荡漾 发表于 2008-12-15 22:20

【08.12.15 路透社】2009年中国的经济增长笼罩在失业的阴影里

【原文标题】Unemployment shadows China economic growth in 2009



      研究中国就业市场的Chen Guangjin认为“这将给2009年的经济增长带来巨大的压力”。




      中国社科院研究员兼蓝皮书合作者Li Peilin表示“这些民工大部分出生在八十年代,现在差不多二十多岁,他们已经习惯了城市生活”。





BEIJING, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Unemployment, especially among college students and migrant workers, will drag on China's economic growth next year even as the nation struggles with the global financial crisis, a policy think tank said on Monday.

A quarter of China's 6.1 million college students will have trouble finding a job next year, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS) said in an online press conference to introduce an annual blue book on China's social situation.

Their disappointed expectations could add to the challenges posed by millions of migrant workers, who have lost jobs in the coastal cities but don't want to return to the farm.

"This will create huge pressure on economic growth in 2009," said Chen Guangjin, who researches China's job market.
After a decade of expansion in university recruitment, the number of students graduating each year is rising dramatically, making it harder for each year's new crop to find jobs.

This year, the effects of the global crisis as well as years of surplus capacity, rising costs and razor-thin profit margins have hit China's export sector, forcing many businesses and factories to close and intensifying competition for jobs.

At least four million migrant workers who lost jobs in the crisis have left the cities and are looking for part-time work in large towns and county seats, rather than going back to their villages.

"Most of these migrant workers who were born in 1980s are in their 20s, and they have become accustomed to the city life," said Li Peilin, a CASS researcher and co-author of the blue book.

China, the world's fourth-largest economy, expanded 11.9 percent last year. Goldman Sachs has cut its forecast for China next year to nearly half that at 6 percent growth.

China's top leadership has shown increasing concern over the issue of unemployment in the last two months, while local governments have already enacted local measures to keep workers on the job rolls and off the streets.

"Next year's employment market will be very serious, affected by the international financial crisis," President Hu Jintao said during a visit to a job fair in Liaoning over the weekend.

China has about 140 million migrant workers who are not covered by official unemployment statistics, but whose continued employment is vital to maintain social stability.


清馨小雨 发表于 2008-12-16 08:45



BigGolden 发表于 2008-12-16 09:23


悉听尊便 发表于 2008-12-16 12:50

胡哥说得对,很严峻。三年前四大会计师事务所抢着要的留洋归来变成标准“海带”,面试无门 Q43)
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