funfuny 发表于 2008-11-27 02:57



Don't send Indians, says DR Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo has asked the United Nations not to send
any more Indian peacekeeping troops to the troubled east of the country.

A government spokesman told the BBC there were already enough in the force
but gave no further reason.

Over the last few years, Indian peacekeepers have been accused of gold
trafficking and sexual abuse.

India says it takes firm action against perpetrators if allegations are
proved and has disciplined troops in the past.

Last week, the Security Council agreed to send 3,000 more troops to DR Congo
where more fighting has been reported between rebels and a rival militia.

Recent weeks have seen heavy fighting involving rebels, government troops
and pro-government militia which has displaced more than 250,000 people.

See detailed map of the area

"There are already enough Indian troops in Congo, and the UN reinforcements
should come from other countries," government spokesman Lambert Mende told
the BBC.

He said there was a need to "redress the balance" of the make-up of the 17,
000-strong UN force in DR Congo, known as Monuc.

Indian soldiers make up a quarter of Monuc's numbers.

Last week, 44 community groups in DR Congo wrote a letter to the UN Security
Council asking for European troops to be sent to the region to halt
atrocities there.

In the latest fighting, rebels led by dissident general Laurent Nkunda
attacked the pro-government Mai-Mai militia on the road to Uganda, north-
east of the rebel-held town of Rutshuru.

The UN condemned the clashes as a violation to last week's ceasefire, but
Gen Nkunda's men say they were conducting operations to secure the
population from Rwandan rebels known as FDLR.

Gen Nkunda has said he is fighting to protect his Tutsi community from
attack by Rwandan Hutu rebels, some of whom are accused of taking part in
the 1994 genocide.

Reports say clashes also erupted on Tuesday north of Nyanzale, an area Gen
Nkunda's men had withdrawn from to make way for a buffer zone.

Meanwhile, Monuc has reported more lootings perpetrated by Congolese
soldiers in a village further north of the ceasefire zone, around Lubero.

UN special envoy Olusegun Obasanjo, who negotiated the ceasefire, is
expected for a second visit to DR Congo at the weekend.

herox3000 发表于 2008-11-27 05:48


antifake2 发表于 2008-11-27 10:01

Don't send Indians, says DR Congo


The Democratic Republic of Congo has asked the United Nations not to send
any more Indian peacekeeping troops to the troubled east of the country.


A government spokesman told the BBC there were already enough in the force
but gave no further reason.


Over the last few years, Indian peacekeepers have been accused of gold
trafficking and sexual abuse.


India says it takes firm action against perpetrators if allegations are
proved and has disciplined troops in the past.


Last week, the Security Council agreed to send 3,000 more troops to DR Congo
where more fighting has been reported between rebels and a rival militia.


Recent weeks have seen heavy fighting involving rebels, government troops
and pro-government militia which has displaced more than 250,000 people.


See detailed map of the area


"There are already enough Indian troops in Congo, and the UN reinforcements
should come from other countries," government spokesman Lambert Mende told
the BBC.

“印度唯和部队已经够多了,联合国应该派遣更多其它国家的人员过来”,刚果政府发言人Lambert Mende告诉BBC记者。

He said there was a need to "redress the balance" of the make-up of the 17,
000-strong UN force in DR Congo, known as Monuc.


Indian soldiers make up a quarter of Monuc's numbers.


Last week, 44 community groups in DR Congo wrote a letter to the UN Security
Council asking for European troops to be sent to the region to halt
atrocities there.


In the latest fighting, rebels led by dissident general Laurent Nkunda
attacked the pro-government Mai-Mai militia on the road to Uganda, north-
east of the rebel-held town of Rutshuru.

最近一次战斗发生在反政府军控制的Rushuru镇的东北部,由Laurent Nkunda将军领导的反政府军在一条通往乌干达的路上攻击了前政府Mai-Mai的民兵。

The UN condemned the clashes as a violation to last week's ceasefire, but
Gen Nkunda's men say they were conducting operations to secure the
population from Rwandan rebels known as FDLR.


Gen Nkunda has said he is fighting to protect his Tutsi community from
attack by Rwandan Hutu rebels, some of whom are accused of taking part in
the 1994 genocide.


Reports say clashes also erupted on Tuesday north of Nyanzale, an area Gen
Nkunda's men had withdrawn from to make way for a buffer zone.


Meanwhile, Monuc has reported more lootings perpetrated by Congolese
soldiers in a village further north of the ceasefire zone, around Lubero.


UN special envoy Olusegun Obasanjo, who negotiated the ceasefire, is
expected for a second visit to DR Congo at the weekend.

主张建立停火区的联合国特派员Olusegun Obsasnjo,本周末可能第二次访问刚果民主共和国

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