QChen 发表于 2008-12-21 16:23





作者 Richard Spencer
最后更新: 5:46PM GMT 17 Dec 2008

北京2008奥运会开幕式在国家体育馆举行,烟花点亮夜空。Stadium Photo: AFP/GETTY

今年可能是中国年,但事情并非总像共产党所预测或是希望的那样。西藏发生的一起暴乱波及引致全世界的抗议,极大地挑战了西方和这个新兴超级强国之间的关系。一场毁灭性的地震,中国30年来最严重的自然灾害,又近于荒谬地将西方和中国拉得更近,因为北京反应的效率和缅甸政府面对破坏性极强的“纳尔吉斯”(Nargis) 飓风时的毫无能力形成反差。


1. 8月8日 – 北京奥运会开幕

这是中国证明世界强国转到东方的时刻吗?世界对于中国非凡的经济发展的赞赏会持续吗?在我们赞叹北京新国家体育馆- 鸟巢举行的2008年奥运会盛大开幕式的同时,西方和亚洲之龙的尖锐关系暂时缓和。奥运会本身辉煌无比 – 中国首次位于金牌榜的第一,美国游泳选手迈克尔.菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)赢得8面金牌的记录,英国位于第四,取得近一个世纪以来最好的成就。奥运会的顺利举行巩固了中国作为新兴强国的声誉,但是警察对抗议者和共产党统治的异见人士的逮捕,人民的权利似乎为此付出了代价。

2.   11月26日 – 孟买的恐怖行动

对恐怖主义世界焦点的恐慌由伊拉克回到了阿富汗,又从那里转到了次大陆,在印度的金融都市形成了一次胆大的袭击。一个伊斯兰教恐怖集团宣称自己是德干圣战组织(Deccan Mujahedeen针对火车站,电影院,医院,以及2家豪华酒店,几乎是随意扫射,游客及员工被困被杀。印度安全力量用了3天时间控制局面, 10名恐怖分子中只有一名到最后被擒,其余全部被击毙。超过170个人遇难,包括一名英国人,以及另外29名外国人。印度和显然是恐怖分子驻地的巴基斯坦之间关系进入新低。

3.   10月21日 – 基督教援助工作者被塔利班杀害

Gayle Williams,英国为阿富汉服务慈善团体的一名自愿者,在首都喀布尔被2名骑摩托车的男人开枪射死。塔利班发表声明对此事负责并指责她的传教活动。她的死给塔利班在最近几个月内取得的成功造成了明显的冲击,甚至是在喀布尔附过地区。以美国为首的联军反击,越界突袭巴基斯坦的军事据点,众多平民伤亡,和伊斯兰堡之间的关系变得紧张起来。

4.   2月1日 – 伊拉克新一波自杀性女人弹


5.   3月 – 西藏暴乱



6.   5月12日-中国地震

正当中国因西藏暴乱引起轩然大波之时,地震侵袭了西南省份四川以及邻近地区,包括西藏。地震,7.9级里氏震级,是中国近30年来最严重的自然灾难,估计有80,000人罹难。政府迅速高效的反应帮助恢复其在西方的声誉; 但是数千名孩童死亡于劣质建筑的学校倒塌之中引发受灾乡村公众愤怒。

7. 2月18日 – 巴基斯坦总统佩尔韦兹•穆沙拉夫(Pervez Musharraf)在议会选举中落败; 后被迫辞职。

巴基斯坦前总理贝•布托(Benazir Bhutto)遇刺后2个月,贝布托的巴基斯坦人民党以及其它反对团体在议会选举中大胜总统佩尔韦兹•穆沙拉夫(Pervez Musharraf)的政党。他于8月被迫辞职,并于次月由贝托女士的丈夫阿西夫•阿里•扎尔达里(Asif Ali Zardari)取代总统之位。

8.   11月25日 – 泰国示威者占据曼谷机场,度假游客受困


9.   5月2日 – 缅甸飓风

“纳尔吉斯”(Nargis) 飓风横扫伊洛瓦底江三角洲和仰光,使得大约10 – 20万人丧生。军政府于5月10日推动宪法公投,同时推迟阻挠援助物质送达受灾地区引起国际上的愤慨。联合国估计总共有150万人受到影响。

10.   4月10日 – 毛派主义者赢得尼泊尔选举,结束君主制

掌控喜玛拉雅王国新议会的毛派反对派的选举终结了一个长期统治的阵营。在这个保守的社会里,变革纷沓而至 – 5月28日,新的制宪委员会解散了历时239年的君主制,宣布为共和国。国王贾南德拉(Gyanendra)下台,毛派主义领袖普什巴•卡玛尔•达哈尔(Pushpa Kamal Dahal),又称普拉昌达(Prachanda),8月15日获选为总理。

Asia review of the year 2008

If this is Asia’s Century, 2008 was supposed to be China’s year: after overtaking Britain to become the world’s fourth largest economy, it was set to challenge Germany in third place and replace Japan as holder of the world’s largest pool of foreign cash savings. And then there were the Olympics, the biggest and boldest ever.

By Richard Spencer
Last Updated: 5:46PM GMT 17 Dec 2008

Fireworks light up the night sky during the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, held at the National Stadium Photo: AFP/GETTY

It may have been China’s year, but not always in ways that the Communist Party could have predicted, or desired. An uprising in Tibet spilled over into worldwide protests which profoundly challenged western relations with the emerging superpower. A deadly earthquake, China’s worst natural disaster for 30 years, paradoxically drew the West and China closer together, as the efficiency of Beijing’s response was contrasted to the incompetence of the Burmese government in the face of the devastating Cyclone Nargis.

