alwayslovechina 发表于 2008-11-14 08:50

【 08.11.13 英国BBC】经济危机的冲击震惊中国

【标题】China startled by force of crisis经济危机的冲击令中国震惊
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao says the effect of the global financial crisis on China is "worse than expected", according to reports.
It is the first time the premier's personal view on how the crisis is affecting China has been made public. His words come days after the country announced a $586bn (£370bn) stimulus package to avoid the economy slowing. China's growth rate is still high compared to other countries, but economic expansion slowed this year. According to the state-run China Daily, Premier Wen gave his downbeat assessment to government staff at a briefing on Tuesday.

Slowing down
It shows how the fortunes of the world's fourth-largest economy have changed dramatically in a short space of time. It is not long ago that China was introducing measures to cool down an economy that grew by 11.9% last year. But that figure fell to just 9% in the third quarter of this year due to a slowing of export and investment growth. The governor of southern Guangdong Province, where many of China's factories are based, recently said that orders had fallen sharply this year. Many companies in the province have closed down, leaving thousands of people, mostly migrant workers, without jobs. China's fear is that increasing unemployment will lead to social instability, as it did when many state-run firms were closed a decade ago. To offset the slowdown, over the last few months China has introduced a range of measures to boost the economy, such as cutting interest rates. But the sudden global financial crisis meant the government had to act further. The 10-point stimulus plan will see the government loosen credit controls, spend more on infrastructure projects and cut taxes. It also hopes to persuade Chinese shoppers to spend more.


[ 本帖最后由 alwayslovechina 于 2008-11-14 08:51 编辑 ]

朝露晨光 发表于 2008-11-14 09:01


alwayslovechina 发表于 2008-11-14 09:03

嘿嘿谢谢啊 Q51) Q51)


晴川历历 发表于 2008-11-14 09:26



这显示了世界财富的第四大经济体在相当短的时间内的一个引人注目的改变.就在不久前中国还在想法使年增长率为11.9%的经济过热降温.但在今年第三季度就由于出口减小投资减少经济增长率已回落到9%. 在南方的广东省,中国的工厂最集中的省份之一,最近就有连续报道说国外订单急剧减少,导致很多企业倒闭,数千人失业 ,大部分的外地民工找不到工作.中国开始担心失业率增加会导致社会不稳定,就象十年前的大规模国企倒闭(所引发的危机一样) .为抵消经济的缓慢 ,前几个月以来,中国开始推行一些刺激经济的措施如降息等.但突如其来的全球金融危机使得政府必须有更多的方案出台,十条经济刺激方案也显示了政府对信贷的控制放松, 减税及在基建项目加大投入等等,同时亦希望促进消费者的信心让他们能扩大消费.

晴川历历 发表于 2008-11-14 09:30


朝露晨光 发表于 2008-11-14 09:38

【 08.11.13 英国BBC】经济危机的冲击震惊中国

【原文标题】 China startled by force of crisis
【中文标题】 经济危机的冲击震惊中国
【登载媒体】 BBC网站
【译    者】   朝露晨光
【声    明】   译文版权归AC及译者所有,转载请注明来源
【翻译方式】 人工翻译

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao says the effect of the global financial crisis on China is "worse than expected", according to reports.

It is the first time the premier's personal view on how the crisis is affecting China has been made public.

His words come days after the country announced a $586bn (£370bn) stimulus package to avoid the economy slowing.

China's growth rate is still high compared to other countries, but economic expansion slowed this year.

According to the state-run China Daily, Premier Wen gave his downbeat assessment to government staff at a briefing on Tuesday.

Slowing down

It shows how the fortunes of the world's fourth-largest economy have changed dramatically in a short space of time.

It is not long ago that China was introducing measures to cool down an economy that grew by 11.9% last year. But that figure fell to just 9% in the third quarter of this year due to a slowing of export and investment growth.

The governor of southern Guangdong Province, where many of China's factories are based, recently said that orders had fallen sharply this year. Many companies in the province have closed down, leaving thousands of people, mostly migrant workers, without jobs.

China's fear is that increasing unemployment will lead to social instability, as it did when many state-run firms were closed a decade ago.

To offset the slowdown, over the last few months China has introduced a range of measures to boost the economy, such as cutting interest rates.

But the sudden global financial crisis meant the government had to act further.

The 10-point stimulus plan will see the government loosen credit controls, spend more on infrastructure projects and cut taxes.

It also hopes to persuade Chinese shoppers to spend more.

[ 本帖最后由 朝露晨光 于 2008-11-14 09:45 编辑 ]

朝露晨光 发表于 2008-11-14 09:43


[ 本帖最后由 朝露晨光 于 2008-11-14 10:00 编辑 ]

jacky2008525 发表于 2008-11-15 16:59

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