xiongshu 发表于 2009-2-26 02:50


【原文标题】 China moves to stockpile oil while it's cheap--Investment in overseas reserves and exploration
【中文标题】 中国欲趁低价储存石油----将投资海外石油储备及勘探
【来源地址】 http://www.vancouversun.com/business/fp/China+moves+stockpile+while+cheap/1305121/story.html
【译者】   xiongshu

China accelerated plans yesterday to secure its energy future while oil prices are cheap, with Beijing moving to triple the country's stockpile of refined oil products over the next three years.


The latest piece of Beijing's strategy, reported by the China Daily News, aimed at getting its energy infrastructure in order will see China establish threemillion tons of oil product reserves this year, rising to 10-million tons by the end of 2011.


The paper quoted a local analyst who said boosting reserves will help stabilize domestic oil prices and protect Chinese oil refiners from volatility in global markets.


The report adds more weight to the view China, the world's second-biggest consumer of oil, is taking advantage of the global economic downturn to get a better grip on its energy supplies.


This week, Beijing sealed a multi-billion dollar deal to secure 20 years of Russian oil.


Meanwhile, the Chinese government is also considering diverting some of its US$1.95-trillion in foreign exchange reserves to set up a fund for overseas oil investment and exploration.


Beijing also plans to offer cheap loans to domestic firms that make overseas oil investments.


The US$25-billion agreement with Russia's state-owned oilproducer to supply China with nearly 10% of its current volume of annual oil imports for the next two decades is "a very big and significant deal," said veteran Asia-based investment banker Ken Courtis, formerly an independent non-executive director of China National Offshore Oil Company.

“根据一份与俄罗斯国有石油生产企业数额达250亿美元的协议,俄方将在今后20年内每年向中方提供石油产品,中方的进口额达到其现有年进口额的10%,只是一项‘具有深远意义的’协议”,亚洲某投资银行资深银行家Ken Courtis表示,他曾任中国海洋石油总公司的独立非执行董事。

The agreement sees China Development Bank provide loans to Russia's biggest oil producer OAO Rosneft and its oil pipeline operator OAO Transneft in return for 15-million tons of crude for the next two decades. The Chinese loans will in part be used to complete the long-awaited extension of Russia's Siberia-Pacific coast pipeline to China.

在这项协议里,中国发展银行向俄罗斯最大的石油生产商OAO Rosneft及其石油输送管道控制企业OAO Transneft提供贷款,作为回报,在未来20年内,俄方将向中方提供近1500万吨原油。中方的贷款的一部分将用于修建俄罗斯通向中国的西伯利亚-太平洋沿岸的石油输送管线,这一项目是双方都期待已久的。

China is acting to shore up energy supplies at a time when oil prices are "very low," said Mr.Courtis. The price of a barrel of crude has fallen by more than 70% to about US$35 from a high of US$147.27 a barrel in July last year. In Moscow, meanwhile,the government is desperate to stabilize the country's stuggling economy which is expected to contract by 2.2% this year after recording growth of about 8% for most of the last decade.


Depressed crude prices, declining production and the global credit crunch "have lent the Chinese far better bargaining powers," said Gordon Kwan head of oil and gas research at Hong Kong-based brokerage CLSA.

“除了持续下跌的石油价格外,不断下降的生产需求和全球性信贷紧缩‘都给中国在国际贸易中以更大的谈判优势’”,香港里昂证券亚太有限公司(CLSA)分公司石油与天然气研究中心主任 Gordon Kwan说道

Beijing's planned oil investment and exploration fund may be even more significant than this week's deal with Russia, said Nathan Piper, an energy analyst at RBC Capital Markets in London.

“中国计划中的石油投资及开发资金项目会比本周与俄罗斯的协议具有更深远的意义”,伦敦RBC Capital Markets能源方面分析师Nathan Piper说道。
The fund will help China diversify its energy sources away from the Middle East, and take advantage of the depressed valuations some energy companies are suffering because of the downturn in the international economy, Mr. Piper added.


China has long looked for overseas investments to secure energy sources as well as other resources. After a relatively quiet period last year when the global economy slowed sharply, Beijing has ramped up its efforts again in recent weeks with a series of overseas resource deals valued at almost US$50-billion. On Tuesday, China Minmetals Nonferrous Metals Co. launched a US$1.7-billion bid for Australia's Oz Minerals. Previously, Aluminum Corp. of China announced it plans to spend US$19.5-billion for an increased stake in Rio Tinto group.

中国早就开始寻找通过海外投资以确保其在能源及其他资源方面的供应。在去年全球经济急剧下挫时,中国政府表现的相对平静些,但现在政府已经开始再度出手施展其能力,在近几周内签订了总额近500亿有关海外资源的合同。在周二,中国五矿有色金属股份有限公司出资17亿美元竞购澳大利亚Oz Minerals公司。此前,中铝集团宣布将出资195亿美元增购澳大利亚力拓集团的股份。

" should take advantage of the current weak commodity prices in global markets by boosting certain strategic resource imports and converting some capital reserves into resources reserves," said stateowned Xinhua News this week.


"It's foreseeable that China's economic growth would remain fast over a very long period, which means it has to increasingly rely on external resources."

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