rebecca514 发表于 2008-11-10 01:50

[08.11.06 新闻周刊] 奥巴马的中国团队

奥巴马的中国团队 【原文标题】Obama's China Team
Obama's China Team
Melinda Liu
Who will make up Barack Obama’s Asia team? Now that he's named his chief of staff, the U.S. president-elect will focus first on several key key positions like Treasury Secretary and National Security Advisor, obviously. In addition, we already have some hints about who's had Obama's ear regarding China policy.
During the campaign, Obama’s Asia team was headed by Amb. Jeff Bader, familiar to many of us as a widely experienced Clinton-era official who’s filled significant posts in the State Department, the National Security Council and the U.S. Trade Rep’s office. Bader speaks French, too, and served as ambassador to Namibia before joining Stonebridge International, a consultancy that saw a number of members involved in Obama’s campaign.
Bader ran the China team directly. It included a number of key China hands from past administrations -- former American Institute in Taiwan head Richard Bush (now at Brookings), ex-NSC Ken Lieberthal, Mike Lampton of SAIS, former NSC and CIA official Bob Suettinger – as well as a Rand analyst from the younger generation, Evan Medeiros, who worked for a time in the office of Bush's Treasury Secretary.
Chinese officials will be eager to see who winds up getting what specific jobs in the Obama administration – including who'll replace current U.S. ambassador Clark “Sandy” Randt, who was close to Bush in college.
The China experts named here have solid experience and knowledge, but fitting the right personalities in the right slots is like working a political jigsaw puzzle (full disclosure: I've dealt with them all, including Bader, and count some as friends as well as sources.) The Sino-U.S. relationship will be crucial in the months and years to come. Let’s hope it doesn’t take Obama as long as it took Clinton to fill out his China team.


都会有谁来组成奥巴马的亚洲团队?既然他已经任命了主要成员, 这位选举总统显然首先将重点集中在几关键性职位上,如财务部长和国家安全顾问。另外,我们已经根据中国的政策可以基本推断出谁是站在奥巴马那边。
贝德尔直接掌管中国队。这个团队中包括很多以前行政部门的重要人物——前在台美协会首领理查德 布什么(现在布鲁金斯), 前国家安全局委员李侃如,中美化研究中心的迈克普顿,前国家局委员及中央情报局官员鲍勃苏金格——还有是一位年轻代的兰德分析师,埃文梅德罗斯,曾在布什的财政局办公室工作一段时间。


[ 本帖最后由 rebecca514 于 2008-11-10 01:53 编辑 ]

semla 发表于 2008-11-10 02:15



langxianping 发表于 2008-11-10 04:31


荡漾 发表于 2008-11-10 22:34

事实上很多欧洲的朋友, 美国本土就更不用提了, 一直把中国作为影响美国发展的一个部分, 或许目前尚不明朗是蛋糕上的多大一块; 不过幕僚的要诀在于轻声细语, behind the curtain.... so lets wait and see :P
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