charles__ 发表于 2008-11-17 16:45

【08.11.13 印度时报】中国望印度阻止达赖的达兰萨拉集会

China wants India to block Dalai Lama's Dharamshala meet
13 Nov 2008, 1800 hrs IST, Saibal Dasgupta, TNN   

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BEIJING: China on Thursday made a direct request to India for blocking the proposed six-day meeting organised by the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala from
November 17 to discuss the future of Tibet. ( Watch )

"The Indian government has made solemn commitment about not allowing any anti-China activities on its soil. We hope that the commitment will be implemented," Qin Gang, the foreign ministry spokesman said at a press conference on Thursday.

Anyone who participates in the meeting being organised by the Dalai Lama will not be liked by the Chinese people, he said. The Chinese government is against anyone trying to split the nation or raise such an issue in the international arena, he said.

The statement is aimed to put pressure on the Indian government, which may find it difficult to block the meeting in view of the vast support enjoyed by the Dalai Lama the world over.

India had earlier accepted China's request to check pro-Tibet protestors demonstrating against the Olympic Games torch relay and trying to march to Tibet from Dharamshala in July and August. Chinese leaders had eagerly praised India's efforts in this direction. They want New Delhi to act directly against the Dalai Lama this time, which is obviously going to put New Delhi in a spot.

Diplomats on the two sides are engaged in tough negotiations that may involve a trade-off if New Delhi agreed to take measures to stop the Dalai Lama from holding the meeting. But any sort of agreement has been made difficult because of the Arunachal Pradesh issue.

The Chinese foreign ministry recently challenged external affairs minister Pranab Mukherjee's claim that Arunachal is an integral part of India. Qin said on Tuesday that Mukherjee's statement was contrary to historical facts as China does not accept the MacMohan Line and the border between the two nations has not yet been demarcated.

The Dalai Lama invoked article 59 of the Tibetan Charter that empowers him to call a 'Special Meeting' to discuss the future course of action as his envoys returned empty handed after secret meetings with Chinese government representatives. The past few weeks has seen the Tibetan leader complaining that he had "given up" on China and that his "faith in the Chinese government is thinning."

The "special meeting" to be held in Dharamshala will be attended by past and present members of the cabinet in his government-in-exile, past and present members of the Tibetan parliament in exile, representatives of non-government organisations and intellectuals interested in the Tibetan issue.

115 comments on this story. Read them and post your own.


[ 本帖最后由 charles__ 于 2008-11-17 16:54 编辑 ]

charles__ 发表于 2008-11-17 16:49


Readers OpinionsWrite to Editor

China wants India to block Dalai Lama's Dharamshala meet

vyatsaayan,UK,says:GOI can act only if Tibetans are amassing weaponry, training in armed struggle against China on Indian soil and then actually those Tibetans engage in armed struggle inside China. Dharmashala for all practical purposes is an autonomous region. Any peaceful talks and decision making process even if they are anti-Chinese cannot be considered as subversive activities. At any rate, China will have to live with it as democracies don't gag people or drive tanks into a civil protests. They just use constabularies to make sure it doesn't degenerate into criminal activity. If Chinese are pissing in their pants at the slightest mention of an unarmed Dalai Lama, what is the use of being called a super-power? If they have brains they would have accepted Tibet as an autonomous region and saved on the money in maintaining mountain divisions in the Himalayas. That proves that their old impractical dreams of creating a corridor through Eastern India and East Pakistan to Bay of Bengal is still pampered by some old guards in Beijing. Or they may be thinking that India is still in the 1950s. Tibet will become free if not in this millennium, definitely in the next millennium. That is what history tells us.

