langxianping 发表于 2008-11-12 01:50

【08.11.11 美国 福布斯杂志】中国经济刺激计划会起作用吗?



Will China's Stimulus Work?
Gordon G. Chang 11.11.08, 12:00 AM ET

On Nov. 9, China's State Council announced its long-awaited--and much needed --stimulus package. The body, the central government's cabinet, said it would spend an "estimated" 4 trillion yuan, about $586 billion, over the next two years on 10 major areas, including low-income housing, rural infrastructure and transportation. In addition, Beijing said it will loosen credit and reduce taxation.

Chinese state media called the plan "a wide-ranging effort to offset adverse global economic conditions by boosting domestic demand."

The IMF and the U.S. Treasury immediately praised the Chinese plan even though the State Council provided few details. Kevin Rudd, the Australian prime minister, called it "extraordinary," and in at least one sense he was correct. The stimulus plan triggered a stock surge at home--the Shanghai Composite leaped almost 7.3%--and around the world. Stocks rallied in Asia and Europe as investors believed the program would help prevent a global recession.

Beijing's plan is clearly working magic abroad at the moment. The real question is whether it will have a lasting effect at home. The Chinese economy, the fastest growing in the world this decade, is now spiraling downward. Last year, gross domestic product jumped 11.9%, according to Beijing's official numbers. This quarter, growth is expected to clock in at about 5.8%. Just two weeks ago, academics and economists in the Chinese capital were "whispering" that 2009 growth might end up at 5% to 7%, a range then considered exceedingly low. Now, China will be fortunate if it can avoid a contraction next year.

Can the roaring Chinese economy actually turn down in 2009? All three of its legs--exports, investment and consumption--have been slowing in recent months. In late July, the Politburo officially reversed course from fighting persistent inflation to lifting growth. Since then, China's technocrats have, among other things, provided tax rebates, handed out incentives for home purchases and cut interest rates--three times in six weeks in fact. Nothing, however, has seemed to work. Pessimistic forecasts have apparently unnerved China's policymakers, and in recent days they signaled their endorsement of an
aggressive plan to stop the slide in growth.

The just-announced program is large in relation to the size of the Chinese economy and much bigger than foreign analysts had expected. Yet there are two principal reasons why it may not have the intended effect. First, as oversized as it seems, the plan may not be big enough, especially because it appears biased toward the building of infrastructure. The Chinese central government has been pumping massive amounts of cash into highways, ports and railroads since 1998, and it is not clear how much of the spending announced this week will actually be new. Moreover, even if all the spending is new--extremely unlikely--pump priming loses its effectiveness over time. Governments are notoriously inefficient investors, and this plan comes 10 years into Beijing's fiscal stimulus program.

Second, when it comes to stimulus, size matters far less than speed. Beijing did say that 400 billion yuan would be spent in the current quarter, but most of the announced spending will not occur until later periods. The effect of additional infrastructure projects may not be felt until the later part of next year, say analysts. Yet that assessment seems optimistic. As powerful as China's leaders are, they cannot just push a button and churn out eight-lane roads. It takes time to conceive projects, move peasants, survey land, flatten mountains and pour cement. The additional infrastructure contemplated by the Nov. 9 plan will, for the most part, not help in the immediate future.

In the meantime, China's citizens, the ultimate target of the stimulus package, remain wary. Grim economic news from abroad--and plunging stock markets and property values at home--have persuaded them to save even more. Today, consumer spending accounts for around 35% of economic output. That, according to The New York Times, is "probably the lowest share in any country in the world." The Chinese economy, therefore, remains unbalanced--too heavily dependent on exports and investment--and therefore unsustainable.

The announcement of Beijing's plan came just one month before the 30th anniversary of the accession of Deng Xiaoping to power and the beginning of the reform era. If there is any significance to the Nov. 9 stimulus package, it is that, after three decades, China's leaders have shown they remain wedded to the old ways of doing things, namely stimulating their economy with large infrastructure projects. In what may be a once-in-a-lifetime global downturn, they face two urgent and related tasks. They must, at the same time, create growth and put their economy on a sounder basis. The stimulus plan looks like it will help only with the first goal--if it helps at all.

Gordon G. Chang is the author of The Coming Collapse of China.


在11月9日,中国国务院宣布了人们期待已久的和急需的刺激计划。中央政府的内阁,宣布将投资一个“大约” 4万亿元,约5860亿美元,在未来两年内对10个主要领域,包括低收入住房,农村基础设施和交通运输进行投资。此外,北京表示,将放松信贷和降低税收。


国际货币基金组织和美国财政部立即赞扬了中国的计划,即便中国国务院提供了很少的细节。陆克文,澳大利亚总理,称之为“非凡的” ,至少在某个意义上,他是正确的。该项刺激计划,引发了股市大幅上扬-上证综合指数跃升了近7 .3% -并在世界各地范围内。亚洲和欧洲股市的投资者认为该计划将有助于防止全球经济衰退。

北京的计划在海外引起的反应,在这个时刻显然如同变戏法一般。但真正的问题是,在国内是否会产生持久的影响。这十年中国经济增长在世界上是最快的,但现正不断下降。去年,国内生产总值增长11.9 % ,据北京的官方数字。本季度,增长预计将跌落到大约5.8 % 。就在两个星期前,中国首都的学者及经济学家“私下嘀咕”2009年增长最终可能在5 %至7 % ,一个被认为是极其低的区间。现在如果能够避免明年收缩,中国将会是幸运的。

