alwayslovechina 发表于 2008-11-14 08:41

【 08.11.12 英国BBC】台湾前领导人被拘留

【标题】Taiwan's ex-president in custody 台湾前领导人被拘留

Taiwan's ex-President Chen Shui-bian, who faces corruption allegations, has been formally taken into custody.
       Mr Chen, an independence activist and staunch critic of China, was taken to jail after his detention was approved by a court overnight. It came at the end of a dramatic 24 hours, during which police led a defiant Mr Chen away in handcuffs. Mr Chen, who stepped down in May, denies all the graft charges and claims they are politically motivated. He has been taken to Tucheng prison in the suburbs of the capital, Taipei. He can now be held for up to four months, despite not yet having formally been charged. Police have reportedly tightened security around the jail amid threats from his supporters.

Muscle tear
   The BBC's Cindy Sui in Taipei says the authorities want to avoid the type of demonstrations seen last week during a landmark visit by a high-ranking Chinese Communist official to Taiwan. Mr Chen and his supporters - who see closer ties to Beijing as a threat to Taiwan's sovereignty - opposed that visit. Court proceedings had to be suspended on Tuesday night, when Mr Chen said he needed hospital treatment after being pushed outside the court building. He was returned to court for an overnight sitting after doctors found he had only a minor muscle tear. Mr Chen is accused of money laundering and illegally using a special presidential fund. But the outspoken nationalist accuses the new administration of persecuting him "as a sacrifice to appease China". Mr Chen is an ardent supporter of Taiwanese independence, and a trenchant critic of President Ma Ying-jeou's Kuomintang (KMT) administration, which he accuses of pandering to China. But China has termed accusations that his detention is a plot between Beijing and President Ma's administration "pure fabrication". President Ma has also denied intervening in the case.

Opposition damaged?
       Mr Chen and his family have been mired in corruption allegations since 2006, when his son-in-law was charged with insider trading on the stock market and then jailed for seven years. The charges have damaged the reputation of the main opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), observers say, which may now face a rough ride in next year's local elections. Taiwan has been ruled separately since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949. The defeated Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan to create a self-governing entity. But Beijing sees the island as a breakaway province which should be reunified with the mainland, by force if necessary.

现在没有时间 20小时之后我会回来翻译,如果还没人翻译的话Q44)

[ 本帖最后由 alwayslovechina 于 2008-11-14 08:43 编辑 ]

穆萨 发表于 2008-11-14 09:22


小严godbaby 发表于 2008-11-14 10:45

Taiwan's ex-President Chen Shui-bian, who faces corruption allegations, has been formally taken into custody.

      Mr Chen, an independence activist and staunch critic of China, was taken to jail after his detention was approved by a court overnight. It came at the end of a dramatic 24 hours, during which police led a defiant Mr Chen away in handcuffs. Mr Chen, who stepped down in May, denies all the graft charges and claims they are politically motivated. He has been taken to Tucheng prison in the suburbs of the capital, Taipei. He can now be held for up to four months, despite not yet having formally been charged. Police have reportedly tightened security around the jail amid threats from his supporters.