Elsewhere in Asia, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq continued, there was political instability in Pakistan and Thailand, terrorists brought graphic scenes of death and destruction to the streets and luxury hotels of Mumbai, but one long-running conflict came to an apparent end. In Nepal, Maoist former guerrillas formed a government after open elections, and oversaw the end of the monarchy. Worldwide, there are now just 27 left.

1. August 8 - the Beijing Olympics open

Was it the moment that China proved world power was shifting East? Can the world’s admiration for China’s extraordinary economic progress last? The West’s edgy relationship with the Asian dragon was put on hold as we admired the spectacular opening ceremony of the 2008 Games in Beijing’s new National Stadium, the Bird’s Nest. The Games themselves were no less dramatic - China came top of the gold medals table for the first time, the America swimmer Michael Phelps won a record eight golds, and Britain came fourth, its best achievement for almost a century. The smooth running of the Games cemented China’s reputation as an emerging power, but with police arrests of protesters and critics of the ruling Communist Party the rights of its people seemed to have paid a price.

2. November 26 - Terror in Mumbai

Fears that the world focus of terror was moving from Iraq back to Afghanistan, and from there into the Sub-Continent, were crystallised in a daring raid on India’s financial capital. Shooting almost at random, an Islamic terror group calling itself the Deccan Mujahedeen targeted the railway station, a cinema, a hospital, and two luxury hotels where guests and staff were rounded up and murdered. Indian security forces took three days to regain control, killing all but one of the 10 terrorists responsible and capturing the last. More than 170 people were killed, including one Briton and 29 other foreigners. Relations between India and Pakistan, where the terrorists were apparently based, hit a new low.

3. October 21 - Christian aid worker killed by the Taliban

Gayle Williams, a volunteer with the British Serve Afghanistan charity, was shot by two men on a motorbike in the capital Kabul. The Taliban issued a statement admitting responsibility and accusing her of proselytising. Her death gave a very visible impact to the success of the Taliban in recent months, even in areas around Kabul. As the American-led coalition fought back, its cross-border raids into militant strongholds in Pakistan, some with numerous civilian casualties, strained relations with Islamabad.

4. Feb 1 - New wave of women suicide bombers in Iraq

Two women blew themselves up in a crowded market in Baghdad, killing nearly 100 people. The growing use of women in suicide attacks in Iraq was a feature of the insurgency this year; some of those employed as bombers suffered mental disabilities, including the two responsible for this attack, according to US military sources. But overall, the level of violence in the country continued to decline.

5. March - Uprising in Tibet

Protests by monks beginning on March 10, the anniversary of the 1959 uprising which led to the Dalai Lama’s exile, were suppressed by Chinese police. But on March 14, Tibetans rioted in the capital Lhasa, killing 20 people, and triggering a huge police and army crackdown as protests spread across the region. Foreign journalists were forcibly expelled, leaving behind rumours of shootings and mass detentions.

Subsequently, pro-Tibet sympathisers in London, Paris and San Francisco disrupted the Beijing Olympic Torch relay, leading to outbursts of anti-foreign sentiment in China and among Chinese populations around the world.

6. May 12 - China earthquake

Even as China reverberated from the uprising in Tibet, the ground shook in the south-west province of Sichuan and neighbouring regions, including Tibet itself. The quake, 7.9 on the Richter scale, was the deadliest natural disaster in China for 30 years, killing an estimated 80,000 people. The government’s swift and efficient response helped restore its reputation in the West; but the deaths of thousands of children as their shoddily built schools collapsed triggered widespread anger in affected towns and villages.

7. Feb 18 - President Pervaiz Musharraf of Pakistan defeated in parliamentary elections; later forced to quit

Two months after former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, her Pakistan People’s Party and other opposition groups inflicted a resounding defeat on the government of President Pervaiz Musharraf in parliamentary elections. He was forced from office in August, and replaced the next month by Mrs Bhutto’s husband, Asif Ali Zardari.

8. November 25 - Thai protesters take Bangkok airport, strand holidaymakers

In a year of political chaos, Thailand was led by one prime minister after another as military rule gave way to a parliamentary democracy that proved deeply divisive. Opponents of the popularly elected People’s Power Party brought Bangkok, and the economy, to a standstill, finally staging a sit-in at Bangkok Airport. At times, the drama turned to farce: one prime minister was forced from office for appearing on a television cookery programme, while the opposition People’s Alliance for Democracy claimed Thailand’s rural majority were too ill-educated for their votes to outweigh those of the urban elite.

9. May 2 - Burma cyclone

Cyclone Nargis swept up the Irrawaddy Delta and across Rangoon, killing an estimated 100-200,000 people. The military junta caused international outrage by pressing ahead with a constitutional “referendum” on May 10 and meanwhile delaying and obstructing aid supplies to the devastated region. In all, the United Nations estimated 1.5 million people were affected.

10. April 10 - Maoists win Nepal elections and end the monarchy

Elections brought an end to a long-running campaign by Maoist insurgents who went on to dominate the Himalayan kingdom’s new parliament. Change followed with bewildering speed in this conservative society - on May 28 the new Constituent Assembly dissolved the 239-year-old monarchy and declared a republic. King Gyanendra stepped down, and the Maoists’ reclusive leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal, known as Prachanda, was voted in as prime minister on August 15.

ziheantcnn 发表于 2008-12-21 16:53


lezaiyisheng 发表于 2008-12-21 17:13


sam712 发表于 2008-12-21 17:27

原帖由 ziheantcnn 于 2008-12-21 16:53 发表 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


西拿 发表于 2008-12-21 18:35

恩 西方看来 也知道流亡政府公布的所谓100多人死亡的数字 根本就是捏造。
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