yangfuguang 发表于 2009-2-26 20:49


本帖最后由 yangfuguang 于 2009-2-26 21:00 编辑

http://dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/24/china-turns-to-forced-mergers-in-its-auto-industry/?scp=3&sq=china&st=cse1 S3 ?: V) g. N: E4 r7 t7 [; i% x








参议员Bob Corker是田纳西州共和党人,他也许会为北京重组汽车产业而欢呼。Corker先生一直反对保持三大汽车公司现在的状态。他曾多次力劝通用与克莱斯勒开展‘探索性’的合并谈判。









— Abby Tucson, AZ发布


China Turns to Forced Mergers in Its Auto Industry

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The debate over what to do with the struggling Big Three automakers — General Motors, Chrysler and Ford — has created quite a ruckus in Congress. But the downturn in the auto sector is not just a local problem; it is affecting car companies around the globe, from the luxury European marques to the more-economical Japanese brands.' s6 y9 @" t8 w2 \) s, qo
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Frustrated lawmakers in Washington may be tempted to look to Beijing to figure out how to solve its Detroit dilemma. It turns out that the Chinese government has reportedly come up with a novel approach in dealing with its own sickly auto industry: forced mergers.

The Chinese government wants to reduce the number of major automakers in the country to at least 10, from 14, through mergers, according to the The Chinese Securities Journal, citing unnamed sources. ; H% M9 K3 g% u$ v6 V
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The plans eventually call for the industry to consolidate down to just two or three large automakers each producing two million vehicles a year. It is still not clear how the government would push through the deals or which companies would eventually be merged.% w* l7 d. c4 U8 D* J: E% M

The central government has long advocated for a more concentrated auto industry. There is not a company strong enough in China to compete with the Toyotas and Volkswagens of the world. Consolidation could one day enable a Chinese car company to efficiently build a vehicle strong enough for export.2 k, L) S: p- a. D6 q5 n

But local governments have blocked Beijing’s efforts in the past in order to protect their homegrown car companies, in which many local officials are invested.* U\3 @. h3 K- p, m
8 U4 T4 M( V3 u" x$ _. @
Still, the current slump in the auto industry may be severe enough to allow Beijing to make some headway. Auto sales in China were down 14 percent in January from the same time last year. That is in stark contrast to the double-digit annual growth rates that the Chinese car industry has experienced over the last several years.* R+ P% M) L, x$ F3 r' L
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Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee, would probably cheer on the Beijing government in its plans to reorganize its auto industry. Mr. Corker has been a vocal opponent of supporting the Big Three automakers in their current form. He has urged General Motors to hold “exploratory” merger discussions with Chrysler on several occasions.8 f2 p# N; n4 O! N" V% J2 a
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But will the Beijing plan work in the United States? The two auto industries are in different stages of their life cycle and may require different solutions to get them over the slump.
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The Chinese auto industry is fragmented and lacks from economies of scale. There does not appear to be one company large enough to efficiently make enough high-quality cars on a mass scale to sell abroad. Consolidation could solve that problem.* [: z: U( i! Q4 d9 Z
! S7 K$ x5 y8 ^6 w! x!
The American auto industry, on the other hand, is already concentrated among the Big Three. Its main problem is that it sufferers from expensive legacy labor costs, which makes it difficult to compete with cheaper and newer manufacturers.7 @) M6 J3 N" n( ]& c

It is unclear whether merging the American automakers would provide the necessary boost to help them compete against lower-cost producers overseas. In the end, it may be an organized bankruptcy, not mergers, that will eventually save the Big Three. Either way, the American taxpayer seems bound to pick up the tab.
–Cyrus Sanati

comments; A: L! `0 S/ a& K: i7 {- i2 Q
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1. February 25th, 2009 10:44 am
. _M( Z1 ~L1 ~* ^n4 J3 D5 [
Consolidation with a future eye towards diversifification and market capture; this is what America must be prepared to battle. Those factories that MILLIONS of Chinese workers are walking away from aren’t going to fall down anytime soom. Same with their textile industries. Retail sales down and expendible income short in supply; the lines of economic battle are being re-drawn. China will become focused; hopefully America, especially its Congressional leaders, will as well. Check out the interesting statistics about America, especially imports and exports, at the CIA’s factbook web site: 0 j/ M. @! G' l+ g# t6 U1 G# ?
https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.htmlw* d5 P& o( ~3 A

— Posted by Chris! W4 _( p?" `0 _1 y. H) r7 Q) D, l% \

February 25th, 2009 12:44 pm

Time to retool at least one of the big three to make the clean diesel engines we now demand of diesel trucks which the EPA will eventually demand for trains and ships. Bunker fuel creates the most pervasive of harmful air pollution we inhale and the greatest particulate which penetrates the lungs and is not expelled. Let’s go forward and clean our air and help our industry make way for the future of energy. China would benefit whether they bought them from us or stole the plans. Think positive, sustainable and productive. Think cleaner, more efficient jobs. - M0 H( N- s. s+ ?. k8 L3 F
1 P0 X' [. R. Q
Diesel fumes and diesel dust chased me away from a fun job. Got OSHA to ID the mess and left. Just about over the wack to the immune system, but skin weirdness continues. Doing this would improve the working lives of many Americans and the home lives of those living near ports and train yards. God save you if you live near both.5 V' q: R5 K% ]

— Posted by Abby Tucson, AZ
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