joeysun 发表于 2009-3-14 01:04


本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-3-14 01:55 编辑

【原文标题】China rebuffs US over Tibet policy criticism
【译    者】Joeysun
[原文发表时间]星期五, 2009年3月13日

CHINA HAS flexed its growing political muscle with Beijing responding to Washington’scriticism of its Tibetpolicy.

Beijingsaid yesterday it was an internal matter and President Hu Jintao urged themilitary to “staunchly defend” national sovereignty, just days after aconfrontation with a US navy ship.

Tibet isin lockdown as Chinatries to quell unrest one year after violent demonstrations across the plateau.The White House and the State Department has formally raised concerns over China’shandling of the issue, but the Chinese responded angrily.

“Tibet is purely China’s internal affairs, thus we protest ifany country uses it as an excuse to interfere with our internal affairs,”foreign ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said.

Chinais keen to match its growing global economic influence with political strengthand the tough stance reflects this ambition. The country’s annual parliament,the National People’s Congress, is meeting in the Great Hall of the People thisweek and is being closely watched for signs that China will introduce programmesthat could boost its economy and ultimately help bail the world out of theeconomic mire.
中国正热衷于平衡其日益增长的 全球经济影响力 与 政治力量,中国的强硬立场反映了这种雄心。该国年度议会,全国人大,这个星期召开在人民大会堂里,并正在被(人们)密切关注它的迹象,中国(是否) 会将引进方案,提高加速其经济,并最终帮助将世界经济解救出泥潭。

USsecretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton met Chinese foreign minister YangJiechi at the state department this week and raised with him the issue of Tibet andresuming US-China human rights dialogue.
这个星期, 美国国务卿 希拉里克林顿/ Hillary Rodham Clinton 在国务院会见了中国外交部长 杨洁篪, 提出的对西藏问题和恢复中美人权对话 的问题。
A commentator in the China Daily newspaper wrote that the US position on Tibet“disregards the history and reality of the Chinese autonomous region by tryingto justify Tibet’s darkages, glorify the treacherous Dalai Lama and baselessly criticise China’sreligious policy.”


Mr Yang played down the tensions between Washingtonand Beijing,saying relations were “at a new starting point and have important opportunitiesto develop”.
先生淡化华盛顿和北京之间的紧张气氛,说2国关系是“在一个新的起点,并具有重要的发展机会。 ”

Their meeting was overshadowed by tensions between Washington and Beijingafter the US Navy surveillance ship Impeccable, which was towing a sonarsensing device for hunting submarines, was harassed by a group of Chinese navalvessels in waters off Hainan claimed by China.

In a speech to PLA officers at the National People’sCongress, reprinted in the People’s Daily, Mr Hu made it clear that China was notprepared to bow to external pressures.

“Vigorously advance modernisation of national defence andthe military,” said Mr Hu, who also serves as Communist Party chief and supremeleader of the military.

“Staunchly defend national sovereignty, security andterritorial integrity and provide a powerful support and assurance forprotecting national development interests and broad social stability,” he said.His remarks did not specifically mention the PLA’s run-in with the US navyvessel.

Mr Hu is due to have his first meeting with President BarackObama when both leaders attend the G20 summit on the global financial crisis inLondon nextmonth.

Separately, a military surgeon who exposed China’s Sarscover- up in 2003 and asked the Communist Party to reassess its 1989 crackdownon Tiananmen protesters released a letter asking the government to apologisefor detaining him.
另外,揭露中国在2003年掩盖非典事件 并 要求共产党重新评估其1989年镇压天安门示威者 的那名军事外科医生,发表了一封信,要求政府对拘留他而道歉。

Jiang Yanyong wrote to Mr Hu demanding an apology for timehe spent confined in an army “guesthouse” and months under house arrest. Healso asked the president to lift a ban on him travelling overseas.

悉听尊便 发表于 2009-3-14 20:25


未来明珠 发表于 2009-3-15 05:53

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查看完整版本: 爱尔兰时报:中国反击美国对西藏政策的批评