QChen 发表于 2008-11-9 22:09



China's 'action plan' on human rights meets with skepticism

Beijing's announcement comes three months before a U.N. council is to review the status of human rights programs in the communist nation. Critics call it a public relations ploy.

By John M. Glionna
November 7, 2008

Reporting from Beijing -- Facing international criticism over human rights abuses, China is preparing a national "action plan" on such issues as torture and freedom of speech, but critics Thursday were skeptical that the move would bring much change.

Beijing's announcement comes three months before the United Nations Human Rights Council is to review the status of rights programs in the communist nation.
China was also publicly embarrassed last month when a prestigious European human rights prize was awarded to Hu Jia, a dissident jailed for speaking out on AIDS issues and calling for environmental protections. Beijing had warned that the award would damage relations between China and the European Union.

In an article published in state-run news media, the State Council Information Office said this week that the plan would involve "expanding democracy, strengthening the rule of law, improving people's livelihood, protecting rights of women, children and ethnic minorities, and boosting public awareness of human rights."

Critics called the move a public relations ploy.
"Most international observers who follow human rights in China consider this mostly eyewash," said Jerome Cohen, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. "It would be wonderful if the Chinese government would open up and discuss concrete cases. Human rights watchers want to talk about reality, not principle."

Others were more optimistic.

"Five years ago you couldn't even say the words 'human rights' in China, so the government should be commended for uttering the phrase at last," said Sara Davis, executive director of New York-based Asia Catalyst, which provides support to Chinese groups that promote human rights.

"What's really needed is legal reform and criminal procedure law. That would give their plan some real teeth," she said. "Also protections against police abuse. If those are included, this is truly something we should be celebrating."

China has recently faced domestic pressure from politically oriented bloggers and a growing middle class to guarantee more rights.

Some said they hoped that President-elect Barack Obama would apply more pressure on China than President Bush has in regard to treatment of citizens.

A Beijing salesman, who identified himself only as Yu for fear of government retribution, said he would applaud such a move.

"That's good for the Chinese people," he said. "The Chinese government gets pressure from all sides on this issue. But the common people will benefit. It's not bad for us."

Some activists worried that Beijing's promise of a new human rights strategy was being promoted by the nation's information office, in charge of shaping public image, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an agency with relatively little domestic clout. The state-run media have reported that the plan will include contributions from the courts, parliament and nongovernmental groups.

"But the real issues that concern the world, including the torture of prisoners and free speech, are the domain of the police -- the Ministry of Public Security -- and they're not mentioned as being at the table," said Joshua Rosenzweig, Hong Kong research manager for the Dui Hua Foundation, a U.S.-based human rights group.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has absolutely no authority over China's police. That doesn't inspire much confidence that real human rights issues will be addressed or dealt with."

He added, however, that the action plan marks the first time China is committing to a public strategy on human rights that activists can later use as a scorecard for progress.

Zhao Zhengqun, deputy director of Nankai University's Center for Human Rights Research and an action plan panel member, told the South China Morning Post that the government's strategy reflected a change in attitude.

"The safeguarding of human rights had long been regarded as a liability brought by international treaties, but the action plan indicates that the government is now committed to that cause," he said. "The country shows more willingness to accept the concept of human rights."

But torture and other abuses remain a major concern with many activist groups.

Paris-based Reporters Without Borders released a statement Thursday welcoming the release of writer and cyber-dissident Liu Xianbin, who was sentenced in 1999 to 13 years in prison for "inciting subversion of state authority." But the group said that 49 such dissidents were still being held.

The group recently reported that one man was tortured and beaten by prison guards after organizing a meeting in his village that officials say was designed to overthrow the government. Yang Maodong was deprived of sleep for 13 days, the group said; he was reportedly also tied to a wooden bed, his arms and legs chained, for 42 days, and was given electric shocks.

"Without the will to put an end to such abuses, we will see little change," Rosenzweig said. "Good ideas are not going to be enough. There has to be the will to change. That's always the problem."

Glionna is a Times staff writer.


Times staff writer Mark Magnier contributed to this report




By John M. Glionna
November 7, 2008

来自北京的报道 – 面对国际上对于人权行为的批评,中国在筹划一个国家性的“行动计划”,话题涉及拷问和言论自由,但在周四,批评家们质疑,该项计划不会带来多少改变。





“大部份跟进中国人权的国际观察家认为这多半是空话。”位于纽约的对外关系委员会一位高级成员Jerome Cohen表示说,“如果中国政府开放并讨论具体个案会很不错。人权观察家们想要谈的是现实,而不是原则。”


“五年前,你甚至不能在中国说”人权”的字眼,所以政府最终说出这个词语应该得到赞许。”总部设在纽约的Asia Catalyst组织执行主任Sara Davis表示说,该组织为推广人权的中国团体提供支持。



有人说,他们希望在有关公民待遇方面,新当选的奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统会比布什总统给中国施予更多的压力。




“但是关系到社会的真正问题,包括对犯人的拷问,言论自由,警察机关领域 – 公安部 – 他们都没有被提到”, 美国人权组织对话基金会(Dui Hua Foundation)香港研究处经理Joshua Rosenzweig表示。








“没有意愿结束这样的虐待行为,我们将看不到什么大的改变。” Rosenzweig表示说,“好的想法并不够。必须要有意愿进行改变。这一直都是问题所在。”

[ 本帖最后由 QChen 于 2008-11-9 22:48 编辑 ]

维诺纳 发表于 2008-11-9 22:50



langxianping 发表于 2008-11-10 02:26


griffon 发表于 2008-11-10 10:14


langxianping 发表于 2008-11-10 20:36

但是关系到社会的真正问题,包括对犯人的拷问,言论自由,警察机关领域 – 公安部 – 他们都没有被提到

小日月 发表于 2008-11-11 13:41

Q43) 人权?难道美国的字典里就有这两个字吗

langxianping 发表于 2008-11-11 23:54

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