langxianping 发表于 2008-11-11 02:09

【08.11.05 英国 金融时报】中国将出台《国家人权行动计划》

Beijing to draw blueprint for human rights reformsBy Geoff Dyer in Beijing

China is to draft its first “national action plan” on human rights which will propose ways to “expand democracy and strengthen the rule of law”, the official Xinhua news agency reported yesterday.

The plan, to be drafted by a panel including government officials and legal and human rights experts, would be a blueprint for future reform, the report said.

The announcement was greeted with some scepticism by human rights groups, which pointed to the lack of detail in the plan and similar vague promises in the past. However, they acknowledged that such a forum could embolden supporters of political reform within the Communist party. “My instinct is to say that this is empty talk, but it could also give reformers a voice by allowing them to talk more openly about some of these issues,” said Joshua Rosenzweig, at the Hong Kong office of the Dui Hua Foundation, a human rights group.

Some observers said the announcement could be a tactical move to pre-empt criticism of China's human rights record over the next year. In February, China is scheduled to face a review by the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Moreover, next year marks the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, which is also likely to prompt renewed debate about political reform in China.

The announcement follows a year in which liberals in the party have seen their hopes of a broader debate about political reform dashed. In February, researchers at the Communist party's top think-tank launched a book calling for far-reaching democratic reforms to curtail corruption and limit censorship. However, the reform blueprint made little headway after attention was dominated first by disturbances in Tibet, then by the Sichuan earthquake and the Beijing Olympics.




对于上述声明,人权组织抱着几分怀疑。它们指出,缺乏有关该计划的细节,而且所作承诺与以往一样含糊。不过,它们承认,有这样一个论坛,可能鼓励共产党内支持政治改革的人士。人权组织中美对话基金会(Dui Hua Foundation)香港办事处的罗助华(Joshua Rosenzweig)表示:“凭我的直觉,这是空谈。但它也可能给改革者一个发言机会,让他们更加公开地谈论其中一些议题。”

部分观察家表示,上述声明可能是一种先声夺人的战术,旨在防堵今后一年期间针对中国人权记录的批评。明年2月份,中国将面临设在日内瓦的联合国人权理事会(U.N. Human Rights Council)的审查。此外,明年是天安门广场大屠杀20周年,这也可能在中国激起有关政治改革的新辩论。


joezhao123 发表于 2008-11-11 03:55

最重要是得让人们知道 ,民主 法制 和社会发展之间的关系..

langxianping 发表于 2008-11-11 19:03

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