咆哮的中国经济2009年实际上会衰退?经济增长的三个支架-出口,投资和消费-已经放缓在最近几个月。 7月下旬,中央政治局掉转努力从防止持续的通货膨胀转向提升经济。自那时以来,中国的技术专家官员除此以外还采取措施,提供退税,奖励家庭购买和降低利率-六个星期内3次。但是,没有任何东西似乎生效。悲观的预测显然令中国的决策者在最近几天暗示认同实施积极的经济计划,以阻止经济增长下滑。


第二,当它用来刺激经济时,速度远远跟不上规模。北京说, 4000亿元将用于在本季度,但大多数宣布的支出将不会立即投入,直到更远的时候。分析师们说,对其他基础设施项目可能不会马上感受到,直到明年的时间。然而这种评估似乎乐观。即使是强大的中国的领导人,他们也不能只按一个按纽,就能造出8车道的大马路。这需要时间来规划项目,搬迁农民,土地勘察,拉平山区和生产运输水泥。11月9日计划中其他基础设施的设想,在大多数情况下,不会立即就有帮助。

与此同时,中国公民,该一揽子的刺激计划的最终目标对象,保持谨慎态度。来自海外暗淡的经济消息-跳出股票市场,保存财产价值在家中-已说服他们甚至储蓄更多。今天,个人消费开支约占国家35 %左右的经济产出,据纽约时报指出,“可能是世界上任何国家的最低份额比例。 ”中国经济因此仍不平衡-太严重依赖于出口和投资-因此是不可持续的。



[ 本帖最后由 CC_best 于 2008-11-12 16:34 编辑 ]

jfjuiiu 发表于 2008-11-12 02:54


桔子咪咪 发表于 2008-11-12 08:20


★木兰花★ 发表于 2008-11-12 08:37


joezhao123 发表于 2008-11-12 08:47

这个 GORDON我知道.,   他也多次上过CNN

是个华裔 , 但是彻头彻尾的 反华者, 当时地震的时候.,他也大放厥词.....

哎..看到这种人有时候心真是 不舒服啊

芒果记 发表于 2008-11-12 08:48


spirit33 发表于 2008-11-12 09:00

这人不行的, 但这次他应该没说错, 4W亿竟然不先投资工业和企业, 纯粹就是为了GDP好看, 根本没有持续性。

oulinhan 发表于 2008-11-12 09:24

走自己的路 让别人说去吧。

rlsrls08 发表于 2008-11-12 10:15

原帖由 joezhao123 于 2008-11-12 08:47 发表
这个 GORDON我知道.,   他也多次上过CNN

是个华裔 , 但是彻头彻尾的 反华者, 当时地震的时候.,他也大放厥词.....
哎..看到这种人有时候心真是 不舒服啊 ...


竹隐泉 发表于 2008-11-12 10:25

原帖由 spirit33 于 2008-11-12 09:00 发表
这人不行的, 但这次他应该没说错, 4W亿竟然不先投资工业和企业, 纯粹就是为了GDP好看, 根本没有持续性。

icmp1975 发表于 2008-11-12 10:30


lezaiyisheng 发表于 2008-11-12 10:57



和谐共生 发表于 2008-11-12 10:59



dolphinxjdjj 发表于 2008-11-12 11:51

原帖由 和谐共生 于 2008-11-12 10:59 发表
我相信胡温的工作效率.举个小例子,去年的这个时候,猪肉涨到14块左右(斤),今年年初的时候,超市的豆油没几天就涨价,而且涨幅巨大,散装豆油快10元(斤),我妈就抱怨快吃不起肉了,而且人人都觉得只能涨不会降回来,但是从3 ...


和谐共生 发表于 2008-11-12 12:45

原帖由 dolphinxjdjj 于 2008-11-12 11:51 发表

其实好多国家政策是好的,东西是降了,比如大豆,但是好多市场上前一阵子涨上去的豆制品就不降,我妈妈买菜时说大豆降那么多了问他们为何不降,那些商贩说,这是库存的豆子,这些商人东西涨上去了,就不会降下来,物价局也不管事情 ...

因为这些东西不是CPI指数样本,CPI不会把所有居民消费品都纳入统计范畴,只会跟踪肉油蛋奶等基本 生活用品的价格,其他生活用品的价格还是要靠市场这只"无形"的手来调整,估计你家附近的豆制品商家竞争不够,竞争的商家多了自然价格就会降,我们这里豆腐也没降价,可块儿比以前大多了,也就是变相降价

mubmub 发表于 2008-11-12 14:40

原帖由 spirit33 于 2008-11-12 09:00 发表
这人不行的, 但这次他应该没说错, 4W亿竟然不先投资工业和企业, 纯粹就是为了GDP好看, 根本没有持续性。






seen 发表于 2008-11-12 15:21



中国星778 发表于 2008-11-12 15:33

同意16楼的说法,现在外围经济不好国内好多行业产能过剩了,现在投资基建可以压低价买材料,可为工程省钱(前题是当管的不要贪污).基建搞好了才能提高生前效率,没听说过吗(要想富先修路).Q74) Q74) Q74)

浩汶居士 发表于 2008-11-12 15:48

原帖由 spirit33 于 2008-11-12 09:00 发表
这人不行的, 但这次他应该没说错, 4W亿竟然不先投资工业和企业, 纯粹就是为了GDP好看, 根本没有持续性。


zero9999 发表于 2008-11-12 18:54

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