Archit Agrawal,Ahmedabad,says:India needs to take a stand against China rather than bowing down to their so called requests. If India agrees to China then it would be a great damage to the Indian prestige and would set precedent of India being subservient to China. Especially, the recent backlash by China regarding the Arunachal Pradesh issue should be kept in mind. If India wishes to be a superpower then its about time that India begins to take stands on major issues even if they are contrary to some other countries.

c.kannan,india,says:Enough is Enough. The best response of India would be to claim that the Dalai Lama at Dharamsala , is not the DalaiLama whom china thinks he is ,as his DNA is found to be different. Demands like these will always be made by all countries on toothless passive administrations. Instead of saying Manasarovar belongs to India , it was chilling to find , Pranab Mukherjee trying to say ArunaChal is ours .If the politician ends up praying other countries to consider his nation's own boundaries , then we are almost talking of a policeman , in a town , requesting the theif , to give him respect and spare his own home. Unless History is viewed and absorbed from the right perspective , nothing positive can happen especially when it comes to national boundaries.It needs people with sovereignity ingrained in them to handle a nations resources, be it land , water or energy. Arunachal Pradesh , concerns , should have been voiced by its own people , that way china would never ever get control to manipulate.If politicians assume , that they are the masters of the universe , they would let the country down ,when the tragedy strikes. Something is seriously messed up with the political administrative setup in India , in the sense , the voice if not the mind of the thinking majority always goes unheard.Imagine political parties even of arunachal being silent on chinese hints.India is a country which seems to worry more for recognizing a local language . Not a single National referendum has ever been held towards any state including Kashmir , despite the entire country being in state of continuous terror docking.

Kamalesh,NY, USA,says:The chinese communist party should mind its own business of oppressing the chinese and stripping all their basic human rights. It has no authority to interfere with whatever happens on Indian soil. India is a democratic country where people exercise their rights, and so Government of India should not stop the Great Dalai Lama from having the special meet. He is a holy person dedicated for betterment od Tibetan people and spreading peace and love around the world... chinese communist party get lost...

MohanK,USA,says:Either India does not have guts to say "no" to china or it does not have confidence in its own military strength to defend its own decision. How come they could not stop us from signing the Nuclear deal with USA? They may still try to stop us from buying nuclear fuel around the world but will not succeed, Mainly because America is one of the two parties. Does India has guts to stop buying poisonous stuff from China? No! Do you think Arunachal state will eventually go to China? Yes it will. We have only learnt to beg, earn lots of money by any means by mecilessly exploiting our masses, and expect them to protect the country in times of trouble. This will not work much longer. It will be a sad day if India agrees to China'a order to stop Dalai Lama in his activities admired by the whole world.

Rajat Sen,Canada,says:India is a democratic country. Tibetans have every right to do what they want so long they do not break Indian laws, but certainly they can break Chinese laws. They are in India. If India is a strong and sovereign nation, it should ignore China's opinion and do what it thinks right for the Tibetans. The Tibetans have every right to do what they want and not be obstructed by Chinese opinion. They are not in China. It is high time that Indians wake up to the fact that they should stand firm against Chinese provocation - be it with diplomacy or with arms.

M.Arun,UK,says:India should tell china should pull out its PLA from Tebet, and stop military and nuclear assistance to Pakisian.

Dev,nyc,says:Who is china to dictate India?

Pardeep,Canada,says:how come Kashmir is internal Problem of India and Tibet is not internal Problem of China?

Shakti,Bhubaneswar,says:Even if the Govt. ignores this absurd demand, we will surely get to see China's agents the CPI/CPM spring into action, trying to disrupt the meet by hook or by crook. Another chance for Sitaram Yechuri & his chelas at JNU /DU to show their servile allegiance to their Chinese masters.

Yunus,Trivandrum,says:The India should not encourage the Dalai or grant patronage to his anti-China activity on the Indian soil. The Dalai Lama has no identity but for being a Tibetan refugee who has been given asylum in India. He must behave like a refugee

