Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-23 04:13

【外国人说的随便抓抓】来源:Google 搜索

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-2-7 23:36 编辑

1. My Name Is Earl is an American sitcom created by Greg Garcia.
    It is produced by 20th Century Fox Television.
    In the United States it is broadcast on the NBC television network Thursdays at 8:00 PM Eastern time.

    The Writers' Guild strike caused production to end after only 13 of the 25 episodes originally planned for the third season were filmed. When the strike ended, production resumed.
    A further nine episodes were filmed for Season 3, and new episodes began airing April 3rd, 2008. Season 4 premiered on September 25th, 2008.


2. Heather Bailey —— Who am I?

    Well, this I know. . .
    I love my family. I love my friends.
    I must make.I must be challenged.I must eat chocolate.
    I have more ideas than I can handle.
    I like to stay up late. I LOVE to sleep in.

    What else is there?
    OK -- I guess there's a bit more.
    I am an at-home mama of two amazing kids:Elijah (11) and Charlotte (3).
    They come first.
    When they're content, I'm busy trying to harness my frantic creative energy into something meaningful.

Creativity has been a lifelong passion & I've picked up many skills along the way.


3. Today I want intellectual acceptance. I want critical acclaim.
    I want blog praise, and I want festival applause.

    Don’t get me wrong, I still want the box office.
    Am I asking for too much? Of course I am.

    But I believe the universe, apparently, can be asked for the impossible.
    It’s no secret. I’m doing just that, everyday.

    So, welcome to my bloggers park. I hope you find yourself a bench.
    Love and koffee,   Karan.

    p.s. my film is finally titled, “My Name is Khan” (alvida, “K’) and it stars Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol.
          This is my first official announcement.


4. I was eating dinner tonight at a place in St. Louis called Kreis' Steakhouse. (Wearing my nametag as usual)
   Before sitting down I grabbed mine and my grandpa's coat and headed to the coat check closet by the entry way.

   Right after hanging the two coats a gentleman walked in the door.
   He was about 50 or so and was removing his coat to check it in the closet.

   Never missing another quasi employment opportunity, I said, "Can I take your coat for you sir?"
   "Sure," he said as he handed me the black leather bomber and scarf.

   As I hung his coat amidst the others he asked,
   "Don't you have to give me one of those tickets so I can claim the coat later?"

   Thinking quickly I grabbed half of one yellow stub and turned around to the man.
   "Uh...yeah...here's your stub sir, number 819...and welcome to Kreis' Steakhouse."

   Just then about a second later my Aunt Donna walked in the same door and yelled hello to me.
   Nice timing. I think she blew my cover!

    The guy looked at me kind of weird.
    Especially since a few minutes later I walked right past him and sat down at a table right next to him!

    But it made me think...let's say a customer is in need of assistance. And you're in the right place at the right time.
    I believe in lateral service - even if it's not your job.

    LET ME ASK YA THIS...Have you ever helped a customer - even if it wasn't your job?


5. We hate going to events that require nametags. We don't like encouraging strangers to talk to us.
    Plus, we always forget to take the damn thing off when we walk out of whatever it was that required the nametag,   so we're headed home, stopping by the grocery store, accidentally encouraging the produce manager to address us by name. Which is just creepy.

    The one exception would be if you had a really long name such as Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim bus stop F'tang F'tang Olé Biscuitbarrel. Or if you had something complicated you had to say with your introduction, such as, "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Saying that over and over gets tedious (just ask Count Rugen). So in this case, we figure we can condone the use of nametags. Just this once.

    Black 100% cotton shirt with white and red "Hello my name is..." sticker over the chest, with Inigo Montoya's full spiel wedged in there.


wyd2008 发表于 2008-11-23 14:44

there are a lot of difficult words and expressions for me .~~~

thank you for your materials

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-11-29 02:10

1. David, Mary, Lily, Tom... What is the best English name for you?       Maybe you already have an English name that you like, maybe you are still looking for a good one.

    Today we will learn some ways to help you find an English name that suits you, and how to avoid a bad one.
    Listen to Finn's report to find out the answer and then try our mini quiz.


