空气稀薄 发表于 2008-11-19 23:46

【08.11.6美 外交政策聚焦】 书评:一座浮动的农民之城




  范吕恩写了《一座浮动的衣民之城》-书。书中记述了很多农民工的亲身经历。同时,它也记裁了中国的农民工政策的逐渐转变。农民工已经成为中国经济发展不可或缺的一部分。譬如天津,110万民工对天津经济发展的贡献多达12 亿美元中国政府已开始着手解决农民工的居住和医广保健问题,而且还减少农业税。中国如何处理这种大规模人口迁淀问题很可能将决定着其未来在世界秩序中的命运。如果北京处理得当,今日的农民和农民工将成为朋口的全球领导者。(作者 约翰·费弗)

空气稀薄 发表于 2008-11-19 23:48

A Floating City of Peasants: The Great Migration in Contemporary China                                                                             by                                                                                                      
Floris-Jan Van Luyn, Jeannette K Ringold (Translator)
he unprecedented movement of 120 million peasants from rural China to its cities, told from the migrants' point of view.
""Floris-Janvan Luyn brings China to life by listening to the people, whose voiceswould otherwise have gone unheard. Here are stories, not of highpolitics, but of life as it is led by most Chinese. This is reportageat its best.""--Ian Buruma, author of "Bad Elements: Chinese RebelsFrom Los Angeles To Beijing"
The largest human migration inhistory is taking place in China today--incredibly, off the radar ofthe world's major media. Since the 1990s, at least 120 million Chinesepeasants have left the countryside for big cities to work in factories,on construction sites, in catering and prostitution--typically withouteven the most basic rights or protections.
In "A Floating City ofPeasants," Floris-Jan van Luyn--who spent six years reporting fromChina for a daily newspaper--relates the remarkable tales of migrantworkers who have helped fuel the explosive growth of the People'sRepublic. In a series of a dozen remarkably intimate portraitsilluminated by wide-ranging reporting, we meet Xiao Li, a prostitute,who sends her little girl to the best school in Chongqing; Chunming whostole money from his parents to pay for the long trip to Beijing andfound work on a garbage dump; Lusong, who campaigned for a villageschool and against corrupt government employees and, as a result, wastortured almost to death; and others with equally gripping stories.Revealing the dark side of the Chinese economic miracle in words andstriking pictures, this book documents an historic turning point in thelife of themodern world.

leiyuan 发表于 2008-11-21 15:08

没有农民兄弟的 苦难 哪有共和国的建立 哪有改革开放的辉煌!!!!

calmvoca 发表于 2008-11-21 19:03


Pal 发表于 2008-11-21 20:21

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