flawcharacter 发表于 2008-11-15 00:58

【08. 11. 13英国经济学人】来个抛笔记本电脑比赛?

The Chinese Peasant Olympics
Anyone for toss the laptop?
Nov 13th 2008
From The Economist print edition
经济学人杂志,2008 年11月13日

The Olympic spirit reaches the countryside

THEY recall a hybrid of the Olympics and a school sports day. In the swimming, participants have baskets of balls attached to their heads or carry a torch. Cyclists have bags weighing up to 65kg (140lbs) strapped to their seats. There is a four-legged race with three people. And, of course, there is “the water-carrying contest to protect the seedlings amid drought”, a perennial favourite.
这些项目让人想起奥运会和学校运动会的混杂。 在游泳比赛中,选手们头上顶着一筐球,或者举着火炬。自行车比赛,自行车选手座位上绑着130斤的沙袋。还有三人四足赛跑比赛。当然,还有长期保留项目“提水抗旱保苗”比赛。
The Chinese Peasant Olympics, which finished this month in the southern city of Quanzhou, have been held every four years since 1988. This year they attracted a record 3,500 entrants from across China and Taiwan. Quanzhou invested more than 1 billion yuan ($145m) to build 15 venues for the tournament. More than 180 events ranged from table tennis and chess to traditional Chinese activities such as dragon-boat racing, tai-qi and lion dancing, and more exotic sports, such as food-carrying, kite-flying and tyre-pushing.

The games provide a way for the authorities to honour farmers’ collective toil. Many events require co-operation rather than competition, to emphasise the goal of “harmony”. The fancy opening and closing ceremonies also helped make the lavish summer Olympics in Beijing look less outlandish to the average provincial paddy worker.
This year saw a new event, the traditional Yangko folk dance. Yet some contestants fretted that other changes would be needed before 2012. There were complaints that the cycling events needed updating, with so many peasants now owning motorcycles. One competitor also complained that he had failed to make the rice-planting final because he was more used to a machine these days.
今年有了新的项目 :中国传统秧歌。而一些选手抱怨2012年下一届前应该做出一些变化。有的抱怨自行车比赛需要更新,因为很多农民现在骑摩托车。一位选手也抱怨之所以自己在插秧决赛中失利,是由于当前他更习惯于机械插秧。
With ever more peasants migrating to the cities, there is also a worry that the games are losing some of their resonance. Time to consider a “navigating an overloaded taxi at high speed while using two mobile phones” event?

飘炫 发表于 2008-11-15 04:59


幸福元年 发表于 2008-11-16 22:34

Q44) 哈哈哈!经济学人真有意思,这篇报道笑死我了。

flawcharacter 发表于 2008-11-19 15:29


wengxy 发表于 2008-11-19 21:18

:D :P :P :P :lol:
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