rlsrls08 发表于 2009-1-9 08:43


本帖最后由 luyi99 于 2009-1-10 10:47 编辑

【原文标题】The Gaza Boomerang
【来源地址】http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/0 ... of.html?ref=opinion

Op-Ed Columnist
The Gaza Boomerang

Published: January 7, 2009

At a time when Israel is bombing Gaza to try to smash Hamas, it’s worth remembering that Israel itself helped nurture Hamas.

When Hamas was founded in 1987, Israel was mostly concerned with Yasser Arafat’s Fatah movement and figured that a religious Palestinian organization would help undermine Fatah. Israel calculated that all those Muslim fundamentalists would spend their time praying in the mosques, so it cracked down on Fatah and allowed Hamas to rise as a counterforce.

What we’re seeing in the Middle East is the Boomerang Syndrome. Arab terrorism built support for right-wing Israeli politicians, who took harsh actions against Palestinians, who responded with more terrorism, and so on. Extremists on each side sustain the other, and the excessive Israeli ground assault in Gaza is likely to create more terrorists in the long run.

If this pattern continues, we may eventually see Hamas-style Palestinians facing off against hard-line Israelis, with each side making the others’ lives wretched — and political moderates in the Middle East politically eviscerated.

I visited Gaza last summer and found many Palestinians ambivalent in a way that Americans and Israelis often don’t appreciate. Many Gazans scorn Fatah as corrupt and incompetent, and they dislike Hamas’s overzealousness and repression. But when they are suffering and humiliated, they find it emotionally satisfying to see Hamas fighting back.

Granted, Israel was profoundly provoked in this case. Israel sought an extension of its cease-fire with Hamas, and Egypt offered to mediate one — but Hamas refused. When it is shelled by its neighbor, Israel has to do something.

But Israel’s right to do something doesn’t mean it has the right to do anything. Since the shelling from Gaza started in 2001, 20 Israeli civilians have been killed by rockets or mortars, according to a tabulation by Israeli human rights groups. That doesn’t justify an all-out ground invasion that has killed more than 660 people (it’s difficult to know how many are militants and how many are civilians).

So what could Israel have reasonably done? Bombing the tunnels through which Gazans smuggle weapons would have been a proportionate response, if Israel had stopped there, and the same is true of airstrikes on certain Hamas targets. An even better approach would have been to ease the siege in Gaza, perhaps creating an environment in which Hamas would have extended the cease-fire. It was certainly worth trying — and almost anything would be better than lashing out in a way that would create more boomerangs.

“This policy is not strengthening Israel,” notes Sari Bashi, the executive director of Gisha, an Israeli human rights group that works on Gaza issues. “The trauma that 1.5 million people have been undergoing in Gaza is going to have long-term effects for our ability to live together.

“My colleague in Gaza works for an Israeli organization. She’s learning Hebrew, and she’s just the kind of person we can build a future with. And her 6-year-old nephew, every time a bomb drops from the air, is at first scared and then says — hopefully — maybe the Qassam Brigades will now fire rockets at the Israelis.”

Israel’s strategy has been to make ordinary Palestinians suffer in hopes of creating ill will toward Hamas. That’s why, beginning in 2007, Israel cut back fuel shipments for Gaza utilities — and why today, in the aftermath of the bombings, 800,000 Gaza residents lack running water, Ms. Bashi said.

“The Israeli policy on Gaza has been marketed as a policy against Hamas, but in reality it’s a policy against a million-and-a-half people in Gaza,” she said.

We all know that the most plausible solution to the Middle East mess is a two-state solution along the lines that former President Bill Clinton has proposed. It’s difficult to tell how we get there from here, but a crucial step is to strengthen President Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority.

Instead, initial reports are that the assault on Gaza is focusing Arab anger on Mr. Abbas and moderate neighbors like Jordan, undermining the peacemakers.

My courageous Times colleague in Gaza, Taghreed el-Khodary, quoted a 37-year-old father weeping over the corpse of his 11-year-old daughter: “From now on, I am Hamas. I choose resistance.”