Nitin,Delhi,says:China is playing a chess game with India and it is important for everyone to take a totalitarian view in this before taking any stand. At no point of time in the history of last odd century was the world without a superpower. Today US is at its lowest point. It is having economic trouble. Its foreign relations are in a big mess. It is wasting resources in Iraq and Afghanistan. And no other nation is willing to stand against China for more of economic reasons than any other. What is important to notice is that in the last 7 months since the US trouble started, India is also having its share of problems like increased terrorism, regionalism and on top of it an opinionated media that is putting more fuel to the fire. Week local leadership is also not helping our cause. All this has emboldened China which sees a unique opportunity to pressurise India on Tibet and AP right now. That I see some connection in all this can not be ruled out as a conspiracy theory. The moves that China is making seems to be well planned, taking shape over the period of last few years. It has been building Infrastructure in border areas. China placated India by recognising Sikkim and as foolish it would be, India reciprocated by recognising Tibet as part of China. With that bargain already won, diplomaticlly China has now upped its ante on AP front. Had India not recognised Tibet as part of China, we would still have been in a position to play around Tibet card instead of letting China take the offensive on AP. A homogenous Chinese population with no threat from Islam is also better off compared to heterogeneous India which is always at logger heads with and trying to appease Islam. By putting pressure on India to with hold Dalai Lama's meeting, it has really put the Indian Govt in a fix. If it goes ahead and stops the meeting, China will be further emboldened and India would lose the only card it has against China. On the contrary, if India let Dalai hold this meeting, it would give China the excuse for aggressive action against India in AP, which I am sure it has plans to do. Of course the leadership in India will have to take some concrete steps towards negating the short & long term threat from China. Clearly, no first use of nuclear weapons is hardly a deterrent if China uses only conventional means of warfare. Chinese might can for sure be tested on the economic front by building up our own manufacturing bases for different products in India the way China has done. But these are long term measures. In the short term, I feel we should give China its own medicine. There is no point indulging in rhetoric now. Do it the way Chinese have done- Don't indulge in any kind of conflict(internal & external); Silently work on increasing your power and strength and wait for the right time to come to avenge yourself. A united front to achieve all this is extremely important. Hence I appeal to Amar Singhs, Raj Thakres, Karunanidhis, Mayawatis of the world to stop worrying about there vote banks and come up with ideas that unite the nation in a resolve to become the best nation in the world. As a responsible citizen of India, it is extremely important for us all to realise our duty. A democracy run by a coalition govt with a fractured mandate can only be weak and vulnerable. Let us vote to put a majority in the center and the states. That will to a great extent help the top leadership to take bold steps with out worrying about the affect it can have on the vote bank of a coalition partner. Jai Hind.

ROY,INDIA,says:Don't give any response to their demand. Silence is golden. If you accommodate this demand then tomorrow they will demand to close Dharmashala, next they will ask us to get rid of Arunachal. So Let them to Bark !!

Manoj Joshi,Navi Mumbai Maharashtra,says:The Government of India must give due cognisance to the request of the Chinese Government with regard to Dalai Lama. The Indian side should not encourage the Dalai or grant patronage to his anti-China activity on the Indian soil. The Dalai Lama has no identity but for being a Tibetan refugee who has been given asylum in India. He must behave like a refugee who is acting on the directions of The United States of America and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)against The People's Republic of China. He (Dalai Lama) should be stopped from organising the six-day meeting in Dharamshala from November 17 to discuss the future of Tibet because the Dalai is no competent authority to discuss with regard to Tibet and its future. This is an internal matter of China and only the present Government of China is authorised to discuss and decide with regard to the future of Tibet.

r. pillai,bangalore,says:Sincerely hope that India will see through china's double standards and put its foot down this time.... its high time !

Mani Iyer,Mumbai,says:India should not succumb to any pressures from China on preventing Noble Laurate Dalai Lama from the meet at Dharamsala .He is revered and has a world reputation for Non -Violence.The Chinese have displayed their dubious designs against India when they tried to block the Indo Nuclear Deal by goading some countries to oppose the deal .Their recent stand on Arunachal Pradesh and the Assam Blasts show that they are not saints . India should take a tough stand on the Tibet autonomy issue by supporting the Dalai Lama .We dont need the chinese who are fox clothed in the garb of a sheep. The world will be the loser when a rich ancient peaceful civilisation of Tibet is being slowly choked to death by the evil aggressions of the chinese

vjie king,singapore,says:(1) The McMahon Line was arbitrarily drawn by Imperial Britain without the consent of China. Chou En Lai had repeatedly asked Nehru to agree to discuss the issue, which the Indian PM flatly refused. (2) On the 1962 India-China border war, read British reporter Neville Maxwell's book which should be available outside India (much of it available on google), or petition Indian Government to release the Henderson Report (commissioned by Indian Government immediately after the war), or read Tejas Patel (, August 14 2007, New Delhi). (3) Countries of UN including India and Britain all accept China's sovereignty over Tibet (since the Yuan dynasty according to China). To harbour and support a group of its former citizens engaged in unlawful activities against China is tantamount to a neigbouring country providing sanctuary to Nagaland or Assam separatists.

