荡漾 发表于 2008-11-21 22:05

[08.11.16 通亚]46th周中国的趣闻轶事集锦

【原文标题】Weekly Update: 16 November 2008
【登载媒体】Access Asia
Global Crisis Joke of the Week:

Man walks into a bank and asks how to open a small business.
?No problem sir?, says the business adviser, ?just open a big business and wait?.

Recession Anecdote Corner

Another 5 recession anecdotes heard this week:
·The overstuffed China conferences sector is taking a hit as, despite reduced prices, ?early bird? discounts and two for ones, getting people to shell out for conferences is getting harder;
·Among the retailers, footwear stores seem to be taking the hardest hit as people decide to make that pair of shoes last a bit longer than they did last year, or simply go barefoot;
·Record number of bars offering free food if you keep drinking ? promotions offering us basically a free dinner of nibbles if we keep buying the high margin booze are omnipresent now;
·Freelance journalists are finding work harder to come by and word rates are cut as magazines lose advertising and subsequently cut back their word counts on editorial;
·Fakes are back in abundance on China?s streets as struggling factories turn to piracy to keep the machines running as the orders fall away.

Guide to China?s New Bankruptcy Laws
(As based on reality rather, than the advice of high paid lawyers)

1. Switch off the lights;
2. Lock factory gates behind you;
3. Run;
4. Eeerrr, keep on running.

Youth Consumers: A New Date For Your Diaries

That?s diaries, as in the notebook you write your appointments in, not somewhere that molests milk!

This Tuesday was the 11th of November, when the Western World traditionally observes a minute?s silence in remembrance of the people who died during the utter ghastliness that was the First World War, and subsequent wastes of human life and endeavour. Not so China! Oh no! Thanks to a bunch of students from Hangzhou a few years ago, China has added 11/11 as a new non-official ?Day? to its diary.

To compete with the glutinous and embarrassing mess that is Valentine?s Day, Chinese youth now has Bachelor?s Day. This is the day when all China?s sad men, who can?t get a girlfriend because the gender split is so skewed, or because they simply don?t consume in the prescribed way shown in the adverts, will get to do whatever bachelors do when they are feeling a bit lonely. A possible marketing opportunity for the disposable paper products manufacturers, perhaps?

Chosen to be on this day because four ?1s? represents singledom (apparently), it is unlikely to be made an official holiday, as with Valentine?s Day, but it will probably develop into a marketing opportunity for someone. Hallmark cards will no doubt find ways to get Mr. Nofriends to buy himself a card celebrating his solitude, whilst we suspect the fast-fat industry will see potential in promotions of special sad-singleton meals, to help these lonely hearts get fatter, spottier and even further removed from a position of attracting a mate.

And, yes, of course there is the inevitable ?recent survey?, conducted by the China Youth Daily and Sohu.com, which found that nearly 80% interviewees don't think ?bachelordom is the substitute name for loneliness, solitude and boredom?. The survey also found that those singletons interviewed believed that being single provides them with more ?independence, freedom and unrestrained life planning?.

Your mind can convince you of anything when you are alone and nobody loves you!













1. 关掉灯

2. 关上身后的工厂大门

3. 跑

4. 呃,继续跑(截图3)









[ 本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2008-11-21 23:02 编辑 ]

悉听尊便 发表于 2008-11-22 10:47

破产法则很逗啊,最后一句太损了,哈哈哈 Q44)

天马 发表于 2008-11-22 11:45


蔚蓝矢车菊 发表于 2008-11-28 16:54

原帖由 荡漾 于 2008-11-21 22:05 发表 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

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