荡漾 发表于 2008-12-10 16:04

【08.12.09 美联社】波多黎各地方官为在中国遭囚禁的居民寻求帮助

【原文标题】PR governor seeks help for islanders held in China

      纽约民主党议员Jose Serrano代表四人的家属提出此要求,称四人在上海的监狱六周期间遭受不人道的待遇。


      其中一人的姐妹Marta Valldejuli表示四人于10月12日前往中国参加与建筑业有关的展会,在返回的前一天与一位黑市交易者兑换了大约1000美元并在不知情的情况下收到了假币。



      据美国加勒比地区长官Anibal Acevedo Vila办公室发布的新闻称其曾去函要求国务卿赖斯出面干预该案件“使他们作为美国公民能按照法律规定获得公平的对待”。

      国务院发言人Noel Clay表示已获悉情况但拒绝发表更进一步的评论。


      四名男子包括一对父子,他们是Jose Laporte Espada,61岁、Michael Laporte,33岁和George Enrique Valldejuli,56岁、Jorge Luis Hernandez,48岁。

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – A U.S. congressman and Puerto Rico's governor said Tuesday they have asked the State Department to investigate the treatment of four island businessmen who were detained in China and accused of using counterfeit money.

Rep. Jose Serrano, a New York Democrat, made the request on behalf of the men's relatives, who say they have endured inhumane conditions during six weeks in a Shanghai prison.

"Everything else will have to play out," Serrano said, "but at least we would know they are being treated in a way that we are satisfied."

The group traveled to China on Oct. 12 to attend trade shows related to the construction industry. On the day before their return, they exchanged roughly $1,000 with an unauthorized dealer and unknowingly received counterfeit bills, said Marta Valldejuli, the sister of one of the men.

"They made a mistake, but my point is, because of that mistake, they shouldn't be treated the way they're being treated," she said.

An attorney for the men has reported they are exposed to the cold, are sleeping on cardboard boxes and have lost weight, Valldejuli said.

The governor of the U.S. Caribbean territory, Anibal Acevedo Vila, sent a letter asking Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to intervene in the case "so they receive fair treatment as American citizens in accordance with the law," according to a news release from his office.

State Department spokesman Noel Clay said the agency is aware of the situation but declined further comment.
Chinese authorities could not immediately be reached for comment.

The men were identified as father and son Jose Laporte Espada, 61, and Michael Laporte, 33; George Enrique Valldejuli, 56; and Jorge Luis Hernandez, 48.


gavien_1 发表于 2008-12-10 16:27


韩慕侠 发表于 2008-12-10 16:28


快乐的鞋子 发表于 2008-12-10 16:41


云中鹤 发表于 2008-12-10 18:43


愤怒的沉默 发表于 2008-12-11 18:54


红色的血 发表于 2008-12-11 19:42

什么什么会上很多国际大盗和国际骗子 这已经不是什么新鲜事情了

feiyu 发表于 2008-12-11 19:51

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