harish,New Delhi,says:I don't find anything wrong in china's demand.From Nehru's era we have treated china like our elder brother and did whatever they demanded.China knows that a nation not having any strong leadership and controlled by proxy as clear by invitation extended to Sonia not to MM singh for Olympic, can not stand against it.At most we can hear some warnings, thanks to election time, from Pranabji.

gaurav jain,jodhpur,says:china should understand that we live in democratic country not like them .

Erkin Azat,Berlin,says:Great INDIA must not be instructed by Chinese to do this or that ! World praise India for its humanitarian help for Tibets ! "Aksai Chin issue" can be solved only between Uyghurstan & India, not with Chinese ! As Uyghur people is currently under chinese occupation, India should never listen any chinese proposal in Uyghur-Indian border.

meenakshi,delhi,says:We support the meeting. Get lost China

amrit,bharat,says:DO NOT give in to Chinese this time, they are bound to stab India from behind, LET US OPENLY SUPPORT TIBET as a separate NATION and also SUPPORT TAIWAN as an independent country and establish trade with same, DEAR POLITICIANS please have some self respect and STOP dancing to chinese TUNES, you create a bad impression for INDIA

satish,pune,says:India needs to change policy towards china in view of its constant backstabbing in international forums and its border crossings inspite of assurances of positive action.

Tenzin,USA,says:First of all let me clear this, Tibet was neither a part of China nor a part of India..Tibet is an Independent country until the chinese occupation.. Thanks to the Indian Govt and its people for helping Tibetans and giving the freedom they enjoy out of their own country.For that, We Tibetans are Thankful forever.But to our disappointment, The Indian govt seems to be bending alot under Chinese command..If the Indian govt denounce 'Tibet as an intergal part of China'.There is only a benefiting for India and i think The Indian govt should stand up high and show the real meaning of DEMOCRACY. Please,this time don't bow under Chinese govt.

RS,DELHI,says:A very realistic opinion: - Although we have our sympathies with Tibet, and cannot pardon the way they have been wronged in the past, we cannot let the past stand in the way of the future. - We have to deal with China more effectively, and resolve all our border disputes with them, and focus on strengthening economic ties. - We should put Arunachal, Ladakh etc... on the negotiating table, and ink a firm agreement with the Chinese Government, so that they formally recognize these regions as part of India. In return we should give up on the Tibetan cause, and stop serving as a platform for Dalai Lama and his people, to wage a war of words on China. Dalai Lama and Tibet does not benefit India in any way, but India has a lot at stake with China, regarding economic ties and border disputes. In these hard economic times, we should prioritize our FUTURE than the PAST...

msw,china,says:you guys are intellectual indians and your country is so great as you proud of,then i wander why you go aboard?why don't you stay in your own country and devote to making it better? maybe the fact is: you don't love your country as much as you thought.

MP,Gujarat,says:India should not listen to the Chinese. they are not running our government. when the issue of Arunachal comes chinese never favour us and now they want that we should support them. we are not under rule of China. Dalai Lama is most honoured leader worldwide and we being natural nation should not come under pressure of China.

rohit,mumbai,says:If the government gives in to China's request it will show that our politicians have no backbone and are willing to cower to China's demands. We are are sovereign nation and China should not be allowed to dictate our internal affairs, - let alone, what Tibetans can and cannot do!

