荡漾 发表于 2008-11-25 20:33

【08.11.24 法新社】世界银行预测2009年中国经济将放缓至19年来新低

【原文标题】World Bank forecasts China economy to slow to 19-year low in 2009



      世界银行的高级经济师Louis Kuijs对北京的一份简报称:“目前世界经济的前景要比六个月前更糟糕”。




BEIJING (AFP) – The World Bank said Tuesday China's economy will grow by just 7.5 percent in 2009, the lowest level in 19 years, due partly to the global economic slowdown.

The forecast, made in the World Bank's quarterly update on China, is down from a previous estimate of 9.2 percent, and would be the fourth lowest growth rate in the country since the launch of reforms three decades ago.

The last time China's economy saw a similar slowdown was in 1990 -- amid international isolation following the Tiananmen massacre the year before -- when it grew by just 3.8 percent.

"The prospects of the world economy are much weaker than six months ago," Louis Kuijs, a World Bank senior economist, told a briefing in Beijing.

"But in addition to that, the deceleration domestically has been more pronounced."

Weakness in the housing sector is a major factor weakening the domestic side of the Chinese economy, he said.

This year, China's economy is likely to grow by 9.4 percent, the World Bank said in its report. In its previous quarterly update, it had predicted 9.8 percent growth for 2008.


[ 本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2008-11-25 20:38 编辑 ]

pheily 发表于 2008-11-25 21:18

不会吧 不是说四万亿可以拉动1.8个百分点吗?

aj00 发表于 2008-11-25 23:59


思想无禁区 发表于 2008-11-26 00:21



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