bylife 发表于 2009-2-15 09:47


【原文标题】China to sell assets of scandal-hit milk company
【翻译】 bylife



新华社报道,上周四法院宣布坐落在石家庄市的三鹿集团倒闭。 它的不动产,房屋和设备将在3月4日被拍卖, 包括它在其他3家奶制品公司、报纸和官方的投资权益和利息。

Fonterra, 一家新西兰农业集团,拥有三鹿43%的股权,已经注销了澳元$1亿3千9百万的投资。去年8月,这家外资公司负有责任把受污染的奶制品向中国权威机构通报。


至少有12起诉讼真对这家国有三鹿公司, 但是由于政治丑闻的敏感性问题,法院即不接受也不拒绝这些起诉,至此他们陷入了一种法律困境。

这宗丑闻暴露了广泛存在奶制品行业的供应链问题, 供应商把从奶农那买来的牛奶稀释,然后添加三氯氢胺人为地提高蛋白质含量。然后这些被污染的牛奶再被销往奶制品公司

法院裁决相关20多人罪名为添加三氯氢胺或失职罪,当中包括原三鹿总经理、董事长田文华,罪名终身监禁。 田,66岁,已经提出上诉。


A Chinese court plans to auction off the assets of the Chinese dairy at the heart of a tainted milk scandal that sickened hundreds of thousands of children and was blamed for killing six, reports said on Saturday.

    Sanlu Group Co was declared bankrupt by a court in its north China base of Shijiazhuang on Thursday. Its real estate holdings, buildings and equipment will be auctioned on March 4, along with its investment rights and interests in three other dairy companies, newspapers and the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

                Fonterra, a New Zealand farmer-owned co-operative that owns 43 per cent of Sanlu, has already written off its $139 million investment. Fonterra was responsible for alerting Chinese authorities about the tainted milk scandal last August.

                Sanlu was one of 22 Chinese dairy companies whose products were found to contain high levels of the industrial chemical melamine, which led to the deaths of six babies and caused 294,000 others to suffer urinary problems, according to the government.

    At least a dozen lawsuits have been filed against state-owned Sanlu, but they are caught in a legal limbo as courts have neither accepted nor refused the cases - a sign of the scandal's political sensitivity.

    The scandal highlighted a widespread practice among dairy suppliers of watering down milk they bought from farmers and then adding melamine to it to artificially boost its apparent protein levels. The tainted milk was then sold to dairy companies.

    Courts have sentenced more than 20 people for adulterating milk or failing to respond to the tainting, including Sanlu's former general manager and chairwoman Tian Wenhua, who was given a life sentence. Tian, 66, has appealed.


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