Ross,China,says:China wants India to block Dalai Lama's Dharamshala meet

Anupam Anshu,Bangalore,says:Why should China try to dictate its terms to India. This is really unfortunate. First Tibet and now China is eyeing Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. Hey China, go and Jump. We Indians won't succumb to such unrealistic demands. Only thing bad is that India's external affairs minister and defense minister don't even bother to consider the fact that real threat to India is from China (territorial) and Bangladesh (illegal migrants). And both the ministers have very soft stand on these countries.

kyunghoo 发表于 2008-11-17 17:43


晴川历历 发表于 2008-11-17 18:06

ANUPAN ANSHU跟贴说:真是不幸,凭什么中国可以可以对印度发出指令?,首先西藏及中国都在关注锡金及 Arunachal Pradesh 地区.嗨,中国,来啊我们印度不会理你如此不切实际的要求.但唯一糟糕的事印度的外交事务大臣及国防部长看来完全看不到印度的真正威胁是来自中国(领土上的)及孟加拉(大量非法移民),而我们的这两位大臣偏偏对这两个国家又都特别温和
Ross,China,says:China wants India to block Dalai Lama's Dharamshala meet

Anupam Anshu,Bangalore,says:Why should China try to dictate its terms to India. This is really unfortunate. First Tibet and now China is eyeing Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. Hey China, go and Jump. We Indians won't succumb to such unrealistic demands. Only thing bad is that India's external affairs minister and defense minister don't even bother to consider the fact that real threat to India is from China (territorial) and Bangladesh (illegal migrants). And both the ministers have very soft stand on these countries.

晴川历历 发表于 2008-11-17 18:07


妩人少将 发表于 2008-11-17 19:11


晴川历历 发表于 2008-11-17 19:25

BEIJING: China on Thursday made a direct request to India for blocking the proposed six-day meeting organised by the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala from
November 17 to discuss the future of Tibet. ( Watch )

"The Indian government has made solemn commitment about not allowing any anti-China activities on its soil. We hope that the commitment will be implemented," Qin Gang, the foreign ministry spokesman said at a press conference on Thursday.
Anyone who participates in the meeting being organised by the Dalai Lama will not be liked by the Chinese people, he said. The Chinese government is against anyone trying to split the nation or raise such an issue in the international arena, he said.
The statement is aimed to put pressure on the Indian government, which may find it difficult to block the meeting in view of the vast support enjoyed by the Dalai Lama the world over.
India had earlier accepted China's request to check pro-Tibet protestors demonstrating against the Olympic Games torch relay and trying to march to Tibet from Dharamshala in July and August. Chinese leaders had eagerly praised India's efforts in this direction. They want New Delhi to act directly against the Dalai Lama this time, which is obviously going to put New Delhi in a spot.
Diplomats on the two sides are engaged in tough negotiations that may involve a trade-off if New Delhi agreed to take measures to stop the Dalai Lama from holding the meeting. But any sort of agreement has been made difficult because of the Arunachal Pradesh issue.
The Chinese foreign ministry recently challenged external affairs minister Pranab Mukherjee's claim that Arunachal is an integral part of India. Qin said on Tuesday that Mukherjee's statement was contrary to historical facts as China does not accept the MacMohan Line and the border between the two nations has not yet been demarcated.
中国外交部最近就对Pranab Mukherjee's称阿鲁恰尔邦属于印度领土的说法表示反对,秦在星期二的发言上指出印外长的说法违反历史事实,中国从未接受麦克马洪线而且这一地区的边界问题并未解决。

The Dalai Lama invoked article 59 of the Tibetan Charter that empowers him to call a 'Special Meeting' to discuss the future course of action as his envoys returned empty handed after secret meetings with Chinese government representatives. The past few weeks has seen the Tibetan leader complaining that he had "given up" on China and that his "faith in the Chinese government is thinning."
The "special meeting" to be held in Dharamshala will be attended by past and present members of the cabinet in his government-in-exile, past and present members of the Tibetan parliament in exile, representatives of non-government organisations and intellectuals interested in the Tibetan issue.


