langxianping 发表于 2008-11-13 11:21

【08.11.13 英国 金融时报】 中国成功之后面临的风险










处于丑闻中心的三鹿集团管理层、当地官员,甚至三鹿的新西兰投资者新西兰恒天然乳业合作集团(Fonterra Dairy Co-operative),在奥运会开幕前就知道有奶粉被工业原料三聚氰胺污染,并且已经发货。但直到9月份,这个问题才在新西兰政府的压力下公诸于众。






上述手法似乎是有效的,但驻北京的政治分析师罗素·利·摩西(Russell Leigh Moses)表示,这些做法不会永远奏效。他说:“这种做法是‘围捕疑犯',寻找某种形式的政治借口,随后找出替罪羊。上述危机似乎没有让人们对体系运作方式,进行根本性的反思。”




香港城市大学当代中国研究中心教授郑宇硕(Joseph Cheng)表示,共产党必须改变治理方式,以符合更为富有、信息更为充足的民众的期望。




Dangers of success

By Mure Dickie 2008-11-13

Rarely have the strengths and weakness of China's Communist party government been so graphically on display as in the first nine months of 2008.

A devastating earthquake, unprecedented snowstorms, riots on the roof of the world, a poisonous milk scandal and the world's biggest sportsfest have exposed both the extraordinary resources commanded by the world's biggest political group and the difficulties it faces in coping with some 21st-century challenges.

Take the year's great set-piece moment, the Beijing Olympics, as an example. Technocratic officials with the full backing of top leaders and with little need for public consultation had no difficulty delivering a swathe of major infrastructure projects in time for the Games – including the construction of extraordinary new stadiums that became instant, internationally recognised icons. Then there was the opening ceremony, with its stunning visuals and cast of thousands of near-perfectly drilled soldiers and militiamen celebrating the glories of Chinese culture.

Yet the Olympics also laid bare the authoritarian underpinnings on which party rule relies. After announcing the creation of special protest zones for would-be demonstrators during the Games, police simply refused permission for anyone to use them – and locked up those applicants who appeared uncowed. Patients in open wards at psychiatric hospitals suddenly found themselves locked in. Roadblocks were thrown up around Beijing and migrant workers forced to return to distant homes.

To Beijing's great satisfaction, such measures helped ensure that the Olympics passed off without any major problems, even if some visitors were disappointed by the lack of festivity that surrounded this festival of sport. Nationalist sentiment, seen by the party as a vital source of legitimacy, was further fuelled by the Chinese athletes' record-breaking haul of gold medals. And displays of patriotic fervour were also centre-stage when China followed the Games with its first space walk last month.

Even before the Games, leaders had had the chance to demonstrate the party's organisational strength and concern for the welfare of the masses following the devastating earthquake that hit southwestern Sichuan Province in May. President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao won widespread plaudits for mobilising extraordinary resources quickly after the quake.

Yet party leaders have hardly had everything go their way this year. The unprecedented disruption caused by freak snowstorms exposed the weakness of much of China's transport infrastructure – and left Mr Wen apologising by megaphone to stranded rail passengers.

Then in March, riots in Lhasa exposed the strength of anti-Chinese feeling in Tibet and prompted international protests that turned a triumphal international Olympic torch relay into a painful grind of negative publicity.

Perhaps most damaging to the party's long-term prospects, however, was the scandal surrounding the poisoning of tens of thousands of infants who drank milk formula distributed by local dairy companies.

Managers at Sanlu Group, the company at the heart of the scandal, local officials and even Sanlu's New Zealand investor, Fonterra Dairy Co-operative, all knew about the shipments of milk powder contaminated with the industrial chemical melamine before the Olympics opened. But it was not until September that it was made public under pressure from the New Zealand government.

In some ways, the milk crisis demonstrated how little China has changed in the five years since Mr Hu and Mr Wen rose to power. In 2003, Mr Hu won praise for promising greater government openness following the collapse of government efforts to cover up the spread of the deadly Sars virus. Yet media controls have actually been tightened under Mr Hu, and the milk scandal showed the urge to conceal bad news could still trump concerns about public health.

