空气稀薄 发表于 2008-12-19 07:14

【08.12.8 雅虎】诺贝尔奖评审委员涉嫌接受中国政府贿赂 正在接受调查

Nobel jurors face bribery probe for China trips诺贝尔奖评审员涉嫌受中国政府贿赂 正在受调查


据美联社记者从瑞典斯德哥尔摩报导说,瑞典政府的反腐败检察官尼尔斯,埃里克舒尔茨(Nils-Erik Schultz)说,他已立案调查此事,以确定这些人在2006年和2008年的中国之行是否影响了诺贝尔委员会的评审决策。不过他拒绝透露受调查的评审员的姓名。

瑞典电台(Swedish Radio)披露的有关调查报告说,有3名诺贝尔医学,化学和物理学评审委员被中国邀请,去中国解释诺贝尔奖的甄选过程,以及需要采取哪些步骤来赢得诺贝尔奖。中国政府当局为他们支付了飞机票、旅馆和餐饮开支。


瑞典皇家科学院常任秘书,贡纳尔(Gunnar Oquist)认为,这次的中国之行是不妥当的。



STOCKHOLM, Sweden – Nobel Prize jurors who accepted all-expenses-paid trips to China to discuss the coveted awards are being investigated on suspicion of bribery, a Swedish prosecutor said Thursday.

                        Anti-corruptionprosecutor Nils-Erik Schultz said he opened the probe to determinewhether the trips in 2006 and 2008 were meant to influence thedecisions of the Nobel committees. He declined to name the jurors.

                        Theinvestigation was prompted by a Swedish Radio report that said threejurors from the medicine, chemistry and physics committees were invitedto China to explain the selection process and what it takes to win a Nobel Prize. Chinese authorities paid for their plane tickets, hotels and meals, the report said.

                        Ifcharged and convicted, the jurors would face fines or up to two yearsin prison. However, Swedish prosecutors often drop preliminaryinvestigations without pressing charges.

                        Gunnar Oquist, the permanent secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awards the Nobels in chemistry, physics and economics, acknowledged that the trips were inappropriate.

                        "Weshould be very careful not to put ourselves in a situation where theNobel committee's work can be called into question," he said. "I thinkwe should have thought about that here."

                        Theannual Nobel Prizes honor groundbreaking achievements in medicine,physics, chemistry, literature, economics and peace. Five Europeans,four Americans and three Japanese received the 2008 awards last week.

                        Thelast time China claimed a science price was in 1957, when two Chineseresearchers won the physics award, according to the Nobel Web site.

空气稀薄 发表于 2008-12-19 07:18

明报:諾獎評審涉受賄 被指接受中國資助


http://hk.l.yimg.com/hk.yimg.com/i/nws/partner/mp.gif(明報)12月19日 星期五 05:05


瑞典檢察官舒爾茨(Nils Erik Schultz)向法新社透露,正就上述兩宗事件展開初步調查。他表示,正審查參與中國之旅的委員的身分、開支、去過什麼地方等資料,並且會調查「中國為何邀請他們到中國,是不是認為這樣可以影響委員們(的決定)。」


藥廠贊助 今屆醫學獎有嫌疑
第2宗懷疑受賄事件涉及英瑞兩國合資的AstraZeneca公司,該公司在今年較早時,和兩間與諾貝爾基金有密切關係的公司——Nobel Web和Nobel Media,簽署了贊助協議。今年諾貝爾醫學獎其中一半頒給德國
專家豪森(Harald zur Hausen),表揚他發現引致子宮頸癌

空气稀薄 发表于 2008-12-19 07:20

Nobel Committee tarnished by bribery?

Stockholm, Dec 18 (IANS) Swedish prosecutors have launched a preliminary investigation into possible bribery tarnishing the Nobel awards after revelations that members of three Swedish Nobel Committees received free trips to China from the Chinese government.Earlier in December, Sveriges Radio reported that members of the three Nobel Committees for natural science - medicine, physics, and chemistry - travelled to China at the invitation of Beijing to speak about what it takes to receive a Nobel Prize, according to The Local, an English daily in Sweden.

Public prosecutor Nils-Erik Schultz has decided to probe the matter more closely to determine whether any of the Nobel representatives who accepted the paid trips to China could be charged with bribery.

“As of now isn’t directed at any particular person, but at a set of procedures. In the first instance we need to focus on a few trip to China,” Schultz is quoted as telling Sveriges Radio.

The trips took place in March 2006 and January 2008 and the Chinese government paid for the flights, hotels, and meals. One trip included two Nobel Committee representatives, while three representatives took part in the second trip.

Even the representatives themselves acknowledge that taking the trips was a risky endeavour.

“It’s a borderline case, but we discussed it ahead of time, but it is borderline,” said Bertil Fredholm, who heads the Karolinska Institutet Nobel Committee - charged with picking the winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Fredholm participated in one of the trips, but told Sveriges Radio he doubts that the trips would affect the impartiality of the committee in judging future Nobel nominees from China, The Local reported.

Sven Lidin of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, who also accepted a paid trip to China, expressed his doubts after the fact.

“Just the fact that you’re asking about this makes me think that it’s possible that it would have been a better idea to pay for it from Sweden,” he said.

Schultz’s investigation will determine whether or not to file bribery charges in the case.

“We have to figure out why someone decided that they wanted to pay for tickets and living expenses for these people; was there some thought that they would try to influence these people, who hold very important positions,” he said.

No Chinese citizen has won a Nobel Prize for the past three years.

Meanwhile, a second corruption case involves Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, which earlier this year signed a sponsor agreement with two Nobel companies with close ties to the Nobel Foundation: Nobel Web and Nobel Media.

Half of this year’s Nobel Medicine Prize went to Harald zur Hausen of Germany for his discovery of the human papilloma virus (HPV) that causes cervical cancer.

AstraZeneca receives royalties for the two available vaccines against HPV.

Schultz said he was gathering information on the case to determine whether the pharmaceutical company had any influence over the Medicine Prize committee’s choice of this year’s winners.

However, he has not yet decided to formally launch a preliminary investigation.

410228574@qq.co 发表于 2008-12-19 07:44


fificandy 发表于 2008-12-19 08:21


pzhcdx 发表于 2008-12-19 08:23


瑞典政府的反腐败检察官尼尔斯,埃里克舒尔茨(Nils-Erik Schultz),猪脑袋一个。何为“邀请”?好好理解吧。

64396170 发表于 2008-12-19 08:25




onlytruth 发表于 2008-12-19 08:31


思坡谢鈿 发表于 2008-12-19 08:52


flasher 发表于 2008-12-19 08:53




青衣紫萝 发表于 2008-12-19 08:54

原帖由 64396170 于 2008-12-19 08:25 发表 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif




wwj62598 发表于 2008-12-19 09:00


huaqianghu 发表于 2008-12-19 09:00


13393085 发表于 2008-12-19 09:40


汉轻骑 发表于 2008-12-19 11:03


tom99 发表于 2008-12-19 11:17


壹就是壹 发表于 2008-12-19 16:47

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