real estate firm. "The railway will change that."

Even more obvious in the next decade will be the economic integration of small villages and cities into major metropolises in parts of the Yangtze River Delta outside of Shanghai and in the periphery of the Beijing-Tianjin corridor in the north. Of course, keep in mind that China's idea of a small village can have a population close to 1 million.

"Five-hundred thousand to 800,000 towns aren't even considered cities, but small townships," says Fan Gong, director of the National Economic Research Institute in China. "We will see several regions grab together on the river areas and form large metropolitan areas."

According to Gong, the government is abandoning past policies like the urban registration system, which kept farmers in the country, and is instead encouraging urbanization. Gong estimates that by 2050, 75% of China's population will live in cities.

The rapidly changing nation may no longer be recognizable to Mao, though reformer Deng Xiaoping might enjoy the 92 cities with 1 million-plus people.







      一家国际商业房地产公司C.B.Richard Ellis的执行董事Andrew Ness说:“西海岸的工厂一直以来都因为无法到达东海岸的深水港口而在发展中处于不利地位”“铁路线将改变这一点”。


      中国全国经济研究所所长Fan Gong说:“50万到80万居民的城镇甚至都不被视为城市而仅仅是个小城镇”“我们将看到沿海地区间的合并合作形成大都市区域”。

      据Fan Gong称政府正考虑抛弃一些诸如城镇登记制度(意指区分城市和农村的户口制度)的旧政策,鼓励农村城镇化。Gong预计到2050年中国将有75%的人口居住在城市。



无可就要 发表于 2008-11-6 14:37


stkanon 发表于 2008-11-6 14:39

做这策划的编辑太没职业素养了 囧
上海放的那图我在上海压根没见过这景, 估计是南京的吧

小莲 发表于 2008-11-6 14:45

o3O116) 这谁排的图片!抽打!

荡漾 发表于 2008-11-6 14:47

是呢, 我本想调整, 还是作罢了 :P

gar 发表于 2008-11-6 15:01


九龙论剑 发表于 2008-11-6 15:02


alive 发表于 2008-11-6 15:07

的却不知可不可信 图片都错了

94tony 发表于 2008-11-6 15:07

这图片太恶搞了……苏州哪儿去了- -000

wwek 发表于 2008-11-6 15:09

图是错的。 最其他别人不知道的还能马虎过去。


灯泡 发表于 2008-11-6 15:25


世彩雏鹰 发表于 2008-11-6 15:27


小D 发表于 2008-11-6 15:30


荡漾 发表于 2008-11-6 15:37

我个人觉得是图片编辑到网站上的时候正好头尾颠倒了 ^-^

应该倒过来看大概是正确的了, 呵呵

Amoy 发表于 2008-11-6 16:03


terrylau 发表于 2008-11-6 17:52


ggmch 发表于 2008-11-6 18:09


foxgun 发表于 2008-11-6 18:19


wanghz86 发表于 2008-11-7 16:12

Q6) 原帖由 Amoy 于 2008-11-6 16:03 发表 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
对啊很无语啊 我的家乡老好看了
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查看完整版本: [08.10.29 福布斯]图片透视: 中国发展最快十大城市(乌龙编辑)