Barack Obama has said relatively little about Gaza. At first, given the provocations by Hamas, that was understandable. But as the ground invasion costs more lives, he needs to join European leaders in calling for a new cease-fire on all sides — and after he assumes the presidency, he must provide real leadership that the world craves.

Aaron David Miller, a longtime Middle East peace negotiator for the United States, suggests in his excellent new book, “The Much Too Promised Land,” that presidents should offer Israel “love, but tough love.”

So, Mr. Obama, find your voice. Fall in tough love with Israel.





如果这种模式继续下去,我们最终可能看到哈马斯风格的巴勒斯坦人对抗强硬路线的以色列人,每一方都使得对方生活悲惨,而中东的政治温和派销声匿迹 。


当然,在这种情况下,以色列被深深地激怒了。以色列要求延长与哈马斯的停火协议,埃及愿意调解 -但哈马斯拒绝了。当以色列遭到哈马司炮轰,以色列必须做一些事情。

但是,以色列有权做"一些事情"并不意味着它有权利做"任何事情"。根据以色列人权团体的统计,自从2001年哈马斯开始炮轰以色列,一共有20位以色列平民被杀害。这并不能证明以色列全面地面入侵是正当的,以方的入侵造成了超过660名巴人死亡(现在还很难知道有多少是武装人员,有多少人是平民) 。


“这并不能使以色列更强大。”GISHA执行主任Sari Bashi说。GISHA是一个着重加沙问题的以色列人权组织。 “加沙150万人一直以来承受的创伤将对共存的忍耐有长远的影响。"

“我的同事在加沙地带的以色列机构工作。她在学习希伯来语,她是那种能够与之创建未来的一个人。每次炸弹从空中掉下,她和6岁的侄子,一开始感到害怕,然后说-希望是-也许是哈马斯在向以色列发射火箭弹。 ”


“以色列对加沙地带的政策对外宣称针对哈马斯,但实际上这是一个针对加沙150万居民的政策。 ”她说。



正在加沙的,勇敢的纽约时报同事Taghreed el-Khodary 引述一名在11岁的女儿尸体边哭泣的37岁的父亲的话说: “从现在起,我是哈马斯。我选择反抗。”


亚伦大卫米勒长期任美国在中东地区的和平谈判人员,在他的新书“太乐土(The Much Too Promised Land)”上写道总统应给予以色列"“爱,但强硬的爱。 ”


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-1-9 08:52



noonoo 发表于 2009-1-9 09:10


蔚蓝矢车菊 发表于 2009-1-9 11:05

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-1-9 08:43 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


蔚蓝矢车菊 发表于 2009-1-9 11:06


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-1-9 08:52 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

期待楼主的下文~~o060) o060)

清禾上 发表于 2009-1-9 11:16



rlsrls08 发表于 2009-1-9 11:25

本帖最后由 luyi99 于 2009-1-15 06:56 编辑


Israel continually forgets the most important lesson of their own history - and that of other conflicts:

Violence begets violence.

Eachchild bombed out of their own pitiful refugee home has a burning needfor revenge. Each child who watches his parents and siblings beingcarried out of rubble in bits and pieces swears to spend their livesseeking revenge.

The Palestinians are a people Israel keepstrying to conquer, they are a people who Israel consistently views asan irritant who dare to want to keep their homeland.

No peoplecan be expected to meekly step aside as their lands, homes, employmentand families are taken from them. 99.99% of us would fight offinvaders. That's human nature. Why does Israel always expect thePalestinians not to fight for the return of their lives and homes?— Katy, NYC

Recommended by 574 Readers








I recently retired from the US Marine Corps, but I saw service in Iraq.I do know something of military matters that are relevant to thesituation now in Gaza.

I am dismayed by the rhetoric from USpoliticians and pundits to the effect that “if the US were under rocketattack from Mexico or Canada, we would respond like the Israelis”. Thisa gross insult to US servicemen; I can assure you that we would NOTrespond like the Israelis. In fact, US armed forces and adjunctcivilians are under attack constantly in Iraq and Afghanistan by peoplewho are much better armed, much better trained and far deadlier thanHamas (I’ll ignore for now that the politicians seem to be oblivious tothis fact). Israel has indeed taken a small number of casualties fromHamas rocket fire (about 20 killed since 2001), but we have takenthousands of casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, including manycivilian personnel. Hundreds of American casualties have occurred dueto indirect fire, often from mortars. This is particularly true in ornear the Green Zone in Baghdad. This fire often originates from denselypopulated urban areas.

