krypton 发表于 2009-2-22 16:20

华尔街日报 未知的传染病

本帖最后由 krypton 于 2009-2-22 16:51 编辑




An Unknown Epidemic Is China hiding an outbreak of avian flu infections?

By HENRY I. MILLER | From today's Wall Street Journal Asia.China has an unenviable record on international public health cooperation, to put it kindly. Beijing was heavily criticized for its failure to report an outbreak of a previously unknown viral infection, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, in 2002-2003. That delay contributed to the spread of the disease in an epidemic that cost 774 lives and sickened 8,098 on four continents. Now there are worrying signs Beijing may be stonewalling again, this time with avian influenza. Reuters Sticking its neck out: A worried chicken in Hong Kong.

Last week, China announced that there were eight H5N1 infections of humans in January, its most ever in a single month. Yet rather than representing greater transparency, this report is both puzzling and worrisome. First, the January cases were scattered over a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers. It seems improbable that so few cases would be spread over such a large area, which suggests there are others that have gone unreported. This could be because authorities in Beijing don't know about them --
H5N1-caused illnesses may be confused with winter colds or the seasonal flu -- or because they are unwilling to reveal the scale of the problem.
It's also unusual that after a record number of reported human infections in January, cases have dropped to near-zero in February. Such a sudden drop-off is atypical compared to the pattern normally observed. And given that H5N1 is endemic in fowl in China, it is almost inconceivable that only one widespread outbreak in birds has been reported this year, earlier this month.
All of this suggests to experts that the reported numbers of outbreaks in both birds and humans are probably gross underestimates. Accurate reporting of H5N1 outbreaks is critical to fighting the disease: In its present form, the H5N1 flu strain is usually contracted by a person after handling a diseased or dead bird, and human-to-human transmission is virtually unknown. However once a person is infected it is extremely dangerous, with about 60% of known cases proving fatal. That suggests that if the virus were to mutate into a form that could spread easily between humans, the resulting epidemic could be extremely dangerous. Most virologists believe that such a genetic "shift" is inevitable.
Because these sorts of mutations are random, public health officials around the world must perform careful surveillance, so they can quickly spot and contain outbreaks that might indicate a dangerous genetic change in the virus. This is particularly important in China, which is home to the world's largest population of both fowl and humans, and comprises a large part of the region at the center of bird flu concern.
But getting accurate numbers in China is almost impossible. The relatively primitive laboratory and health-care infrastructure sometimes prevents Beijing itself from knowing the scale of the problem. One must also keep in mind that Chinese officials have long shown a penchant for secrecy, denial and noncooperation with international agencies. At a time when Beijing is already worried about social instability amid a deteriorating economy, officials may be unwilling to risk further problems by admitting publicly to failures that could contribute to a pandemic.
The H5N1 situation is ominously similar to the Chinese government's stonewalling in response to the 2002 appearance of SARS, when officials failed to inform the World Health Organization of the outbreak for three months, and restricted media coverage to keep the word from getting out. This lack of candor caused a lengthy delay in efforts to control the epidemic.
Whatever Beijing's reasons, their actions are shortsighted. Other governments in Asia have developed highly successful surveillance and reporting regimes and contingency plans for H5N1 outbreaks, but for reasons of geography, size and animal husbandry practices, China must be a responsible participant in any effort to detect and attenuate an H5N1 pandemic. Otherwise, China will be endangering not only the health of its own people, but of everyone else.
Dr. Miller, former influenza virus researcher and official at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, is a fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

古巷陈酿 发表于 2009-2-22 16:35


communicator 发表于 2009-2-22 16:49




ogwen 发表于 2009-2-22 16:57





midwinter_lee 发表于 2009-2-22 17:12

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