荡漾 发表于 2008-11-16 04:16

[08.11.24 福布斯]“中国那么快”——专访谷歌中国李开复

【原文标题】Google China's Learning Curve
【原文】(by Russell Flannery)

Kai-Fu Lee has led the charge in the search-engine market in mainland China.

The number of Internet users in China surpassed that of the U.S. this year. While other overseas Internet companies such as AOL have stumbled in the mainland, Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) has managed to raise its share of the search market to about 28% against a powerful domestic rival, Baidu, in the past three years. Google's Greater China president, Kai-Fu Lee, hired away from Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) in 2005, has led the charge. FORBES ASIA met the former Carnegie Mellon computer science professor in Beijing.

FORBES ASIA:How important is China to Google?

China is incredibly important because it is both big and growing fast. But when you're number two, you have to try harder. China advertisers aren't paying the same rate as in the U.S. So, although the search market is large, it's not monetizable at the same rate as the U.S. That will change over time.

You were a rising star at Microsoft but left to join Google. Why?

As a computer scientist, I found Google to be exciting. Also, I had realized that my destiny was in China. I wanted to leverage my bicultural background. I wasn't able to find that kind of opportunity at Microsoft or elsewhere, until I found Google. Also, I'm okay at executing, but I'm really good at starting things from scratch.

How would you compare Microsoft's and Google's efforts in China?

Microsoft came in with its own set of challenges: dealing with piracy and government relations. But it had patience, has improved the quality of its people and reached out to the Chinese government. China's president has gone to Bill Gates' house. But Google similarly has done well. We've had to do it in a much shorter time frame. I think it takes a long time for every American company to learn how to operate. General Motors (nyse: GM - news - people ), for instance, a decade ago was trailing Audi and Volkswagen (other-otc: VLKAF.PK - news - people ). It was difficult to understand, but they eventually figured out how to do it. If you look at Coca-Cola (nyse: KO - news - people ), it took time.

The problem with Microsoft has been that its industry is faster moving than GM's. The problem for Google is that our industry is even faster moving than Microsoft's. If you can't learn quickly, your market share will perish, as many American Internet companies have seen. In the worst case, their market share has gone from 90% to 0% in three or four years.

How has that happened?

That's the result of expecting that no special things need to be changed in China, moving to make money too quickly and not empowering the China team. If you're Microsoft and have 20 years, you can make these kinds of mistakes and eventually recover. Or in the car or beverage industry, maybe you can have 15 years and eventually recover. But if you're in the Internet industry, you only have 2 or 3 years. It's that fast. Google didn't have much time. The problem that I had when I joined in 2005 was that we were halfway in our decline toward zero. Second, it would take a while for us to build a team and great products. I needed patience and got support.

What are some services that Google can offer in the U.S. that you can't in China? And vice versa?

The ones that we can't do aren't many, but there are cultural challenges. One example is music. Chinese people expect and demand free music downloads on their PCs, because they're used to it. Is it legal? There is no question that the record labels were not paid and it's not right. But who broke what law and who's responsible? That's up to the courts to work out. The use of digital music is huge, and that's become a huge pastime and one of the biggest applications in China. We can't be a part of that because we're not going to support a clear disregard for intellectual property. But we provide legal free music downloads with an ad-funded model that's not feasible in the U.S.

Also, Web search is different. You see many more things that you can click on. Chinese Web sites are more cluttered. But there's a reason: People don't like to type, they like to click. Typing is slow, it's a pain. So we have more detail there. Also, Chinese like to explore. So we want to build an interface that facilitates that local search behavior. We're also launching locally designed products--for instance, one that helped people find lost relatives after the Sichuan earthquake and one that helps people understand train delays.

Has the fall in equities made M&A more attractive for Google to expand in China?

We're not seeing huge bargains yet.


















[ 本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2008-11-16 03:12 编辑 ]
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