yangfuguang 发表于 2009-3-10 18:15


本帖最后由 yangfuguang 于 2009-3-10 18:55 编辑

【原文地址】http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2009-03-08-china_N.htm1 D0 m5 c2 e: w3 P



















China clamps down ahead of Tibetan anniversary

DAOFU, China (AP) — Armored troop carriers and tour buses packed with police roll along the winding mountain roads. Internet service is dead in some places. Military camps fortified with sandbags sit amid Tibetan communities, where strings of prayer flags flutter in the wind.
Fifty years after a failed uprising sent the Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama, into exile, China is mounting a show of force to try to prevent a repeat of last year's sometimes violent protests against Chinese rule. Tuesday marks the 50th anniversary of the March 10, 1959, revolt.
Last year, a commemorative march by monks in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, was blocked by police. That set off protests, which erupted in an anti-Chinese riot on March 14 and then spread to dozens of Tibetan communities, embarrassing China before the Beijing Olympics.
In the year since, a kind of martial law has prevailed.

In Daofu, a town in Sichuan province where Buddhist mantras are carved into the sides of 13,000-foot (4,300-meter) mountains, monasteries are closed to visitors, their monks inside reading prayers, local officials said. Police cars patrol the streets.
There have been thousands of police and troops here since the Lhasa riots last year. It has affected our lives," said one resident, who declined to give his name for fear of reprisals by local authorities. "Food is more expensive and harder to buy because the soldiers are eating a lot."
Amnesty International said Friday the region has been subjected to "a year of escalating human rights violations." The International Campaign for Tibet, a Washington-based group, says more than 600 people remain in detention, and the actual number is probably higher.
The Tibetan government-in-exile in India says 220 Tibetans died and nearly 7,000 were initially detained in last year's demonstrations. Beijing has not released an overall death toll, but says 22 died in Lhasa, most of them Chinese civilians.

China blames the Dalai Lama and his exile movement for fomenting the unrest to restore a Buddhist theocracy that communist rule overturned. Despite the Dalai Lama's repeated insistence he wants autonomy for Tibetans and not independence, the government on Saturday renewed its criticisms that he's a secessionist.
"Our differences with him are not over religious issues, human rights, democracy or culture," Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told reporters in Beijing. "It is about whether we should defend China's unity and prevent Tibet from being separated from China's territory."
What is happening in Tibetan areas has become increasingly difficult to verify.

Foreigners have been barred from many Tibetan communities for much of the past year. Associated Press reporters were detained by police twice in recent days.
"This a sensitive period," said Yong Qing, a foreign affairs official in Daofu. She told the AP reporters they had to turn back because checkpoints and heavy snow made traveling deeper into Tibetan areas impossible. But she added, "Things are stable at the moment. We don't want that upset."
Internet and mobile phone text-messaging services — some of the ways that protesters organized last year — have been suspended in Tibetan areas of Sichuan.
"As far as I know, some of our service has been affected ... due to system maintenance there," said Lei Yu, a spokeswoman for China Mobile Ltd. in Hong Kong, the carrier's listed subsidiary. "We are making all-out efforts to resolve the problem, and I hope it will be done very soon."

Visitors to Lhasa in recent months have described swarms of armed police positioned across the city, some on rooftops, and blocking roads leading toward Sichuan.

Even so, resistance continues. The advocacy group International Campaign for Tibet released photos Saturday of a wounded monk lying in the street of Aba after he set himself on fire to protest a ban on a key prayer festival. Days later, a group of monks from a nearby lamasery demonstrated on the same issue.
Not all monks agree with the protests. At a monastery south of Daofu, monks say last spring's violence was unnecessary. They were given thousands of dollars by the local governments for being an "exemplary" monastery.
"During the recent unrest in various places, our monastery was not willing to participate because we believe in 'love the country, love religion,"' said one monk, who was quoting a government line but did not want his name used. "We follow the instructions handed down by the Communist Party. Our teacher tells us every day that it's because of the Communist Party that we can have a new life."whodyzzz (0 friends, send message) wrote: 10h 3m ago
ajsfca (0 friends, send message) wrote:1h 24m ago
The only country I know of that sucessfully resisted Chinese communist takeover was Vietnam...
Just go to Vietnam and check out who's running the factories over there.


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ajsfca (0 friends, send message) wrote: 12h 35m ago
It is just a matter of time before Tibet, Taiwan and Hong Kong are merely obedient lapdogs of the Chinese communists. Their subversion, manipulation and treacherous methods are patient, enduring and relentless. Their will be no open opposition and decent after another two or three generations. They are shrewd, sinister and monolithic.

