krypton 发表于 2009-3-8 04:21

华尔街时报 G7弱化对中国货币政策的批评


G-7 Softens Criticism of China's Currency Policy By MICHAEL M. PHILLIPS and STACY MEICHTRY
ROME -- The U.S. and its major allies softened their criticism of China's controversial currency policy, in a shift that reflects the West's eagerness for Beijing's help in resolving the global financial and economic crisis.罗马——美国及其联盟国家在对中国备受争议的货币政策上的批评变得柔和,这个变化表明西方国家迫切希望得到中国的帮助一解决全球金融和经济危机。Having just weeks ago accused China of manipulating its currency to gain an edge in foreign trade, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Saturday praised Beijing for "playing a very important stabilizing role in the international financial system today.'美国财长Timothy Geithner 几周前还指责中国操纵货币以获得对外贸易的有利地位,而本周六却表扬北京“在国际金融稳定上起重要作用” Associated Press From left, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Treasury Mark Sobel.

Mr. Geithner also signed onto a statement by top economic officials from the Group of Seven major industrial powers, who, after meeting in Rome, welcomed "China's fiscal measures and continued commitment to move to a more flexible exchange rate." Beijing put together a $581 billion spending package in November in an effort to spur the slowing Chinese economy, a sum approaching the $787.2 billion U.S. spending and tax-cut bill now awaiting President Barack Obama's signature.罗马会议后,盖特纳先生对中国财政措施和继续对着手建立更具弹性的汇率政策的承诺表示欢迎,同时他也签署了七国集团高级经济官员的一项声明。去年七月,北京出台旨在刺激增长率放缓的中国经济的价值5810亿美元的一揽子计划,这项计划与美国用于刺激消费和减税的价值7872亿美元的计划接近,目前,这个方案正等待奥巴马总统的签署。Mr. Geithner's friendlier stance towards China comes amid worsening economic troubles. Chinese President Hu Jintao is expected to join Mr. Obama in London in April at the summit of the Group of 20, a collection that includes the G-7 powers as well as rising nations from the developing world. The G-20 leaders are expected to consider ways to redesign global financial regulations to prevent the next market crisis.盖特纳先生对中国更友好的姿态伴随日益恶化的经济问题而来,中国主席胡锦涛期待与奥巴马先生参加4月于伦敦召开的包括G7和发展中国家的20国峰会。20国集团领导人期望考虑重整全球财务条例一防止下一次危机。The Obama administration is also on a campaign to persuade other countries to match the ambition, if not the exact dimensions, of the U.S. and Chinese rescue packages.奥巴马政府同时在劝说别的国家采取行动以配合中国和美国的拯救雄心。"We are confronted with a broader, deeper slowdown in global growth than we've seen in decades," Mr. Geithner said at the close of the G-7 meeting.盖特纳先生在G-7闭幕会议上说:“我们面临的是几十年来最广,最深的全球经济减速”Mr. Geithner came to Rome ready to urge the rest of the G-7 -- France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada and the U.K. -- to take more aggressive action to address financial chaos and an economic contraction. In Rome, however, he struck a delicate balance between praising his counterparts for their grasp of the severity of the problems, and reminding them of the risks of doing too little or stopping too soon.盖特纳先生带着催促七国集团其他国家——法国。德国、意大利、日本、加拿大和英国采取更激进得放肆应付财政混乱和经济萎缩的任务来到罗马。但是他在表扬其伙伴掌握问题的严重性和提醒他们少作为或不作为的风险上掌握了很好的平衡。"It's very important to the U.S. and important to the world economy as a whole that the major economies move to put in place as forceful a package of fiscal actions as they can to try to get broad recovery back," Mr. Geithner said.盖特纳先生说:“经济大国采取力所能及的财政刺激计划以争取更大范围的经济复苏,这对美国和世界经济都是很重要的。”In closed door meetings with his counterparts, he held up the U.S. stimulus package and the president's new bank-rescue plan as a model of the kind of overwhelming response required to restore confidence during a financial crises. "You're seeing a new administration in the U.S. move with unprecedented speed," Mr. Geithner said, to enact a "very powerful economic-recovery program."闭幕会上,他以美国的一揽子刺激计划和总统的拯救银行新计划为例,证明这些措施是在金融危机期间急需恢复信心最有效的回应。盖特纳说:“你们现在看到的是新政府一空前的速度,制定非常有力的经济复苏计划。”In early January, Germany approved more than $80 billion (€60 billion) in extra spending and tax cuts through 2010. In November and this month, Italy passed stimulus packages totaling $9 billion. The U.K. and France have also adopted stimulus programs.一月初,德国通过了追加超过800亿美元计划用于2010年刺激消费,减免税务,11月和本月,意大利通过了90亿美元的一揽子计划,英国和法国也通过了类似的一揽子计划。
