QChen 发表于 2009-3-28 06:39

美国基督教科学箴言报: 中国狂买便宜货

本帖最后由 j小蜜蜂 于 2009-2-26 12:39 编辑



在此签名:中国铝业股份有限公司总裁肖亚庆(左边)在一项$195亿美元收购矿业公司力拓公司(Rio Tinto)股份的交易上达成协议。


By Peter Ford | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
from the February 23, 2009 edition

北京 -通用汽车公司在做了。世界第二大矿业集团在做了。俄罗斯,巴西, 和委内瑞拉都在做了。中国欢喜之至。


目前为止,政府集中精力于自然资源的买卖,用大量的现金换取石油以矿产品的供应。但是,中国私有公司也在其它领域利用经济危机的优势:柴油发动机巨人潍柴动力(Weichai Power),可望购买美国汽车制造商通用汽车公司在艰难时期为求生存而低价出售的一个法国工厂。

尽管中国经济也受到金融危机的冲击,增长几乎减半,“让中国置于一边的是,中国的银行没有受到那么严重的损害,政策性银行似乎还准备好借贷”为支持主要的政府目标,位于华盛顿的布鲁金斯学会的一位中国能源专家Erika Downs说。

例如,中国国家开发银行为中国有史以来最大的国外投资活动筹措资金 – 主要为国有控股的中国铝业公司$195亿美元的竞标购买18%的力拓公司(Rio Tinto)的股份。澳大利亚矿业公司急需现金以为偿还未来两年内$190亿美元的债务。


另有最近的数十亿元的交易包括该国第二大石油生产企业中国石化公司,收购在叙利亚的加拿大石油公司Tanganyika Oil,以及中国五矿集团公司对于濒临破产的澳大利亚锌矿生产商OZ Minerals公司的竞标。

“从北京流出的资金量暗示了他们确信我们现在是在市场的底部,” 香港澳大利亚麦格理投资银行(Macquarie Bank)的一位分析师Paul Cavey说。由于进口甚至比出口还下降得更快,中国贸易顺差仍在扩大,“他们还是有很多可用资金。”他补充道。



“俄罗斯经济的衰退,下滑的原油价格,以及生产和信贷危机为中国提供了好得多的议价权,” 经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)中国能源研究所所长Gordon Kwan在上周的研究记录里写道。

批评家Mr. Cavey称,“相比任何其它东西而言,中国总是想要未来能源方面的保障,”而滑落的资产价格,“打开了世界重要的一部份,”他补充说。“中国会相当大地考虑投资在任何有资源的地方,而不只是其它国家不想去的地方。”

很少人期望北京会投资于陷入困境的金融领域,不过,尽管这样,一些外国银行还是把吸引中国资金当成庇护的港湾。“自然资源对一个国家来说是如此至关重要,他们可以在那里证明投资是值得的,但是他们不能在另外的金融领域交易上证明投资的合理性。”一位独立经济学家Andy Xie说。

Mr. Xie指出,中国的主权财富基金在过去两年内在金融公司上所做的投资,像摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),百仕通集团(Blackstone Group)和巴克莱集团(Barclays),亏损在50%到2/3之间。



“现在不顾一切地寻求资金的情况是如此严重,” Cavey.表示,但对于可望在国外成为最活跃的国有控股公司来说,“这还将会是一个很难权衡的政治天平”。





Sign here: Chinalco president Xiao Yaqing (left) closes a $19.5 billion deal for a share of Rio Tinto, a mining firm.

China's buying spree in global fire sale

This month China bought stakes in French, Canadian, and Australian firms.

By Peter Ford | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor from the February 23, 2009 edition

Beijing - General Motors is doing it. The world's second-largest mining group is doing it. Russia, Brazil, and Venezuela are doing it. And China is loving it.

Squeezed between falling profits and the credit crunch, a growing number of troubled corporations and countries are turning to cash-rich China for a bailout. And with foreign assets cheaper than they have been for years, Beijing is on an international spending spree.

"The international financial crisis ... is equally a challenge and an opportunity," China's energy czar, Zhang Guobao, wrote recently in the official newspaper People's Daily. "The slowdown ... has reduced the price of international energy resources and assets and favors our search for overseas resources."