The only country I know of that sucessfully resisted Chinese communist takeover was Vietnam, which resisted in the only manner that gives them pause, military conflict. The bully only retreated from it's invasion and encroachment after the Vitenamese resolvingly put of a fight and bloodied the bully's nose.


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DragenSlayer (0 friends, send message) wrote: 13h 26m ago
China is the most dangerous country on the planet, and they know it. They have a strangle hold on everyone in their country, and want more. They have a leash on North Korea, and keep that country half (almost completely) starved. They let North Korea rattle the sabor against the free Nations, and stand back - letting everyone know what will happen if anyone goes in and pounds North Korea to dust.
The Tabetins' are harmless by nature, and non-violent protests are about the only way the Tabetin's can make some noise in their defense. As far as Tiawan: Back in the late 60's the Chinese bombed the Norh shores of Tiawan every morning at 9:00AM, and we would bomb their shores - just the shore line - directly afterwards. Funny, huh? They knew that they did not want to destroy the economy there, they wanted the productivity of the Tiawanese people. Sinse then, Tiawan has become so much more productive, and have created quite a strong defense - thanks to the US. That is why China is being nice with Tiawan now a days. Better to treat them with suger - than vinager. But, there is such a huge difference between the Tabetins' and the Tiawanese, and that dfference is why they are treated so differently.
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eslaugh (0 friends, send message) wrote: 18h 9m ago
I suppose the situation in Tibet is what the Chinese (PRC) government considers as the model of a "harmonious" society--- a repetitive mantra invented by Hu. Truly, does the Chinese government believe that the Orwellian "brain wash" tactics could engage the hearts and minds of the Tibetans? The PRC government still believes fervently that “patriotism” could be “educated” and “inappropriate thoughts” (inappropriateness is deemed by the state only) could be expunged and reformed by the “thought police”? Instead of allowing the lamas the freedom to practice their religion, they are required daily to cite long scripted verses by the PRC government to pledge their patriotism to the Motherland and above all, to cite another long scripted verse to denounce the HH Dalai Lama, whom the PRC government continues to vilify. Clearly, they (the monks, or lamas) are forced to do all this, or else, they risk being arrested, tortured, and sentenced with the crime of subversion without due process to 10+ years in the gulags or labor camps. Yet, only a few days ago, the PRC government has the audacity to dispute the indisputable facts of their violation of human rights?
The world needs to see China PRC without the intended
smoke screens and propaganda ---the illusion of the glorious Beijing Olympics 08, the breathtaking skyscrapers, the vast manufacturing powerhouse with foreign investment, creating astonishing GDP close to 9% for the last ten years, resulting PRC China becoming or is the third largest economic entity in the world. Banning foreign correspondence in Tibet is telling. It is a prologue of what is to come, and specifically what the PRC government does not want the world to know�their atrocities and cruel treatment of the peace loving people of Tibet. Silenced or dead---after all ignorance is bliss! Once upon a time, Tibet was known as the “Shangri-La” which inspired adventurous historians’ expeditions in search of the “Lost Paradise”. After 50 years of suppression under PRC, Tibet is now transformed to “hell on earth” at the risk of extinction of its long preserved culture and very soon, its religion. Who is the real villain? Thanks to a great display of PRC’s firework of bravado the loss of innocent lives are unimaginable. All this is done under the dogma that “religion is poison” as Mao, one of top three mass murders (Stalin and Hitler are the other two) in the 20th century said (Mao quoted Karl Marx).

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moshedemartian (1 friends, send message) wrote: 18h 38m ago
a_reality_check wrote: 1h 9m ago
Seems to me, back in the days the good-old-USA handled its indigenous Indian population with even more force than China does with Tibet, as did Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. -snip-

Are we to assume that people are not more civilized than they were 130 years ago? And comparing this to Israel is so lame that I didn't even include that in the quote.

Grow up and stop posting here until you do.

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a_reality_check (0 friends, send message) wrote: 20h 52m ago
Seems to me, back in the days the good-old-USA handled its indigenous Indian population with even more force than China does with Tibet, as did Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. And today, Israel is also occupying Palestinian territory with an iron fist with implicit American support.

I guess it's always easier to tell other countries to respect the human rights of under-developed people. But that hypocrisy nothing new. USA and other rich countries also forces poor countries to allow insolvent banks to fail, and then turns around and bails out all their own insolvent banks. If the last 18 months have told us anything, it's that USA and Europe does not know everything, and every country should make up their own mind about how to handle their domestic problems.