Americans do not, I repeat DO NOT,respond to that fire indiscriminately. When I say “indiscriminately”, Imean that even if we can precisely identify the source of the fire(which can be very difficult), we do not respond if we know we willcause civilian casualties. We always evaluate the threat to civiliansbefore responding, and in an urban area the threat to civilians isextremely high. If US servicemen violate those rules of engagement andharm civilians, I assure you we do our best to investigate -- and meteout punishment if warranted. There are differing opinions on theconflict in Iraq, but I am proud of the conduct of our servicemen there.

Withthat in mind, I find the conduct of the Israeli army in Gaza to bebrutal and dishonorable, and it is insulting that they and others claimthat the US military would behave in the same way. I know the Israelisare operating under difficult circumstances, but their claim that theyfollow similar rules of engagement rings hollow; I see little evidencefor this claim given the huge number of civilian casualties they havecaused from indirect fire.

In particular, I am stunned at theIsraeli explanation for the 30+ civilians killed at the UN school. TheIsraelis say they were responding to mortar fire from the school.Mortars are insidious because their high trajectory and lack of primaryflash make it very difficult to trace the source of the fire; you haveto have a spotter locate the crew. The Israelis claim that they tracedthe source of the fire precisely to the school; if so, they must havedirectly spotted the crew. Thus it is inconceivable that the Israelisdid not know that the target was a crowded UN school, yet they chose tofire on the school anyhow. I say without hesitation that this is acriminal act. If the Israelis had said, “sorry, it was an accident”,that could indicate a targeting problem, confusion, or inferiortraining. But to openly admit that they responded reflexively to theHamas fire without consideration for the inevitable civilian casualtiesis beyond the pale. The Israelis blame Hamas for firing from the school(although UN personnel on the ground dispute this), but choosing tofire directly at civilians is far worse; it is tantamount to murder. USservicemen do not behave that way in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we facemuch deadlier adversaries (Hamas mortar crews are apparently not veryeffective: I believe that all but one of the total Israeli combatfatalities have been from friendly fire). In the rare and unfortunatecases where US personnel have willingly targeted civilians, they havebeen court-martialed and punished.

The Israeli approach in Gazastrikes me as uncontrolled and vengeful. My objective analysis is thatit has little tactical effectiveness; my opinion is that its main goalis to whip the entire Gaza population into submission. This isdisturbingly similar to the Israelis’ conduct in Lebanon in 2006, so Ifeel obliged to say that the Israeli military displays a concertedpattern of disregard for civilian lives. I am not a politician, but inmy opinion the US should take some sort of political action in thisregard. If we continue to formally condone Israel’s dishonorable andbrutal military conduct in Gaza, I fear there will eventually be direconsequences for our country.

— JDS, North Carolina

Recommended by 519 Readers






Even thoughtful journalists such as yourself Mr Kristof, seemscompelled to be apologists for Israel, as in: Israel was provoked.Really !? Gaza had been under brutal occupation for decades; its peoplevoted in Hamas in fair and free elections; and since then Gaza has beenblockaded -- air, land, sea -- and has become an open air prison. Ifyou were a resident of Gaza, wouldn't you say that you'd been provokedby Israel ?
— kelvinco, Boulder, CO

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甚至深思熟虑的记者如克里什托夫先生自己,都不得不为以色列辩护,如:以色列被激怒了。真的么!?几十年来加沙地带一直在野蛮占领下,其人民在公平和自由的选举中投票给哈马斯,从那以后加沙被封锁以来 --空中,陆上,海上--它已成为一个露天监狱。 如果你是加沙地带的居民,你会不会说,你被以色列激怒?

