荡漾 发表于 2008-12-19 23:58

【08.12.18澳 联合新闻社】反对党要求通讯部长"务必解释Optus与中国军方的关系"

【原文标题】Conroy 'must explain Optus-Chinese army link'



      反对党新闻发言人Nick Minchin(中文译作明钦)接受AAP(即澳大利亚联合新闻社)采访时表示“这说明很可能与(间谍)泄密有关”。




      Minchin要求通讯部长Stephen Conroy务必说明Optus与华为公司是否有密切的关系。





THE Federal Opposition is demanding the Government explain whether a company involved with the new frontrunner's bid for Australia's national broadband network has links with the Chinese military.

Security agencies will closely examine the bid placed by Singtel Optus, which is believed to have asked Chinese firm Huawei Technologies to help build its network, The Australian reported.

Huawei was the subject of a US congressional investigation on national security, after concerns were raised about the company's links to the Chinese military and intelligence apparatus, the report said.

"These are potentially very concerning revelations," Opposition communications spokesman Nick Minchin told AAP.

The Federal Government had kicked out Telstra - the only Australian publicly-listed company bidding for the national broadband network (NBN) - leaving just three national bidders.

The respected global think tank Rand Corporation, which specialises in national security research, says Huawei maintains deep ties with the Chinese military, Senator Minchin said.

Cyber espionage was a problem that Australia had to constantly guard against and the new broadband network needed to be "secure or seen to be secure".

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy must state whether Optus had close links to Huawei, Senator Minchin said.

"If Telstra were kicked out of the bidding process simply because they didn't submit a small business participation plan, where does that leave this particular bid?," he said.

Australians needed to be assured the new network was free of any potential for cyber espionage, he said.

A spokesman for Senator Conroy declined to comment specifically on the report, saying five proposals were being considered by a government-appointed panel.

The panel would provide expert recommendations to Government, he said.


无可就要 发表于 2008-12-20 00:18



悉听尊便 发表于 2008-12-20 14:07

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