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YourBIGfan (5 friends, send message) wrote: 23h 2m ago
It should give pause to Taiwan that China is so harsh with Tibet. The peaceful overtures recently sent to Taiwan are nothing more than a ruse...seeking opportunity for advantage to exploit. China has made its position crystal clear about Taiwan. They are viewed as criminals who pretend to legitimate government with the assistance of the United States. Does anyone doubt the effect of MONEY to erode ALL security agreements in a time of high economic crisis? China is in a very strategically advantageous position and it knows the time is ripe to strike while the iron is HOT for recovery of lost national treasures in the Tiawan national museum... THAT is what China covets MOST. The treasure taken by Chang Kaichek at the close of WWII was never regained.
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iewgnem (0 friends, send message) wrote: 23h 59m ago
I guess when you have no faith in your own country, the only source of comfort would be to fantasize about how terrible your opponent's country is, its pathetic but reasonable.

How the mighty American empire feel to such a level is the real sad part.

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2851234 (0 friends, send message) wrote: 1d 1h ago
China and North Korea are different countries as evidenced by the way the US deals with them. To say that they are the same today as in the past is like saying that the countries involved in WWI and WWII are the same as in the past. Although China is strict in dealing with Tibet and internal matters, it has not come close to the atrocities done to Native Americans.

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ModernDayEdison (0 friends, send message) wrote: 1d 1h ago
Lets' be honest here....China has got to give every American corporatist a 24/7 walking hard on.

No labor laws, no work place safety requirements, no environmental controls, no labor unions, rigid state control of all personal freedoms.....

It's like dying and going to heaven for them

sld77 (56 friends, send message) wrote: 1h 5m ago

Yep........Now what are we going to do to stop them from exporting
our jobs to this Corporate Utopia. "Buying American" don't seem to
be working quite like we planned.

Any other ideas........short of eating one bowl of rice a day and dropping
our standard of living down to their level?




ModernDayEdison (0 friends, send message) wrote:
1d 1h ago
You can tell I am an American because I am free
to speak my mind without worry of incarseration
or torture.

Although American Politics can be torture enough.


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sld77 (56 friends, send message) wrote:
1d 1h ago

Lets' be honest here....China has got to give every American corporatist a 24/7 walking hard on.

No labor laws, no work place safety requirements, no environmental controls, no labor unions, rigid state control of all personal freedoms.....

It's like dying and going to heaven for them..





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ModernDayEdison (0 friends, send message) wrote:
1d 2h ago
We have Washington D.C. and Martha's Vinyard.

They have Bejing... and North Korea.

The rich and powerfull need a heavily fortified province
to retreat to in case the masses revolt.

It is only logical from a mathematical and strategic
perspective. And no one is accusing the Chinese
or the North Koreans of being unlogical.

That is one of the only things that they aren't.


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ModernDayEdison (0 friends, send message) wrote:
1d 2h ago
If they themselves do not see the error of their
ways.......and learn form them. They will continue
to make the same retorical blunders over and
over and over from one generation to the next.

And our grandchildren both here in the U.S. and
in China will both be complaining about the same
issues......and their grandchildren's grandchildren.

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beetlebum1 (0 friends, send message) wrote:
1d 2h ago
"They are a highly industrialized nation that's overpopulated and essentially
North Korea's work horse" (Modern Edison)

Wait a minute, that is just a gross mistatement of facts. North Korea exists as a state only because China moved its troops into combat against the American-led U.N. forces during the Korean War. Culturally, China's dominated the entire region for centuries.
Possibly China will stave off a revolution, simply because internationally, it is better do to business with a stable government. What we want is reform from the government. America stands in the best position towards winning concessions, since the Chinese are so readily eagy to work with us. I think Clinton will do a good job with that.


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ModernDayEdison (0 friends, send message) wrote:
1d 2h ago
Revolutions are bloody and not very pretty.

But China's history is one repeated continuously.
Because they keep doing the same thing
expecting different results.

Protest and Die.
Conform or Die.
Speak ill of Kim Jong Ill, and Die.
Do anything we don't like and spend
the rest of your life in a P.O.W. camp.

Get it....Got it......Good.

Now get back to work because your
beloved General needs a new pair of
Nike sneakers for each one of his
634 wives.



