Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-1-11 08:45

【中国系列】A Talk on Traditional Chinese Culture

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-1-11 08:55 编辑


What is culture? There is a broad definition for this.
During the ancient times, in China and other foreigh countries, "culture" has constantly been brought about and discussed, and yet no unitary agreement has come out for its definition.

Even in as early as Confucius' time, culture was talked about as "文"(wen, learning) and "质"(zhi, nature,character), the opposing side, which was supposed to be "the moral behavior and the norms that the learned should have".

So today the collocated saying "文质彬彬"(wenzhibinbin) implies "the state or the desired world that gentlemen(men of learning, being cultured, together with his moral behavior)" are expected to reach.

In China "文化"(wenhua, culture) was probably first used in West Han Dynasty(206 B. C.— 24 A. D.), when "culture" was used then to mean "Civil Administration" (文治, wenzhi) as oppoosed to "Military Administration" (武治, wuzhi).

In Jin Dynasty (265 A. D. — 316 A. D.) in China, according to history, "culture" only means "the Civil Administration of the country", which implies "a means of state apparatus", and that obviously does not take the sense as it has in modern society.

《英释中国传统文化》 浙江大学出版社 2006年8月第1版 P1

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-1-19 03:45

However, when "天文" (tianwen, astronomy) was used in ancient China to refer to the natural phenomena and the related laws of nature, "人文"(renwen, the humane) was soon started to be used to refer to "the kinds of existing social phenomena" then, which is, to some extent, similar to the concepts of "culture" that people usually have in mind today for its broad sense.

But, "culture" is again difficult to define, because in different situations "culture" seems to have been defined in different ways. In social communication, for example, "culture" has been used for diversified purposes and taking more than 260 meanings.(See 沈锡伦,1993).

As far as education is concerned, for instance, people sometimes say"没有文化",(…meiyou wenhua) which always suggests that "he/she is illiterate"; but “学文化”(xue wenhua) means "learning from the very beginning", usually refers to the process of learning to read, to become literate from books.

Then the saying "文化水平高"(wenhua shuiping gao) always tells "someone has learned a lot from books" and implies, therefore, "he/she is more knowledgeable than others". So, "culture" is often the symbol for book knowedge and education.

《英释中国传统文化》 浙江大学出版社 2006年8月第1版 P1-2

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-2-4 06:01

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-2-4 06:09 编辑

In another aspect, then, "culture" seems to have often been related with some departments (usually departments responsible for "the promotion of spiritual civilization") of the modern social structure.

These departments include:
1) musical performances, entertainment, publishing, cultural relics, etc.
2) work units undergoing such activities as theatrical company, theatre, concert hall, art museum, library, and cultural center (文化馆, wenhua guan) , etc.

Therefore such related terms come out today as "cultural activity" (文化活动, wenhua huodong) , "cultural exchange" (文化交流, wenhua jiaoliu) and "cultural consumption" (文化消费, wenhua xiaofei).

But, as we can see, what has been mentioned above does not concern the real essence of culture. "Culture, rationally, is the manifestation of human social activities and thus, the product of human behavior" (常敬宇,1998). In this case, culture has always been defined in the following aspects:

1) historically, culture is a process of social progress that represents the development of human civilization;
2) socially, culture reflects the social progress and coexists with human bejings in the society;
3) spiritually, culture is the product of spiritual activities, which is the result of certain human communities;
4) culture is also a lifestyle, a symbol and the true reflection of human life, activities and behaviors of the time;
5) culture is a national phenomenon, reflecting the unique cultural forms of the nation, as each nation has its own individual cultural image that symbolizes the nationality.

《英释中国传统文化》 浙江大学出版社 2006年8月第1版 P2-3

Kaen 发表于 2009-6-27 14:24

i read it and where are the other chapters?
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