bylife 发表于 2009-3-10 20:32


【原文标题】MP ignores request not to attend Tibet rally
【翻译】 bylife



他说:“我认为这是对澳大利亚错误的理解-我的意思是,任何澳洲议员允许阐述任何观点”和“我们对中国的投资有自己的观点,像其他议员一样,我将阐述我自己的观点。 我认为它表示了一个夸文化的误解。”

他说这是非常不正常的, 一位大使作出这样的请求,当然他拒绝了这个请求。

他说“我认为大使犯了个错误。 像在澳洲这样开明的国家,这不算是外交方面的事情。”和 “任何有自尊的议员都不会理会这封信和把它看成是政治事件只因为一位其他国家大使要求他这样。”


A Federal MP who spoke at a rally for greater Tibetan autonomy thismorning says he was not deterred by a request from the Chinese not toattend the event.

Labor's Michael Danby received a letter from the Chinese ambassador to Australia asking him not to take part in the rally.

Mr Danby addressed about 200 protesters demonstrating outsideParliament House in Canberra, marking the 50th anniversary of theTibetan uprising.
He says he supports calls for greater autonomy for the region and says the ambassador's letter was not very diplomatic.

"I think it's just a misunderstanding of Australia - I mean, any MP in Australia is allowed to speak out on any issue," he said.
"We can have our views on Chinese investment in Australia, I'll makemy views known on that as well, as would any MP. I think it indicates abit of a cross-cultural misunderstanding."

He says it is very unusual for an ambassador to make such a request, and he ignored it.

"I think the ambassador made a mistake. This is not exactly, sort of, diplomatic in an open society like Australia," he said.
"No self-respecting MP would listen to a letter like this and notturn up to some political event because an ambassador of anothercountry told him."


芒果记 发表于 2009-3-10 20:50


wang_hao_520_00 发表于 2009-3-10 21:00


红色的血 发表于 2009-3-10 21:06

这毅然用的好啊 这议员又在拉选票了 哈哈

kingKong 发表于 2009-3-10 21:43


首都卫士 发表于 2009-3-10 22:56

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