krypton 发表于 2008-11-25 16:34

[11.20 英国 经济学人] 流亡藏人 分裂的分裂者

【标题】流亡藏人 分裂的分裂者

Tibetans in exile
Splitting splittistsNov 20th 2008 | DHARAMSALA
From The Economist print edition
A gathering of Tibetans in exile is a noble sign of failure
AP one in the picture knows best
AS AN exercise in Athenian-style democracy, the conclave that took place this week in Dharamsala, the Indian-Himalayan refuge of the Tibetan government-in-exile, was impressive. From Buddhist monasteries and scattered Tibetan communities in India, Europe and America, nearly 600 exiles gathered to discuss the future of Tibetan nationalism. Even more remarkable, after a slew of depressing news for the Tibetan cause, was the hopefulness many expressed. “We have to do something to change the future,” said Thinlay Tharehin, a delegate from Moscow, beer in hand, in a Dharamsala watering-hole.
The exiles are not spoilt for options. The conclave was called by the Dalai Lama in response to the latest failure of his efforts to reach a compromise, or “Middle Way”, on the status of Tibet with its Chinese overlords. Spurred by violent springtime protests in Tibet and other ethnic Tibetan parts of China, China’s government had agreed to revive a stop-start process of confidence-building talks with the Dalai Lama’s envoys. No one placed much hope in the process: China was patently concerned that protesting Tibetans should not take the gloss off the Beijing Olympics in August.

Sure enough, the talks, the latest round of which ended on November 5th, seem only to have hardened China’s position. The Communist Party’s representatives had asked the Tibetans to present a list of their demands. These are based upon the notion of an autonomous Tibet within China, that the Dalai Lama has advocated since 1988. Predictably, the Tibetans’ proposals, which seemed consistent with China’s constitution, and more conciliatory than previously, did not find favour. China’s lead representative denounced them as amounting to “disguised independence”. The security regime in Tibet has since been tightened, according to the few Western reporters recently allowed there. Ahead of the gathering in Dharamsala, China’s foreign-ministry spokesman reminded India not to harbour activities “aimed at splitting Chinese territory”.
This has encouraged some exiled Tibetans—of whom there may be 150,000, including 100,000 in India—to aim for just that. Most exiled Tibetans, perhaps most Tibetans, approve the Dalai Lama’s leadership. But a growing number want a tougher line. This year’s protests in Tibet, the biggest against Chinese rule since 1989, may have swollen their ranks. So may the Dalai Lama’s recent admission that his efforts at conciliation have failed. This week’s debate was dominated by whether, in light of that failure, Tibetans should issue a formal demand for independence.
That would vindicate China nicely, which is one reason it seemed unlikely. The speaker of the parliament-in-exile said that of 17,000 messages from Tibetans inside Tibet, roughly 8,000 endorsed the Dalai Lama’s position, and 5,000 advocated demanding independence. The number of exile delegates expected to endorse the Dalai Lama’s “Middle Way” might be in a similar proportion—given that over half the total attending were members of the government-in-exile, which is loyal to him. The Tibetan Youth Congress, an independence-seeking organisation which has some 30,000 members, was directly represented by only two delegates.
Of course, the Dalai Lama, who has been trying to diminish his political role and was not present during this week’s discussions, might also change his mind. His peaceable methods have gained the world’s respect; nothing more. And the world’s respect for Tibetan nationalist aspirations is dwindling: as Britain demonstrated last month, when it said its long failure to recognise full Chinese sovereignty over Tibet was “anachronistic”.


作为一个雅典式民主的演习,本周西藏流亡政府的印度-喜马拉雅庇护所,达哈萨哈召开的会议给人以深刻的印象。从佛教僧侣到分散在印度,欧洲,美洲的藏人团体,近六百个流亡藏人代表聚集一堂讨论藏族的未来。更值得注意的是,关于藏人理想的消沉新闻出现回转余地后,许多人表示抱有希望。一位来之莫斯科的代表Thinlay THarehin,手拿啤酒在达哈萨哈的一个酒馆里说“我们得为改变未来做些事”





当然,希望减少政治角色且没有出席本周讨论的达赖喇嘛可能会改变想法。他的和平路线赢得世界尊重,但也仅此而已。世界对西藏民族主义者的渴求的尊重正在萎缩:因为英国上周表示, 英国未能承认中国对西藏的主权是“时代错误”

[ 本帖最后由 krypton 于 2008-11-25 16:50 编辑 ]

diego2008 发表于 2008-11-25 16:42


无可就要 发表于 2008-11-25 16:44


krypton 发表于 2008-11-25 16:51

楼上的抱歉,原文是most 应该是绝大多数,不是全部。抱歉!

花花 发表于 2008-11-26 15:17


shuishenlan 发表于 2008-11-26 15:36

人家报道只报道他们感兴趣的,他们认为DALAI是西藏的宗教领袖于是就找证据证明他是,而那些反证自然不是他们要的东西了. 发表于 2008-11-26 16:45

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