- kelvinco , Boulder,科罗拉多州


During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States established ablockade around Cuba. The intent was to prevent Russian missiles fromgetting to Cuba. America had very good reasons to dislike havingnuclear armed weapons just minutes away from our population centers.

Butsuppose the United States had extended the blockade to prevent anyfood, medicine, electricity or fuel from entering Cuba. Suppose wecontrolled and limited any humanitarian aid that could get in. Imaginethat no Cuban sugar or cigars were allowed to be exported and noequipment or supplies were allowed to be imported. Then imagine theblockade was also extended to prevent any people from entering orleaving Cuba without U.S. government approval. Finally, imagine thatthe United States government refused to allow any internationalobservers to enter Cuba to report first hand on what might have beenperpetrated on the Cuban people.

Now, do you think that after 45years of this blockade, the Cuban people wouldn't be justified in doingwhatever they could to fight this oppression? If they could build arocket that could reach Miami, do you think they wouldn't use it? Doyou really think such actions would be totally unjustified?

Manypeople thought that Cuba was a rogue state. Do you think the UnitedStates would have been justified in treating Cuba in the same way thatIsrael has been treating the Palestinians? The Israelis have beenkeeping up these pressures on the Palestinians for sixty years. Achange is needed, but it is the Israelis who need to change.
— Steve, Japan

Recommended by 360 Readers







There's a differencebetween ending the violence and securing peace. Israel can use force tooverwhelm Hamas and punish Palestinians, and Israel may secure an endto the violence of rockets being fired into Israel. But ending theviolence will not bring about peace for Israel or for Palestinians. IfIsrael wants to actually have peace, it simply needs to recognize thatHamas is leading the Palestinian drive for an independent state.Palestinians have every right to want a state, just as Israeli Jewshave the right to a state. By acknowledging the Palestinian right to astate, Israel takes the first step to peace. The next step involveswithdrawing all settlers back to the pre-1967 borders and turningJerusalem into an international capital. All international law sees theIsraeli settlements as illegal. The way to peace is easy.
— bram, NYC

Recommended by 323 Readers


-bram ,纽约


I don't see how anyone can honesty look at the Israeli government'sinvasion of Gaza and call it anything else than state-supportedterrorism Dead civilians, bombed schools, and other terrible sufferingall form the very definition of terror. The only real differences thatI can see between the attackers in Gaza and those in Mumbai (or anyHamas attack, for that matter) are that the Israeli military kills farmore civilians and they kill far more children.

Blind supportfor the Israeli government and the terror it is producing in Gaza isnot only immoral but will also prove harmful to both the American andthe Israeli people. The furor with which Israel has specificallyattacked civilians in Gaza will create even more support for Hamas andits reactionary fundamentalist beliefs.

It is ironic that theUnited States government has overthrown many other governments for farless that what Israel has done, and yet now it supplies the weapons forthe killing. Our leaders have a biased notion of what it means to be arogue nation.— Randy, Alaska

Recommended by 287 Readers






The article in the NYT's today by Ethan Bronner about how Gaza hasgiven Israel's defence minister Barack a political lift is outrightchilling given what is transpiring. I mean they shelled a UN school andkilled innocent children and civilians. There is grotesque destructiongoing on in a highly populated urban ghetto and the NYT writes aboutLabor getting a political rise in the polls because of it.

Thereporting of this story is pathetic, Mumbai got more press during it'ssiege. It reminds me of Burma when during the recent disaster the presswere not allowed in nor were relieve aid workers. The story in thepress simply moved on. This is now taking place in Gaza, Israel blocksmedia access and so the story and ridiculous ground offensive move on.Israel now has a green light to kill both Hamas and civilians. If fortyIsraeli's were killed at a school yesterday it would be viewed asheinous, apparently Palestinian lives come cheap as has been the casefor decades. Israel is conducting a Warsaw Ghetto mentality in Gaza andhas for a long time, it is time we all woke up and called a spade aspade here !

Today's Kristof piece is soft, Freidman's yesterdaywas downright absent given the ridiculous toll on Gaza and it'scivilians, bordering on numbingly insincere by a hardened journalist. Alife is a life and people are losing them. Is a ratio of 460 lives to 5justifiable ?

