yangfuguang 发表于 2008-12-14 20:37


【原文标题】Slumping Economy’ Rises on the Chinese Internet
【中文标题】中国互联网上的“经济低迷”【登载媒体】美国   华尔街日报【来源网址】http://blogs.wsj.com/chinajournal/2008/12/12/slumping-economy-rises-on-the-chinese-internet/?mod=rss_WSJBlog?mod=chinablog【原文】

‘Slumping Economy’ Rises on the Chinese Internet

Several unemployed white-collar workers in Shanghai last month started a Web site, called Slumping Economy, or “bujingqi” in the pinyin romanization. “Let’s talk about bujingqi,” says the slogan on its homepage.

The creators of the Web site said they wanted a place for white-collar workers to complain and blow off steam. Moreover, they wanted to build a platform for exchanging information in hopes that it would lead to new job opportunities for visitors.

China’s economy is still growing, but a slowdown in its growth rate is creating difficulties for a nation that needs a fast pace simply to accommodate its massive population. While the slowdown has alarmed many Chinese media outlets and netizens, Slumping Economy takes a tongue-in-cheek approach. “Bujingqi is the fashion,” reads its front-page slogan.

A timeline traces the sharp drop of the Shanghai Composite Index, the national stock market barometer, which has fallen more than 60% this year. It flags the point when the index was at 6,000. “When the Shanghai Composite Index bounces back to 6,000-point mark, we’ll shut down this Web site,” a label reads. The index ended Thursday at 2031.68.

Slumping Economy now has more than 5,000 registered users, and members are adding over 1,000 new posts every day. Designed as an open forum, the site has three main sections: “open a water source” (employment information, business opportunities, etc.), “reduce outflow” (secondhand market, tips to save money, etc.) and a complaint area.

Even some self-employed businessmen are using it to search for business partners. “Many large overseas clothing
companies withdrew their purchase orders for the coming spring, and my business is inevitably affected,” writes the owner of a small fabric-selling company.

Maria Yin, a 24-year-old recent college graduate, started searching for jobs in Shanghai this past summer, but has had no luck yet. “It seems that lots of people are facing the same problem as I do now. It makes me feel less desperate,” said Ms. Yin, who posts on Slumping Economy. “I’ll keep going.” She said she spends an hour or so surfing the site daily, chatting with her new friends and keeping an eye out for job information.

One popular thread has members thinking of cheap ways to celebrate the coming Christmas, which has been adopted by young people and residents as an opportunity to spend time together or to share romance. Some suggested holding an online Christmas party with virtual food and gifts provided, while others said they would figure out their own ways to spend the holiday in the real world.

“I’ll put on my best cotton-padded jacket and trousers and go downtown together with my boyfriend to the most beautifully decorated square. We’ll take a photo together using my mobile phone, and then spend three yuan each to take bus No. 925 home,” wrote one user, known as Chloe.
–Juliet Ye

Report offensive comments to chinajournal@wsj.com
Should “pidgin Chinese” in the first paragraph be typo? However “Pinyin Chinese” doesn’t make sense since there’s no such Chinese called “pinyin Chinese” (romanization is not a part of Mandarin itself). Calling it “pinyin” should be fine.
Comment by lost in translation - December 12, 2008 at 1:51 am

Thanks, that change has been made
Comment by Sky Canaves - December 12, 2008 at

For those who wonder what scams the slumping economy will uncover (in China as in the US), here is an example:
“Bernard Madoff Arrested Over Alleged $50 Billion Fraud”
I wonder if anyone in China notice that some of their most trusted foreign advisers and consultants are… not much more than a few shades from Madoff.
Wonder how many of these job hunters are sending resumes to Blackstone Capital etc.
Comment by D -
December 12, 2008 at 8:59 am

How about a translation of bujingqi? I assume it’s 3 words: bu + jing + qi. Even those who don’t speak Mandarin (and I do, some) might like to know how this term was created. Xie xie

Comment by Yang ren -
December 12, 2008 at 2:00 pm

Если кому интересно можете поситить интернет магазин автозапчастей для иномарок http://ne-original.ru/
А если не интересно можете не посещать! Дело ваше!!!
Comment by ekambar - December 12, 2008 at 5:48 pm

To “Yang ren”:
“bu” means “no”, “not”, or “negative”
“jing” mean “outlook”, “condition”
“qi” means “vitality”
“jingqu” is usually used to describe confidence/expectation on (economic) condition
So bujingqi means dismal economic outlook
Comment translation
- December 12, 2008 at 5:55 pm

As translation @ 5:55 pm said, “bu jingqi” means lack of confidence => dismal economic outlook. Typically, the “bu” and the “jingqi” go together, although recently “jingqi” is also used alone as a translation of “ confidence”.
Comment by Translator 2 - December 12, 2008 at 9:42 pm



    随着经济放缓震惊了整个媒体和网民,经济低迷以一种半开玩笑的方式登场了。“不景气是一种时尚”首页的标语这么写到。首页有一条一条显示上证综合指数——国内股票市场的风向标,今年已经下降了60%——的时间线,它以上证综合指数6000点为旗帜。“当上证综指达到6000点时,我们就关闭这个网站” 一个标签这么写到。上证综合指数周二以2031.68点收盘。







第一段的“pidgin Chinese”错了吧?但是“pinyin 中文”又没有意义,因为在中文里面没有“pinyin 中文”(中国官方不用罗马字母)叫它“pinyin”也许更合适。
——By lost in translation

——By Sky Canaves

——By D

“bujinqi”该怎么翻译?我想它是三个单词:bu + jing + qi.即便不说中文的人(我也是)也想知道这个称谓是怎么创造出来的。
——By Yang ren

回复yang ren
——By translation

就像翻译者5点55分时说的,“bu jingqi”意思是缺少自信——暗淡的经济前景。通常情况下,“bu”和“jingqi”用在一起,但是,进来“jingqi”也被单独译作“经济信心”
——by Translator

[ 本帖最后由 yangfuguang 于 2008-12-14 20:45 编辑 ]

lezaiyisheng 发表于 2008-12-14 21:18


oarer 发表于 2008-12-14 21:24


pandaben 发表于 2008-12-14 22:46



我想我爱家 发表于 2008-12-15 16:14

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