Many Chinese were understandably outraged. “They can throw our savings to buy some worthless Wall Street bond, they can embezzle our tax, we just keep our mouths shut. But they must not mess with the food, especially the babies,” wrote one contributor to an e-mail discussion among social activists.

Such anger is bad news for a government that feels increasingly vulnerable to public opinion. Yet few doubt the party's ability to face down its critics, for the moment at least. Unlike in 1989, when internal divisions almost paralysed the party in the face of huge pro-democracy protests centred on Tiananmen Square, senior leaders now present an almost perfect face of public unity. In part this reflects a firm consensus in favour of market reforms based on models provided by more advanced economies and adopted to local circumstances. Intra-party policy disputes still abound, but they lack the ideological edge of those in the 1980s.

A focus on training and the institutionalised promotion of competent technocrats to senior positions also means that the government has adapted impressively to the needs of modern management, even if widespread corruption remains a source of deep public resentment. Meanwhile, the party has ensured its voice continues to be heard by creating and maintaining a powerful system of media and internet censorship that, in effect, mutes critical voices while allowing relatively free access to information.

Party leaders have also developed techniques for minimising the damage caused by setbacks such as the milk scandal. Standard procedure involves blaming lower levels of officialdom for any problems, firing or jailing culprits and ensuring that top leaders are portrayed in the media as sorting out the mess. All these approaches were used during the milk scandal – along with another emotive apology to its victims from Mr Wen.

The tactics appear to be effective, but Russell Leigh Moses, a Beijing-based political analyst, says they will not work forever. “It's ‘round up the usual suspects', seek some form of political cover and then find people to blame,” he says. “What these crises don't seem to be doing is leading to any fundamental rethinking of how the system works.”

While in the 1980s, many Chinese leaders saw major political reform as a central policy goal, these days Mr Hu and his peers appear to have little appetite for anything more than tinkering with intra-party procedures and measures to improve governance. Indeed, the success of the Beijing Games has prompted pride bordering on hubris.

“Throughout the Olympics, the Chinese government and people demonstrated their powerful organisational strength and unsurpassed ability to mobilise society ... fully embodying the superiority of China's political system,” crowed an opinion piece published in the party's People's Daily newspaper in September.

“The short-term success is leading officials to think they can get away with ,” says Mr Moses. “They are victims of their own success.”

Joseph Cheng, professor at the Contemporary China Research Centre at Hong Kong's City University, agrees that the party must change the way it governs to match the expectations of a richer and better-informed population.

“People do start to ask sensible questions, such as ‘Why can't we have more freedom for the media? Why aren't there more checks and balances? When are we going to have real rule of law?'” he says. Without genuine political reforms that can bring such things, he warns, China will move slowly towards a “crisis situation”.

“The real test will come when you have a sustained period of economic slowdown – and Chinese leaders understand that. That is why they are focused on maintaining at least 8 per cent growth,” Prof Cheng says.

[ 本帖最后由 langxianping 于 2008-11-13 12:02 编辑 ]

krypton 发表于 2008-11-13 11:53

这篇报道的批评还是很有建设性的,我们的制度确实有优越性,但也有不足,应该从中吸取些教训 !

77xiong05 发表于 2008-11-14 23:10


   **YOU! 难道毒奶粉是温总理造的?文章中的话好像是从屁股眼冒出来的吧?特别臭!

维诺纳 发表于 2008-11-15 10:24


飘炫 发表于 2008-11-16 01:05


hhjnet 发表于 2008-11-16 03:04


竹隐泉 发表于 2008-11-18 15:15

"但驻北京的政治分析师罗素·利·摩西(Russell Leigh Moses)表示,这些做法不会永远奏效。"他说:“这种做法是‘围捕疑犯',寻找某种形式的政治借口,随后找出替罪羊。上述危机似乎没有让人们对体系运作方式,进行根本性的反思。”

wwek 发表于 2008-11-18 16:33

这篇文章对西方来说 很中肯了··。

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