荡漾 发表于 2009-1-19 00:13


本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2009-1-19 00:22 编辑

【原文标题】Memo to Obama: Don't forget about Asia


   如此多紧迫的问题摆在眼前,新政府仍需要花点宝贵的时间思考一个更远但日益临近并可能转变成最大挑战的问题——世界财富和权力正向亚洲转移,尤其是崛起中的中国。本周发布的一份报告提供了相关建议。报告由我与来自美国企业研究会的Dan Blumenthal合作完成,在报告中我们提炼了报告工作小组的座谈内容论述了《美国的亚洲战略》的主旨。



      本文登载于美国外交政策网的shadow Government(影子政府)部分,由经验丰富的(曾经的)政策制定者撰写有关奥巴马政府外交政策的文章。本文提及的《美国的亚洲战略》报告PDF全文版链接:http://www.aei.org/docLib/20090106_AsiaStrategyReport.pdf,中国主题出现在该报告的第二章,有兴趣的朋友可以去看看。

(By Aaron Friedberg)
Henry Kissinger once described his time in government this way: "Sometimes it feels as if you were in one of those movies, sitting on the track in front of an express train. The train is bearing down on you. You know what to do if you did not have ten other things that needed doing first. You are praying that the train somehow will miss and you will not get hit."

When he takes office next Tuesday, Barack Obama is going to find trains bearing down on him from all sides: conflict in Gaza, unfinished wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorist threats, a brewing confrontation between India and Pakistan, Iran on the brink of acquiring nuclear weapons, and an unresolved global economic crisis of unprecedented proportions.

With so many urgent problems to contend with, the new administration will have precious little time to devote to a more distant, but fast-approaching challenge that may yet turn out to be the biggest of them all: the ongoing shift in world wealth and power towards Asia and, in particular, the rise of China. Here’s a report, released this week, that’s designed to help. In it, my co-author Dan Blumenthal of the American Enterprise Institute and I (drawing on the conversations of an outstanding working group) describe the key features of “An American Strategy for Asia.”

As regards China, we argue that, even as it continues its long-standing policy of economic and diplomatic engagement, the United States is going to have to step up its efforts to maintain a favorable balance of power in East Asia. Towards this end we advocate the further strengthening of our existing bilateral alliance and quasi-alliance relationships, the creation of new multi-lateral mechanisms for promoting strategic cooperation among Asia’s democracies, and some significant improvements in U.S. capabilities to offset China’s ongoing military buildup. We conclude that: “The United States and its regional friends and allies have among them more than ample resources to ensure their security. But if they fail to deploy them in an effective and purposeful way, they will find themselves on the wrong end of a rapidly shifting balance of power.”

While it struggles to meet other, more immediate challenges, the Obama administration must find the time, energy and, hardest of all, the resources, to deal with this one as well.


jzs1987 发表于 2009-1-19 00:29

本帖最后由 m122320056 于 2009-1-19 00:45 编辑




hhjnet 发表于 2009-1-20 01:01


蔚蓝矢车菊 发表于 2009-1-21 12:38


三百勇士 发表于 2009-1-23 11:32

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查看完整版本: 美外交政策网:奥巴马备忘录——“不要忘记亚洲”