空气稀薄 发表于 2008-12-16 20:18












Setting Priorities in AsiaBy Richard Halloran
In 1792 and again in 1816, King George III of Britain sentambassadors George Macartney and then William Pitt Amherst to China tonegotiate the opening of trade between the leading nation of the Westand the leading nation of the East.
In both cases, the British envoys were sent packing after refusingto kowtow as they approached China's Celestial Emperor because theyfound it humiliating. The kowtow usually required the personapproaching the throne to kneel three times and touch his forehead tothe floor three times each to acknowledge the superiority of the MiddleKingdom.
Today, among the thousands of recommendations being thrust uponPresident-elect Barack Obama comes one urging him to perform a virtualkowtow to the leaders of China by going to Beijing shortly after hisinauguration.
The proposal is most ill-advised and shows little understanding ofChina, past or present. Rather, the new president should invite theChinese leader, Hu Jintao, to Washington with full honors at anappropriate time.
Jeffrey Garten, an undersecretary of commerce in the ClintonAdministration, has asserted: "Barack Obama's first overseas tripshould be to China, and it should occur within a month after hisinauguration on January 20. He should bring Secretary of State HillaryClinton, Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, Secretary ofDefense Robert Gates, and his ambassador to Beijing."
"Such a trip would be a showstopper, breaking all precedents,"Gartner, a professor at Yale, wrote in Newsweek last weekend. "The tripwould not be designed to negotiate or resolve specific issues. Instead,Obama would be setting the style and the tone of a new U.S. approach toChina."
The Chinese, however, would see that visit as the young, new, andrelatively inexperienced president coming, like the envoys of old, topay tribute to China. In Asia, where symbols command more attentionthan in the West, an early Obama journey would be seen as the "westernbarbarian" submitting to the power of the Chinese court.
American presidents since Richard Nixon have made the mistake ofgoing to China before inviting a Chinese leader to Washington. InChinese eyes, and those of many other Asians, that put the president inthe position of supplicant. It reinforced the Chinese belief that theyare reviving the Middle Kingdom as the center of the world, destined tobe superior to all others.
A picture of Chairman Mao Zedong and President Nixon in Mao's studyin 1972 had Mao slouched back and relaxed in an easy chair while Nixonsat up straight on the edge of his chair like a schoolboy before theheadmaster. Asians everywhere saw that as evidence that Nixon had cometo seek favor from Mao.
President Clinton may have been the worst offender in travel toChina. He journeyed through China for nine days in 1998, longer thanhis trips to other nations, and was seen by the Chinese as the leaderof the western barbarians being dazzled by the splendor of China.
Further, he was enticed into publicly taking a position on Taiwanthat appeared to favor China, which claims sovereignty over theself-governing island and has threatened to take it with force. The USasserts that any resolution of the Taiwan issue must be acceptable tothe people on Taiwan and be peaceable. It is the most troubling issuebetween China and the US.
Against this backdrop, President Obama should take the initiativeand invite President Hu to Washington where he would be received withhonors. In a not-so-subtle way, that would indicate that PresidentObama considered President Hu to be his equal, not his superior. Themessage would be that the new government in Washington has new ways ofdoing things.
During President Hu's visit, President Obama could make points aboutmutual respect, peaceful resolution of issues, and America's militaryposture. He could drop the "One China Policy" as being outdated andsubject to differing interpretations. He could reemphasize thepeaceable settlement of the Taiwan issue.
Beyond that, perhaps President Obama's first trip to Asia shouldtake place in November, 2009, when he would attend the Asia PacificEconomic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Singapore. In an even-handedapproach, he would meet most of Asia's leaders there.
On the way to Singapore, the president might stop in Japan, a keyally. After APEC, the president could travel to Australia to meetleaders of another key ally. The message to America's allies, friends,and potential adversaries would underscore President Obama's prioritiesin Asia.

fhwzfan 发表于 2008-12-16 20:35


妩人少将 发表于 2008-12-16 20:38


Ryo 发表于 2008-12-16 20:42

美国也自卑啊Q42) Q42)


veld 发表于 2008-12-16 20:45


红色的血 发表于 2008-12-16 20:46


天马 发表于 2008-12-16 20:56


huaqianghu 发表于 2008-12-16 20:56


joezhao123 发表于 2008-12-16 21:18

他应该会比 之前的那些美国总统更早访华~

至少从政治角度上 中美的关系是历史最好时期

daniel1 发表于 2008-12-16 21:23


oushen 发表于 2008-12-16 22:56


怎么 不爽啊   不爽别来呀~~~~

墨羽 发表于 2008-12-16 23:18

"setting priorities"的意思是“确定轻重缓急”,不是“把重点放在某处”。“priorities”具体可以有多种选择,“low priority”(非重点)也是其中的一种。

空气稀薄 发表于 2008-12-17 00:58

原帖由 墨羽 于 2008-12-16 23:18 发表 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
"setting priorities"的意思是“确定轻重缓急”,不是“把重点放在某处”。“priorities”具体可以有多种选择,“low priority”(非重点)也是其中的一种。


eillen1 发表于 2008-12-17 02:20

你们本来就是野蛮人 不是吗 几千年前你们毛都还没脱掉呢 现在也没脱掉 Q74)

eillen1 发表于 2008-12-17 02:21

我就不信你们不会在利益面前倒下 你们这帮~~野蛮人··Q74)

shipeng713 发表于 2008-12-17 02:43


Einstein 发表于 2008-12-17 02:46




18xx 发表于 2008-12-17 04:04

中国朝廷 磕头 朝拜


我想说的是,不管是非功过,中国政府给人的印象的确是 专制 、朝廷。。。


yangshu314 发表于 2008-12-17 05:38


tomttttom 发表于 2008-12-17 09:51


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