荡漾 发表于 2009-3-12 19:22


本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2009-3-12 19:35 编辑

【原文标题】50 years on Tibet

   达赖喇嘛向其追随者们发出警告称在导致其流亡至印度的反对中国统治的起义过去50年后西藏的文化及独特性几乎灭绝。(美联社Ashwini Bhatia)

The Dalai Lama has warned his followers that Tibetan culture and identity were nearing extinction, 50 years to the day after the unrising against Chinese rule that forced him to flee into exile in India.(Ashwini Bhatia/AP)


   流亡藏佛教僧人从阳台探头观看一个纪念失败的西藏起义50周年的仪式。藏族精神领袖表示在中国的统治下他的人民仍时不时如生活在“人间地狱”,依旧活在“持续恐惧”中。(美联社Altaf Qadri)

Exiled Tibetan Buddhist monks watch from a balcony a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the falied Tibetan uprising. The Tibetan spiritual leader said that his people had, at times, suffered “hell on earth” under China and still lived in “constant fear” (Altaf Qadri/AP)



A Tibetan woman cries as she prays for the souls of those who sacrificed their lives for the Tibetan cause. Tibet suffered a “brutal crackdown” since anti-china protests that began in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, a year ago today and spread to other parts of Tibet in the worst unrest in the region for decades. (Saurabh Das/AP)


   在印度新德里的一次示威游行中一个女孩朝车窗外看。中国共产党军队于1950年控制了西藏并粉碎了九年后爆发的起义,估计杀死87000人。达赖喇嘛带着约83000藏人逃亡至印度。(美国环保署Anindito Mukherjee)

A girl looks out of a car window during a protest march in Delhi, India. Chinese communist troops took control of Tibet in 1950 and crushed the uprising nine years later, killing an estimated 87000 people. The Dalai Lama fled into exile in India with about 83000 Tibetans. (Anindito Mukherjee/EPA)


   一位上了年纪的女藏民在尼泊尔加德满都的寺庙里祈祷。尽管年轻的流亡藏人越发沮丧,1989年诺贝尔和平奖获得者达赖喇嘛仍然要求追随者们通过谈判及非暴力抗议活动坚持其寻求真正自治的政策。(美联社Manish Swarup)

An elder Tibetan woman prays at a monastery, in Katmandu, Nepal. Despite the growing frustration of younger Tibetan exiles, the 1989 Nobel Peace laureate urged his followers to stick to his policy of seeking genuine autonomy for Tibet trough negotiation and non-violent protest. (Manish Swarup/AP)


   在四川康定的街上一位警务人员与一名路人交谈。中国表示该地区数百年来都是其领土的一部分。尽管达赖喇嘛反复声明他只要求自治,中国仍污蔑其是危险的谋求独立的分裂分子。(美联社Ng Han Guan)

A police officer talks to a passerby on the streets of Kanding, Sichuan province. Beijing said that the region has been part of its territory for centuries, branding the Dalai Lama a dangerous separatist bent on endependence – despite his repteated assertions that he only wants autonomy. (Ng Han Guan/AP)


   藏族僧侣沿着青海西宁郊外塔尔寺内的一条小巷下行。达赖喇嘛在西藏依旧广受敬仰,西藏现在是中国存在最严重政治问题的地方之一。(路透社David Gray)

Tibetan monks walk down a narrow lane in the Kumbun Monastery on the outskirts of Xining, Qinghai province. The Dalai Lama is still widely revered inside Tibet, and the region now represents one of China’s biggest political problems. (David Gray/Reuters)


   武装警察被派驻至拉萨各处,并加强了该地区的武装巡逻。(美联社Ng Han Guan)

Armed police have been posted on rooftops in Lhasa and police patrols have been increased throughout the region. (Ng Han Guan/AP)



Chinese paramilitary police take a break near their anti-riot gear in Lhasa. All ethnic Tibetan areas have been closed to foreigners until April. Mobile telephone and possible internet services could be cut in Lhasa after a notice of three weeks’ system maintenance. (AP)


   学校学生合掌祷告纪念失败的起义50周年。中国主席胡锦涛已发出号召在西藏筑起“反对分裂主义坚固的万里长城”。(路透社Fayaz Kabli)

School children hold prayers to mark the 50th anniversary of the failed uprising. Hu Jintao, the Chinese President, has called for a “sturdy Great Wall against separatism” in Tibet. (Fayaz Kabli/Reuters)


   佛教徒在印度东部城市西里古里参加为藏人流亡精神领袖达赖喇嘛举办的特别祷告后点燃圣灯。达赖喇嘛要求追随者们用严谨且庄重的祷告及仪式来纪念周年。(路透社Rupak De Chowdhuri)

Buddhist monks light holy lamps after attending special prayers for Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama in the eastern Indian city of Siliguri. The Dalai Lama has asked his supporters to mark the anniversary with restrained and solemn prayers and ceremonies. (Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters)


   然而数千年轻藏人聚集在达兰萨拉、新德里、加德满都及其他城市参加由激进流亡独立团体组织的示威抗议活动。(法新社/Getty Prakash Mathema)

However, thousands of young Tibetans gathered in Dharamsala, Delhi, Kathmandu and other cities for protests organized by radical exile groups seeking independence. (Prakash Mathema/AFP/Gettty)


   流亡藏人在加德满都的一次祷告中扔麦粉,示威抗议活动的一个组织者表示旨在“挑衅”北京并发出警告“任何事都可能发生”。(美国环保署Narendra Shrestha)

Exiled Tibetans throw chhapa, wheat power, during a prayer in Kathmndu. One of the organizers of the demonstrations said that the protests were designed to “provoke” Beijing and has warned that “anything could happen”. (Narendra Shrestha/EPA)



yangfan 发表于 2009-3-12 19:41


民猪人士 发表于 2009-3-12 19:44


sam712 发表于 2009-3-12 19:48


realgen 发表于 2009-3-12 19:51


f-kcnn 发表于 2009-3-12 22:21


悉听尊便 发表于 2009-3-13 13:55


chencj78 发表于 2009-3-13 14:36


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藏人在拉萨的一次祷告中扔麦粉,庆祝推翻达赖的统治50周年 |3 h9 Z: j

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昨天 19:22

前無古人 发表于 2009-3-13 16:22

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查看完整版本: 泰晤士报13幅图文报道:西藏之50周年