isofeng 发表于 2009-1-1 12:22


本帖最后由 isofeng 于 2009-1-1 13:30 编辑

本文来自: 中国早报精英论坛 作者:Wordy_Camel
Taiwan to seek further bank mergers
作者: Wordy_Camel

By Robin Kwong in Taipei
Published: December 28 2008 22:04 | Last updated: December 28 2008 22:04

Taiwan’s government will seek to use its influence in partially state-owned banks to push for banking sector consolidation, its newly appointed financial super-regulator said.


Sean Chen, chairman of the Financial Supervisory Commission, told the Financial Times that Taiwan still had too many banks in spite of attempts to reform the financial sector.

台湾金融监督管理委员会主席陈冲(Sean Chen)告诉《金融时报》,尽管金融部门致力于改革,台湾的银行仍然过多。

Former state banks in which the government has reduced its stake to below 50 per cent were the most likely candidates to lead a new wave of consolidation, Mr Chen said.


Those banks will play a bigger role in any upcoming consolidation because they are still under “some government influence, which means they have the sense of social responsibility” to conduct mergers that would be “very healthy for the financial markets”, Mr Chen said.


He did not specify any banks but the government holds minority stakes in only a handful of Taiwan’s 37 banks.


These include Mega Bank, Taiwan’s second biggest by assets, and Chang Hwa Bank, a 103-year-old institution in which the government remains the second biggest shareholder, in spite of selling a 22.5 per cent stake to family-owned Taishin Financial in 2005.


While bank mergers would increase the sector’s stability, Mr Chen said, the government would not force any consolidation.


“If you see this boy is very handsome and that girl is very beautiful, but they don’t know each other, you can remind the boy that the girl is very attractive but you cannot push them together,” he said.


Taiwan began a clean-up of the financial sector in 2001 when its first postwar recession caused non-performing loan ratios to peak above 12 per cent and exposed the weaknesses of having too many banks in too small a market.


The problem of poor-quality loans has since been brought under control but a drive to consolidate the banking industry in 2005, initiated by former president Chen Shui-bian, stalled amid allegations of corruption.


HSBC, Standard Chartered and Citigroup have taken over small Taiwanese banks in the last two years.


However, Mr Chen said Taiwan had “exhausted” foreign institutions’ willingness to make further purchases. State banks, while large, were heavily regulated and “don’t enjoy any flexibility in consolidating other institutions”, he said.


Taiwan’s banks had only limited direct exposure to the US financial crisis but Mr Chen said the global economic downturn meant they were suffering similar problems to their western peers.


Taiwan is widely expected to fall into recession by the end of this year.


Both exports and orders in the last month have fallen by a quarter from a year ago, prompting analysts to expect future problems for local banks.


Signs of this are emerging. The average non-performing loan ratio rose from 1.54 per cent in October to 1.6 per cent at the end of last month, while coverage of outstanding loans by provisions fell from 66.12 per cent in October to 63.6 per cent.


文章来源:Financial Time

靠!人权? 发表于 2009-1-1 13:01


古巷陈酿 发表于 2009-1-1 13:13

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