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ModernDayEdison (0 friends, send message) wrote:
1d 2h ago
Also.....China is a powder keg that is getting hot and starting to smoke.
They are a highly industrialized nation that's overpopulated and essentially
North Korea's work horse. Since North Korea obtains all of their spoils of
wealth and power from China at the highest level in trade agreements
with China.

When you have far more poor than wealthy and you force them to work,
work, work, work, work, work, and work some more.......eventually you will
experience a flaw in your basic business plan. It's called "Revolution".


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B Nicholson (0 friends, send message) wrote:
1d 2h ago
The Chinese communists have nearly destroyed the once prosperous nation of China. States near to the part of China ruled by the communists prefer living out from under the national communist government. If China could only govern itself well, Chinese states would be thrilled to unify with them: Tibet, Taiwan, Singapore. Macao and Hong Kong had no choice. Nobody wants to join failure. The communists starved millions in the fifties and sixties, trashed national treasures in the seventies, and are now polluting every body of water in the country and even try to pollute the entire Pacific Ocean. What do they do to help to make the people of China happy? Do they ask them what they want? Far from it, try to provide feedback and risk the red wrath. Students tried awhile back, but most of them were flayed alive and are now touring the USA in anatomy exhibits.

China has four people for every American. Is the Chinese GNP four times as high as America's? Where is the Chinese 'Bill Gates"? China should have four people just as outstanding as Bill Gates, but since much of the population remains tied to the land as serfs, two of China's Bill Gates equivalents spent their lives in rice paddies. The internet is a marvelous invention. Isn't it time that China uses it to benefit themselves politically?
B Nicholson

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ModernDayEdison (0 friends, send message) wrote:
1d 2h ago
I place my bet on the Tibetan Monks.

They will outlast the Chinese Communists.
They are used to the Altitude and the Climate.
And many of Tibets cultures have ties to Ninja
clans from way back when.

For every force in nature there is an equal but
opposite force. In order to truely understand
death and destruction one must first understand
life and creation.

Hense the connection between the Monks and
the Ninja clans... it's quite possible that they
are one in the same.

Which explains why the monks are barely phased
by the modern tanks, sand bags, and soldiers who
tend to eat allot.

When they need something... they go out and get it.

It's right outside their front door, and the Chinese
government just keeps sending them more stuff.
It's kind of comical if you stop and think about it.

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beetlebum1 (0 friends, send message) wrote:
1d 4h ago
Some big problems with globalization could be worked out if China cleaned up its human rights record. No one can force the Chinese government to do this but the Chinese people themselves. Sometimes I wonder if the current economic downslide could harm the Chinese economy enough to create real dissent among the people. Its possible. The CCP has attempted to use money generated from exports to buy off a growing middle class (this is akin to what Marx claimed imperalist nations were doing) who would normally be agitating for their rights. Take away some of the wealth, and maybe some folks'll start some agitating. One can only hope.


yangfuguang 发表于 2009-3-10 18:20

本帖最后由 yangfuguang 于 2009-3-10 18:23 编辑


kingKong 发表于 2009-3-10 18:21



zxqjf 发表于 2009-3-10 18:35


芒果记 发表于 2009-3-10 18:53


不死狂龙 发表于 2009-3-11 01:12


无可就要 发表于 2009-3-11 01:28



mummy 发表于 2009-3-11 01:46


semla 发表于 2009-3-11 03:21


HongKongCCY 发表于 2009-3-11 03:36


Pal 发表于 2009-3-11 10:51


cowpa 发表于 2009-3-11 11:33


中国的骆驼 发表于 2009-3-11 11:53


yoyo624 发表于 2009-3-11 12:27


smile4u 发表于 2009-3-11 13:34


ModernDayEdison (0 friends, send message) wrote: 2d 7h ago
Revolutions are bloody and not very pretty.
But China's history is one repeated continuously.
Because they keep doing the same thing
expecting different results.

Protest and Die.
Conform or Die.
Speak ill of Kim Jong Ill, and Die.
Do anything we don't like and spend
the rest of your life in a P.O.W. camp.
说金正日生病,然后死去(speak ill of sb是诽谤某人,可我觉得这位作者是痛恨中国的,应该也恨朝鲜,没道理说中国诽谤金正日吧?前段时间媒体一直炒作金正日生病的事,这里应该是直说病情之类的)

Get it....Got it......Good.
Now get back to work because your
beloved General needs a new pair of
Nike sneakers for each one of his
634 wives.

johnnymonkey 发表于 2009-3-11 14:13



64396170 发表于 2009-3-11 14:19

造假水平 很低,脑*残的程度很高。。。。鉴定完毕~!
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