At the end of the day by way of the U.S. silenceand minimalist action they are green lighting murder and targetedkilling. Obama by failing to take verbal action in light of Bush 2'sregular inaction only highlights that he is not the measure of a man hesold himself to be. This situation was planned well in advance and waseasily avoidable and may I add stopable.— Sean, Vancouver

Recommended by 278 Readers

Any sympathy for Israel has now disappeared completely.
— Keith Tunstall, UK
Recommended by 257 Readers



I take exception to your statement that Israel was provoked. It is the Gazan who live in an open air prison and have been blockaded from airl and and sea ever since they exercised their democratic rights and voted in a government led by Hamas. Let's call a spade a spade.— Arif, Karachi Pakistan

Recommended by 214 Readers



Those of us who grew up in Middle East and begrudgingly admired Israelfor many reasons including a political system where there is a rotationof leadership, where today's prime minister is tomorrow's oppositionfigure; where you do not have to live 40 years before you see a changeof leadership due to natural or unnatural causes; those of us who feltas the Arab adage says: "A rational enemy is better than an irrationalfriend" and secretly hoped to have the Israeli system rub off on oursand to bury the hatchet one day. We are unimpressed today with Israeland its' leaders and enablers including NY Times, Kristof, Friedman andothers.

They are as short-sighted as the traders of Wall Streetwhere they thought the party will never end. In Israel, we see arotation of jokers with smart weapons supplied by not so smart suckersand used against a largely defenseless and dejected population.

"ArabTerrorism" - Kristof dispenses easily with the word "Arab", be itterrorism, or militia or Janjaweed, etc. - did not occur in a vacuum.Gaza residents did not have a choice to go to the ball game, or firesome rockets at Israel. But you can be assured, more and more of Gazaresident and beyond, will be eager to do everything in their power toavenge the deaths of their relatives and brethren.

What goes around, comes around.

— M. Kraishan, Ashburn, VA

Recommended by 197 Readers

sam712 发表于 2009-1-9 11:26

去年夏天我访问了加沙地带,发现许多巴勒斯坦人非常矛盾,而美国人和以色列人常常不理解这种矛盾。许多加沙人鄙视法塔赫的腐败无能,他们不喜欢哈马斯的过激和镇压。但是,当他们遭受痛苦和羞辱时,他们很高兴看到哈 ...
清禾上 发表于 2009-1-9 11:16 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif



蔚蓝矢车菊 发表于 2009-1-9 12:54

以色列持续地忘记他们自身历史中和其他冲突的最重要的教训: 暴力招致暴力。



rlsrls08 发表于 2009-1-9 11:25 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


youllczlsmsyyk 发表于 2009-1-9 14:01


sam712 发表于 2009-1-9 11:26 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
好言论!!!!!Q20) Q20)Q20)Q20)Q20)

whatdoing 发表于 2009-1-9 14:06


日出地平线 发表于 2009-1-9 14:12


05110028 发表于 2009-1-9 14:24


西拿 发表于 2009-1-9 20:31

以色列这个国家 右翼过于强硬。问题在于 阿拉伯国家一直不能给以色列的右派 真正的打击,以至于现在以色列能够肆无忌惮的攻打加沙!
   哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。 反抗的势力足够强大以后,压迫自然会消除。

luyi99 发表于 2009-1-9 20:55


wyd2008 发表于 2009-1-9 21:18


小麦子 发表于 2009-1-10 00:43


sam712 发表于 2009-1-9 11:26 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

illidanyyh 发表于 2009-1-10 02:09

去年夏天我访问了加沙地带,发现许多巴勒斯坦人非常矛盾,而美国人和以色列人常常不理解这种矛盾。许多加沙人鄙视法塔赫的腐败无能,他们不喜欢哈马斯的过激和镇压。但是,当他们遭受痛苦和羞辱时,他们很高兴看到哈 ...
清禾上 发表于 2009-1-9 11:16 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif




wanjian 发表于 2009-1-10 11:12


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-1-10 11:36

wanjian 发表于 2009-1-10 11:12 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

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