115 comments on this story. Read them and post

晴川历历 发表于 2008-11-17 19:33


rlsrls08 发表于 2008-11-18 21:01


vyatsaayan,UK,says:GOI can act only if Tibetans are amassing weaponry, training in armed struggle against China on Indian soil and then actually those Tibetans engage in armed struggle inside China. Dharmashala for all practical purposes is an autonomous region. Any peaceful talks and decision making process even if they are anti-Chinese cannot be considered as subversive activities. At any rate, China will have to live with it as democracies don't gag people or drive tanks into a civil protests. They just use constabularies to make sure it doesn't degenerate into criminal activity. If Chinese are pissing in their pants at the slightest mention of an unarmed Dalai Lama, what is the use of being called a super-power? If they have brains they would have accepted Tibet as an autonomous region and saved on the money in maintaining mountain divisions in the Himalayas. That proves that their old impractical dreams of creating a corridor through Eastern India and East Pakistan to Bay of Bengal is still pampered by some old guards in Beijing. Or they may be thinking that India is still in the 1950s. Tibet will become free if not in this millennium, definitely in the next millennium. That is what history tells us.

英国的vyatsaayan说:只有藏人集结武器装备,在印度的土地上进行针对中国的武装斗争训练,然后这些西藏人真的在中国进行武装斗争,印度政府才能够采取行动。 达兰萨拉一切行为的目的只是一个自治的地区。任何和平谈判和决策过程,即使他们是反中国的,也不能被视为颠覆活动。无论如何,中国将不得不忍受它,民主国家不钳制人们的口舌,或驾驶坦克进入民间的抗议。他们只是使用警察以确保抗议示威没有沦为犯罪活动。如果一提及手无寸铁的达赖喇嘛中国就吓得尿裤子,那还配被称为一个超级大国吗?如果他们有大脑,他们应该接受西藏作为一个自治区,以及省下维护喜马拉雅山区的钱。这证明,创造一个通过东印度和东巴基斯坦到达孟加拉湾的走廊,这个不切实际的梦想仍然由北京一些老军人在纵容着。或者他们可能以为印度仍然处于20世纪50年代。西藏将独立,如果不是在这个千年,肯定在下一个千年中。这是历史告诉我们的。
[ 2008年11月15日 ]

rlsrls08 发表于 2008-11-18 21:12

Archit Agrawal,Ahmedabad,says:India needs to take a stand against China rather than bowing down to their so called requests. If India agrees to China then it would be a great damage to the Indian prestige and would set precedent of India being subservient to China. Especially, the recent backlash by China regarding the Arunachal Pradesh issue should be kept in mind. If India wishes to be a superpower then its about time that India begins to take stands on major issues even if they are contrary to some other countries.

Archit Agrawal,Ahmedabad说:印度需要采取反对中国的立场,而不是屈服于其所谓的请求。如果印度同意中国那么将严重损害到印度的威望,和开创印度屈从于中国的先例。特别是,我们应该牢记最近关于阿鲁纳恰尔邦问题中国的强烈反对。如果印度希望成为一个超级大国,那么现在是时候了,印度应该开始在重大问题上采取立场,即使跟其他一些国家相反。

rlsrls08 发表于 2008-11-18 21:20

MohanK,USA,says:Either India does not have guts to say "no" to china or it does not have confidence in its own military strength to defend its own decision. How come they could not stop us from signing the Nuclear deal with USA? They may still try to stop us from buying nuclear fuel around the world but will not succeed, Mainly because America is one of the two parties. Does India has guts to stop buying poisonous stuff from China? No! Do you think Arunachal state will eventually go to China? Yes it will. We have only learnt to beg, earn lots of money by any means by mecilessly exploiting our masses, and expect them to protect the country in times of trouble. This will not work much longer. It will be a sad day if India agrees to China'a order to stop Dalai Lama in his activities admired by the whole world.

美国的MohanK说:印度既没有胆量对中国说“不” ,也不相信自己的军事实力能够保卫自己的决定。为什么他们不能阻止我们与美国签署核协议?他们可能仍然试图阻止我们从世界各地购买核燃料,但不会得逞,主要是因为美国是当事人之一。印度是否有胆量停止购买来自中国的有毒的东西?否!你认为阿鲁纳恰国家最终会属于中国吗?是的。我们只学到乞讨,不择手段赚钱,残忍的剥削人民,并期望他们在麻烦到来时保卫国家。这持续不了多久。如果印度同意中国,制止达赖喇嘛受到整个世界钦佩的的活动,这将是悲哀的一天。

古禾 发表于 2008-11-18 21:29


charles__ 发表于 2008-11-20 16:42

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