2. What's the story behind your name?……This is our second programme on English names,
    because so many people wanted some more help choosing a good one.

    Today, Finn explores the meanings and stories behind English names,
    and finds out what his name has to do with a magic salmon.

    Listen to Finn’s report. Afterwards you can try our quiz to check your understanding.

3. Chinese name seems very popular now.
    I often get emails asking for a Chinese name based on his/her English name.

    So I have put together a list of popular English names and their corresponding Chinese names by gender.   
    The Chinese names are mainly translated by the pronunciation of the English names.
    The English names here are mainly first names.

    If you have a question about Chinese names, please check out Questions About Chinese Names.
    If you are looking for a last name, please go to the Chinese Names from Western Family Names.

    Click one of the letters below to see a list of names.


4. Sexy Beijing is a Danwei TV show about love, lust, youth culture and street life in China's capital.
    In this second episode -- Lost in Translation -- our heroine Su Fei goes around Beijing,
    asking Chinese people what their English names are, and why they need them.

    Who said China is not a creative country?

    The episode is also available at Danwei.TV, where there are links to other formats and download options.
    All Danwei TV shows are archived at Danwei.TV.

    For a look at Westerners abusing Chinese and Chinese characters, have a look at Hanzi Smatter,
    where you can admire some of the most foolish Chinese characters ever to adorn human flesh.

    Sexy Beijing is now on its own website: check the latest episodes at www.sexybeijing.tv


    [推荐] 里面的评论值得一看

5. The “English” Names I Can’t Stand

6. Do English names have special implied meaning?

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-12-6 03:13

1. If you've ever wondered what the origins of your first name are, check out First Names and What They Mean.
    You can search a database of over 5,500 names and their meanings.

    The Census Bureau compiles a list of Frequently Occurring Names in the U.S.
    Mary and James were the most common names in the 1990 census.


2. When you choose a baby name, meaning is one important aspect to consider.
    Since the beginning of naming traditions in ancient times, meanings of words
    - derived from their etymology or root origins
    - were modified to become names according to what was important in that particular culture.
    Different religious and cultural beliefs are reflected in baby name meanings today. Take a look.


3. My name is Simone Maria. In fact, my complete name is Simone Maria Paulmichl Camara Corte.
   My first name, Simone, was chosen by my older sister, who is called Silvana.

   At that time, she probably didn’t know the meaning of the name.
   This afternoon I looked for it on the Internet and I found that Simone is a Hebrew name, and it means: “listener; the one who listens”.

   My second name is Maria and it was chosen by my mother, who is called Lenita. Indeed, all 3 of my siblings have a saint’s name.
   Maria, which is also a Hebrew name, has a very strong religious connection, related to Jesus Mother, the Magnificent.

   Our names are very important and can determine many personal features.
   For example, my mother had a friend who was called Ingrid Bérgamo.
   Her father was a big admirer of Ingrid Bergman,and because of his last name (Bérgamo), he decided to honor the actress by calling his daughter Ingrid,too.

   The problem was that this man also wanted his daughter to be like the actress, especially in physical appearance. He didn’t want her to have her hair cut or colored, for example.
   They had to talk a lot to solve this problem, but as an adult, she was very happy and grateful to her father.

   Anyway, I like my name very much, and I think that it fits me very well, even though the majority of my friends and family don’t call me Simone Maria, just Simone.
   I fact, almost everybody calls me by my nickname: Moni. I like that too.


4. "I Know the Meaning of My Name" Stories


5. your screen name?
    I'm always curious about how people chose their screen names. How about you?

    I chose mine because my name is Krystal and I have 4 boys. There you go...Krystals4.
    Mine is not so creative but I thought others might have an interesting story to tell about their screen names.


[ 本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2008-12-6 03:17 编辑 ]

wyd2008 发表于 2008-12-6 14:11

screen name

karlli20 发表于 2008-12-6 18:57


Iam_zhcn 发表于 2008-12-7 23:36

回复 6楼 karlli20 的帖子


oracle0380 发表于 2008-12-8 20:32

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