Italian officials, in particular, seemed touchy at the suggestion that they weren't doing enough. "What we need to do now is to realize that we can't expect near-term results," said Italy's deputy finance minister, Vittorio Grilli. "We have to wait. It's going to be a gradual process."尤其意大利官员似乎对他们行动不够的暗示很冒火,意大利财政副部长说“我们现在需要的是要意识到我们不能期望短期效益,我们必须等,这是个渐进的过程”The G-7 officials warned that protectionist measures could worsen the economic downturn by blocking international commerce, even as member countries adopted policies that could be seen as anti-trade. The U.S. stimulus package includes provisions requiring that infrastructure be built with American materials, although Mr. Obama promised that the measure would not violate U.S. trade agreements. France offered help to its car companies on the condition that the close overseas plants before French ones. The U.K. injected $53 billion (37 billion pounds) into its banks last October, with the stipulation that they commit to lending to British businesses.G7官员警告
保护主义措施会妨碍国际贸易,从而使经济形势更加恶化。即使成员国采取此类政策也会被视为是反贸易行为。美国一揽子刺激计划包括要求美国基础设施建设必须使用美国制造的材料的条款,尽管奥巴马承诺这项措施不会违反美国的贸易条例。法国给其汽车公司提供帮助的前提条件是在关闭本国工厂之前先关闭国外工厂,英国去年十月向银行注资530亿美元,但约定他们答应向英国商业贷款。"The G-7 remains committed to avoiding protectionist measures, which would only exacerbate the downturn, to refraining from raising new barriers, and to working towards a quick and ambitious conclusion of the Doha Round" of global trade talks, the G-7 statement said.G7申明表示“G7保持保持避免采取会使全球经济恶化的保护主义措施,以戒除日益增长的关卡,并更快,更具信心的朝多哈回合谈判的结果努力。”During the campaign, Mr. Obama charged that Beijing keeps its currency, the yuan, artificially weak to compete unfairly against U.S. companies, a view that played well in regions of
the country hit by lost factory jobs. Mr. Geithner reiterated that view during his confirmation process last month.竞选期间,奥巴马指控北京人为压制货币——元的价值以取得与美国公司竞争的有力地位,这种观点在受失业冲击的国家广受认同。盖特纳下先生在上月的例行报告中重申了这个观点。The last time the G-7 ministers commented on China's currency policy, in April, they noted Beijing's "decision to increase flexibility of its currency, but in view of its rising current-account surplus and domestic inflation, we encourage accelerated appreciation of its effective exchange rate."G7部长最后一次评论中国货币政策是在去年四月,他们注意到“北京增加货币弹性的决心,但考虑到国际收支经常项目顺差和国内通货膨胀,我们鼓励中国加快其有效汇率的增值”Under U.S. trade law, the Treasury Department will have to make a formal determination in April as to whether China manipulates its currency for trade purposes. Such a finding would generate a minor penalty–the U.S. would have to initiate negotiations with China. But it would carry a significant political stigma that could aggravate U.S.-China relations.根据美国贸易法,美国财政部将在四月对中国是否为贸易目的操纵货币作出正式决定,这个结果将会长生一个惩罚——美国将发起和中国的谈判。但是他说带来的政治刺入将会使中美关系恶化。"It's satisfying to see China putting emphasis on its domestic market and taking part in the global stimulus effort by boosting internal demand," French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde told reporters.法国财政大臣 Christine Lagaede 对记者说:“我们很高兴看到中国重视国内市场,并通过刺激内需参与对全球经济刺激做出努力。”
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