So far, the government has concentrated on natural-resource deals, securing supplies of oil and minerals in return for large amounts of cash. But private Chinese firms are also taking advantage of the crisis in other sectors: Diesel-engine giant Weichai Power is expected to buy a French plant that US automaker General Motors is selling off in its struggle to survive.

Though the Chinese economy has also been hit by the crisis, cutting growth by almost half, "what sets China apart is that Chinese banks have not been so badly hurt, and the policy banks still seem ready to lend" in support of key government objectives, says Erika Downs, a China energy specialist at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

The China Development Bank, for example, is financing China's biggest-ever foreign investment – a $19.5 billion bid by the mostly state-owned Aluminum Corp. of China for an 18 percent slice of Rio Tinto. The Australian mining company desperately needs the cash in order to pay off $19 billion in debt over the next two years.

That deal, still to be approved by Australian regulators, is seen here as a pathfinder. "It illustrates Chinese state business's strong capacity ... and gathered experience for state-owned firms to operate abroad in the future," explained an article published earlier this month in People's Daily.

Other recent multibillion-dollar deals include the purchase by China Petrochemical Corp., the country's second-largest oil producer, of Canada's Tanganyika Oil, which works in Syria, and the bid that China Minmetals has made for OZ Minerals, an Australian zinc producer on the verge of bankruptcy.

"The amount of money coming out of Beijing suggests they are confident that we are at the bottom of the market," says Paul Cavey, an analyst with Australia's Macquarie Bank in Hong Kong. And with China's trade surplus still wide, since imports have fallen even faster than exports, "they still have a lot of money to play with," he adds.

Last week the Chinese government sank $39 billion of that money in three separate deals to secure future oil supplies from Russia, Brazil, and Venezuela.

A $25 billion loan to Russia, whose economy is reeling from plummeting oil prices, won a promise to supply 290,000 barrels per day for the next quarter-century and to build a pipeline into China.

"The slowdown in the Russian economy, declining crude prices, and production and the credit crunch have lent the Chinese far better bargaining power," wrote Gordon Kwan, head of China energy research at CLSA brokerage, in a research note last week.

A $10 billion loan to Brazil, announced during a visit to the country by Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, secured a similar pledge to provide up to 160,000 barrels of crude a day. Mr. Xi also signed a deal with Venezuela for up to 1 million barrels per day by 2015 in return for another $4 billion from China to top off an existing development fund.

"More than anything else, China always wants security of resources going into the future," says Mr. Cavey. The crisis, and falling asset prices, "open up a significant part of the world," he adds. "China will think of investing pretty much anywhere there are resources, not just the places that other countries don't want to go."

Few expect Beijing to invest in the troubled financial sector, however, despite the hopes some foreign banks have harbored of attracting Chinese money. "Natural resources are so strategic for a country, they can justify investments there, but they can't justify another financial-sector deal," says Andy Xie, an independent economist.

China's sovereign wealth fund has lost between half and two-thirds of investments it made over the past two years in financial firms such as Morgan Stanley, Blackstone, and Barclays, Mr. Xie points out.

As China begins to move again on the international scene, taking advantage of low prices, it remains to be seen how much political resistance its bids will provoke.

In 2005, political pressure in Washington forced China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) to withdraw its bid for the US oil firm Unocal, even though the Chinese firm offered more money than its rival, Chevron.

"The situation is so bad that there is a desperation now to get money," says Cavey. "But it will still be a difficult political balance to strike" for the state-owned firms that are expected to be most active abroad.

Especially touchy will be the question of state assistance for Chinese firms, potentially giving them an advantage over Western competitors. The China National Petroleum Corp.'s website last week carried a report on the government's yet-unpublished oil and gas development plan, which suggested such assistance is foreseen.

"China will encourage enterprises to develop the exploration and acquisition of overseas resources and will offer low-interest loans and preferential lending rates for major overseas energy investment projects," the report said.

"With low oil prices, we may see Chinese banks playing a bigger role" in funding acquisitions, says Dr. Downs at Brookings. "And if it is known that Chinese companies are getting money from state banks at low interest rates, we will see concern that this support creates a playing field that is not level."

百姓 发表于 2009-3-29 07:21


516265258 发表于 2009-3-29 17:31


squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-3-30 08:43


andy xie就是大名鼎鼎的谢国忠啦。

徐长根 发表于 2009-3-30 09:46


veld 发表于 2009-4-2 16:02



辰熙龙 发表于 2009-4-2 18:56

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