终于搞了一套大英百科全书的电子版,虽然是针对学生和家庭的。心血来潮就查了一下China和Taiwan。看了以后不是滋味啊!那些编书的从百科全书就把中国版图给“ 重新定义”了,真是“ 教育要从娃娃抓起” 啊!强烈建议中国也出一本自己的英文版百科全书~
附一段里面对台湾的介绍,好在文字不是太离谱,里面说 “两个政府都认同台湾是中国的一个省”:
From the mid-1660s to 1895, Taiwan was administered by the imperialChinese government, after which (until 1945) the island was ruled bythe Japanese as a colony. In 1945 Taiwan reverted to China, and in 1949it became the last territory controlled by the Nationalist government.The government of the ROC has continued to claim jurisdiction over theChinese mainland, whereas the government of the People's Republic ofChina on the mainland claims jurisdiction over Taiwan; both governmentsare in agreement that the island is a sheng (province) ofChina. Taipei—since 1949 designated by the ROC as the provisionalcapital of the Republic of China—was the provincial capital until 1967,when the capital was moved to Chung-hsing Hsin-ts'un. http://my.anti-cnn.com/attachment/200903/16/155679_1237169800AB2S.jpg 第一次发帖,不太熟练:L http://my.anti-cnn.com/attachment/200903/16/155679_1237169797APAZ.jpg 这是原大小的地图,注意小地图~ 不小心发太多了 :L 表要紧,慢慢来 后两个图没发上来 我发重复了 ,后两张跟前两张一样的~ 还好西藏还在:L
藏南好像也没算在里面呢。 好久没吃烙饼卷大葱了! 新疆西南部和田地区好像也少了一块 就是,都是虚线。
然而,不管怎么样,都不属于中国…… 南海不见了! lzzz....你你你你你的头像...Q6) http://my.anti-cnn.com/attachment/200903/16/155679_1237169800AB2S.jpg 第一次发帖,不太熟练:L
煎饼卷大葱 发表于 2009-3-16 10:17 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
欢迎新朋友~ 少了台湾. 还好西藏还在:L
惊鸿 发表于 2009-3-16 10:36 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
同感 地图上的微小一段,就是现实中的望不到边 西藏居然改了名叫"吐蕃自治區Tibet Autonomous Region",應該是"Xizang Autonomous Region"才對!! 是中国的就是中国的,谁也别想改变什么!!! 哎,编地图的时候,估计他们就想当然的 做了,全然不故真假是非……