Muscle tear

   The BBC's Cindy Sui in Taipei says the authorities want to avoid the type of demonstrations seen last week during a landmark visit by a high-ranking Chinese Communist official to Taiwan. Mr Chen and his supporters - who see closer ties to Beijing as a threat to Taiwan's sovereignty - opposed that visit. Court proceedings had to be suspended on Tuesday night, when Mr Chen said he needed hospital treatment after being pushed outside the court building. He was returned to court for an overnight sitting after doctors found he had only a minor muscle tear. Mr Chen is accused of money laundering and illegally using a special presidential fund. But the outspoken nationalist accuses the new administration of persecuting him "as a sacrifice to appease China". Mr Chen is an ardent supporter of Taiwanese independence, and a trenchant critic of President Ma Ying-jeou's Kuomintang (KMT) administration, which he accuses of pandering to China. But China has termed accusations that his detention is a plot between Beijing and President Ma's administration "pure fabrication". President Ma has also denied intervening in the case.
      BBC记者Cindy Sui 台北报道,当局希望避免此类示威出现在上周的一位中国共产党高层正式对台湾的一个里程碑访问期间。而陈先生和他的支持者-认为与北京更密切的关系对台湾的主权是一个威胁-反对这一访问。星期二晚上,陈先生称他在法院大楼外被推倒需要送往医院治疗后,法院不得不暂停诉讼。当医生发现他只有轻微的肌肉拉伤后,他又被送回法院连夜开庭。陈先生被指控洗钱和非法使用“总统”特别基金。但是,直言不讳的民族主义者指责新“政府”将他“作为安抚中国的一个牺牲品”来迫害。陈先生是台湾独立的一个热心支持者,并中肯地批评马英九领导的“迎合中国”的国民党“政府”。但是,中国称“陈先生被拘留是北京与马政府的阴谋”这一指控“纯属捏造” 。马总统也否认介入此案。

Opposition damaged?

       Mr Chen and his family have been mired in corruption allegations since 2006, when his son-in-law was charged with insider trading on the stock market and then jailed for seven years. The charges have damaged the reputation of the main opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), observers say, which may now face a rough ride in next year's local elections. Taiwan has been ruled separately since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949. The defeated Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan to create a self-governing entity. But Beijing sees the island as a breakaway province which should be reunified with the mainland, by force if necessary.
      自2006年以来陈先生和他的家人就已经陷入了腐败的指控,他的女婿被指控犯有股市内幕交易之后被判入狱七年。观察家认为,主要在野党--民主进步党(民进党)因指控而声誉受损 ,可能在明年的地方选举中面临困境。中国内战于1949年结束以来台湾一直是独立的统治。被击败的国民党退守台湾建立一个自治的实体。不过,北京则将台湾作为一个应该回归祖国的省,如有必要就会以武力来统一。

Q11) 阿扁真是委屈啊,人BBC都在为他叫屈呢~Q23)

晴川历历 发表于 2008-11-14 11:18


陈,坚定的台独人士与反对中国积极分子,经法院批准后一夜之间被捕入狱,在他挑衅的向狱警展示手拷时使他这戏剧化的24小时到了顶.自5月份辞职下台以来,他对所有的贪污指控均以政治动机为目的进行了否认.他被关入台北市郊的TUCHEN监狱 ,尽管对他的指控还未被正式立案,但这次他仍将被关押4个月 . 为了防备陈的支持者(闹事)警方宣称加强了监狱的保安措施

   BBC的记者CINDY SUI在台北报道,当局为了避免出现上周中国大陆高官来访时的那种示威(由陈水扁和他的支持者发动的,担心与大陆联系过于密切会使台湾当局的主权独立受到威胁而举行)再次发生,.法院对陈水扁刑推迟到了星期二晚,陈水扁在被推出法庭时宣称他需要医生治疗.经医生检查后发现只是轻微拉伤后再次被送回法院留了一夜.陈被恐洗钱及非法设置总统基金,但外界的民族主义者声称他只是一个新政权为取悦大陆的政治牺牲品.陈是坚持台湾独立的热心支持者,一个马英九(他称马是与大陆拉线的皮条客)为首国民党政府的强烈反对者.但大陆则指控发言则指出他所谓"受国共迫害纯属造谣.马英九亦否认插手此事.
      陈以及其家族从2006年来就陷入贪污指控的泥潭中.他的女婿因被指靠幕后消息股市不当获利而被判入狱7年.这些指控使最大的在野党民进党的形象大受损害 .有观察家说,这也使得民进党在下一年的当地大选中可能受到严厉攻击..自1949年中国内战结束以来台湾一直处于与大陆分离状态 ,失败的国民党将台湾已变成了一个自治实体, 但北京仍然视台湾是一个独立的省份而已并需与大陆统一,必要时甚至不惜采取武力.

晴川历历 发表于 2008-11-14 11:20

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