krypton 发表于 2008-11-9 13:43

[11.6英国 经济学人]中国与苏丹:龙将现

China and Sudan

There be dragonsNov 6th 2008 | BEIJING
From The Economist print edition
A grim reminder of the dangers of international engagement
FIVE boxes draped in blue cloth arrived in China from Sudan on November 5th. The ashes they bore were of dead oil workers, victims of what China’s foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, called one of the most serious cases in recent years of Chinese citizens being killed abroad. As China’s overseas investments grow, its companies are learning the hard way what is meant by “country risk”.
It is only this decade, when Chinese leaders have encouraged companies to “go out”, that China’s outward investment has taken off. Much of it has entailed a scramble for resources, often in conflict-torn areas. Chinese companies, which used to think of kidnappings and terrorist attacks as problems mainly for their Western rivals, are finding that they are targets too. Their risk-assessment and security-management skills are failing to keep up.
Details of the incident in Sudan are still sketchy. It is known that nine employees of China National Petroleum Corporation, a state-owned company, were kidnapped on October 18th in an oilfield in South Kordofan, in the volatile borderland between north and south. Nine days later five of them were killed. Sudanese and Chinese officials blamed the kidnappers. The Chinese press has also noted reports that the assailants might have panicked at the sight of a Sudanese military aircraft. A senior Sudanese official quoted on state-owned radio said the attackers’ target was Sudan’s “strategic relations with China”.

Life is getting ever riskier for Chinese workers in dangerous countries. This was the third attack against Chinese-invested oilfields in Sudan in the past year. In August two telecoms engineers were taken hostage by Taliban militants in Pakistan (they escaped in October, but one was recaptured). In Nigeria Chinese have been among the more than 200 foreigners kidnapped over the past three years. In April 2007 nine Chinese were killed when gunmen attacked an oilfield in Ethiopia. The grim list goes on.
Assessing political risk in other countries is a sensitive business in China. Officials worry about upsetting diplomatic partners (relationships with resource-rich countries such as Sudan are among those most carefully nurtured). It was not until 2005 that the first comprehensive country-risk report was published in China, by Sinosure, a state-owned provider of export-credit insurance (eg, to Chinese businesses in Sudan). Sinosure’s Liang Zhidong said last year he did not believe the conflict in Darfur posed a great risk to Chinese investments. Its significance, he said, was being “intentionally exaggerated”.
Unsurprisingly, some Chinese firms are beginning to turn to Western risk and security consultancies for advice. But many, untrammeled by public opinion at home, where Sudan, for example, barely registers as an issue, see the risk as a price that has to be paid. Western businesses, they complain, have snapped up the least risky deals, leaving Chinese latecomers little choice but to venture into conflict zones.
In Sudan, China’s cosy relationship with the government is clearly one reason why it is a target for militants. The Chinese foreign ministry tried to enhance its ability to predict and respond to such threats by setting up a department of external security affairs in 2004. But it shows no enthusiasm for using China’s diplomatic clout to try to resolve internal conflicts.
Yet Chinese state-run television, in a recent programme titled “Hostage Crisis Abroad, China’s Cautious Response”, suggested one reason why risks were growing for Chinese citizens overseas: China’s growing international influence. As China’s rise continues, its understanding of the security predicament that goes with being a superpower may yet improve.

    对其他国家的政治风险评估在中国是一个很敏感的事务。官员担心会惹恼其外交伙伴(与产油国家之间的关系,苏丹也在其特别关照之列)直到2005年,中国出口信用保险公司,一个提供出口保险的国有公司,才出版了第一本国家风险综合报告,该公司的Liang Zhidong 表示不敢相信达尔富尔地区的冲突也对中国投资带来巨大风险。其影响,他说,被故意夸大了。

[ 本帖最后由 krypton 于 2008-11-8 16:33 编辑 ]
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