langxianping 发表于 2008-11-13 09:48

【08.11.12 美 国际先驱论坛报】政治紧张局势与北京刺激计划



Political tensions and Beijing's stimulus plan

Chinese leaders have been saying that the $586 billion economic stimulus package they unveiled this week is not only needed to pump up domestic growth but is also the best way for China to help other countries cope with a global economic crisis. This is one of those rare occasions when a major power's marketing of its self-interested policies contains a lot of truth.

China's $3.3 trillion economy accounted for about a quarter of the world's economic growth last year. China's stimulus package may not be sufficient to reverse the decline of demand in the global economy, but without sharply increased Chinese spending on housing, railways, power grids, and social welfare, the worldwide recession now underway would doubtless get much worse.

Unlike other developed and developing countries, China has built up enormous reserves in the recent boom years. It has the money to spend on airports and highways and, as those funds are spent, Chinese firms will be buying construction equipment from the United States and Europe, iron ore from Australia and Brazil, and industrial goods from other countries in Asia.

It is true, then, that Beijing's plan to increase government spending and cut interest rates will be a stimulus package for other countries as well as China.

What China's leaders are not saying, however, is that they feel compelled to drop their past concern with inflation and prime the pump of economic growth for political reasons as well as purely economic ones. They need double-digit growth rates simply to absorb into the work force the 20 million peasants migrating into China's cities each year.
Today in Opinion

With growth slowing to less than 6 percent in the last quarter, 67,000 export-producing factories have closed already this year, and there have been many workers' protests and violent confrontations with the police in cities across China.

As urban workers get angrier and peasants clash with corrupt local Communist Party bosses, the vast majority of China's 5 million college graduates last year have yet to find employment. The result is a combustible mix of social frustration. The Communist authorities are seeking to stimulate the Chinese economy not merely out of a new-found spirit of solidarity with the rest of the world, but from a finely honed sense of their own self-preservation.

Still, their self-interest is nudging China in the direction it must eventually take - toward increased production for domestic consumption. Toward this end, a Chinese New Deal is needed - a policy of investing in social welfare programs that raise the standard of living for the 500 million Chinese now subsisting on less than $2 a day. This is where China's true interests and the world's coincide.






随着最后一个季度增长速度低于百分之六时, 67000家出口生产工厂已经关闭,今年在中国城市发生了许多工人的抗议以及与警察的暴力对抗事件。


尽管如此,他们的自身利益驱动着中国最终的方向——增加生产供国内消费。为此,一个中国新政是需要的-在社会福利方面计划一个投资政策,以提高中国5 亿现在不到2美元一天人民的生活水平。这是中国真正和世界相吻合的利益。

[ 本帖最后由 langxianping 于 2008-11-13 10:10 编辑 ]

langxianping 发表于 2008-11-13 10:14


美国《国际先驱论坛报》11月5日文章:中国失业率上升,“民工荒”迅速变成“求工难” 作者 Simon Rabinovitch 译者 王永生









[ 本帖最后由 langxianping 于 2008-11-13 10:18 编辑 ]

专门PK 发表于 2008-11-13 11:30


lezaiyisheng 发表于 2008-11-13 13:49


griffon 发表于 2008-11-13 14:07

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