波默默妞 发表于 2009-3-28 06:57


本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-3-1 18:21 编辑


This time of year sees a semi-ritualised exchange between China and the United States.
On Wednesday, the US State Department published its 2008 Human Rights report. The report includes a 47,000-word section on human rights problems in China:
"The government's human rights record remained poor and worsened in some areas. During the year the government increased its severe cultural and religious repression of ethnic minorities in Tibetan areas and the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR), increased detention and harassment of dissidents and petitioners, and maintained tight controls on freedom of speech and the Internet."
Late on Thursday, China delivered its reply. The Information Office of the State Council released its 10th annual report on human rights problems in the United States.
China's 9000-word report paints a bleak picture of life in America:
* "Widespread violent crimes in the United States pose serious threats to its people's lives, property and personal security."
* "Americans live shorter lives than citizens of almost every other developed country, ranking 42nd in terms of life expectancy."
* "Drugs, suicide and other social problems prevail in the US."
* "Many young Americans have personality disorders."
* "Racial discrimination in the judicial system is appalling."
China then reaches its conclusion:
"The US practice of throwing stones at others while living in a glass house is a testimony to the double standards and hypocrisy of the United States in dealing with human rights issues, and has undermined its international image. We hereby advise the US government to begin anew, face its own human rights problems with courage, and stop the wrong practice of applying double standards on human rights issues."
http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/jamesreynolds/clintonjiechi203.jpgTough words from both sides. But this yearly exchange of human rights reports appears to have very little practical impact on US-China relations.
Just a few days ago, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held talks in Beijing with all of China's leaders - the issue of human rights was barely mentioned (in public at least). The US and China have also just started two days of military talks in Beijing. And the two countries continue to rely on each other's business to get out of the world's recession.
What do you make of the two reports?












几天前,美国国务卿希拉里 克林顿在北京访问时,与中国的领导人们进行了一系列的会谈,但是几乎没有涉及人权这个话题(至少没有公开涉及)。中美刚刚在北京开始了为期两天的军事会谈。两国将会继续互相合作摆脱全球经济衰退的危险。


/ P5 c( l5 T& ]: I
1. At 12:12pm on 27 Feb 2009, Doogletastic wrote:

What strikes me about these reports is most of the problems with America are the result of the US Government not caring enough, not regulating enough, i.e. inaction, the problem inherent with small government.

The problems with China are all direct consequences of government action, tight control, suppression, repression. The actions of a very large government.3 Y2 }* c( U9 |6 D1 r
; N$ fj5 H) Z' ~5 }6

lInaction vs. action.- a) c6 @5 k. l3 @

Which one you like best?



不作为vs. 作为


3. At 12:44pm on 27 Feb 2009, beijing_2008 wrote:
W% X, J. D
Whilst most of the world's electronic items, household goods, durables, etc, can be described as being made in China, ills such as:
% b! B$ H/ i( Q0 @' S, F" ~
adventures in foreign lands, occupation of native American territory, use of torture, extraordinary renditions, denial of Hawaiian independence, teenage pregnancies, shootings at schools/universities, high crime rate, toppling of any regime deemed unsuitable/use of the A-bomb - twice - : s" Z( G$ W$ ?( w
5 h: p+ ~. C+ |/ W4 Z
are, I'm afraid, made soley in the US of A.

4. At 1:01pm on 27 Feb 2009, SimonChin wrote: 1 m5 D/ n; ^6 s( l! m. _

Please be reminded that China is still a communist state and not a capitalist state practising multi-party political system like the west. Please don't use the western yardstick of human rights to judge China. ! v. Z* d" U4 a8 {; s* A5 l

The westerners should mind their own business of their own human rights issue before attacking China which is practising a different system from the West.
. u; M: g* [
China is a huge country with many many challenges facing the leadership. # t! t7 S2 Z2 ~# ]! R
1 ]/ j9 q$ L0 L" Q3 e4 r, F6 p% V9 T
Of course, there are corruption problems, income disparity problems, problems of power abuse by the corrupt officials and the pressing unemployment problems and human right problems yet to be resolved by the Chinese Government, please allow me to ask this question, which country is immune to the problems I have mentioned, be it communist or the capitalist state.



的确,中国有一些问题,诸如贪污腐败,收入差距,腐败的官员滥用职权,严峻的就业形势和人权等问题等待着中国政府来一一解决,那么容许我问一个问题,哪一个国家能够避免我所提到的问题,不管是共产主义国家还是资本主义国家?8 W# g% i' i9 g# b

5.At 1:40pm on 27 Feb 2009, heyone wrote: 3 S# a( H$ b, K0 C& L, ~1 r: lE( V
; K! E/ z6 a9 u+ R6 |0 z
It seems that only the conclusion part is relevant to the purpose of this Chinese report. The rest reads like 'Since your young people have personality disorders, we can conclude that there's no human rights problem in China'.) ]: O8 K, N# U4 M2 x

It will also be interesting to look whether the US government will just dismiss all the problems mentioned in the Chinese report keep whining about how the Chinese are meddling in their internal affairs.P( z, \9 X4 o! N2 M4 u
7 T6 S9 z" K3 [# i$ U
My prediction is no formal response will be given. Is this worth responding to anyway?


我的预言是不会有官方回应的。话说回来,它值得回应吗?& o$ a7 l7 t8 Q$ g) ~0 Y) ^1 {1 W9 `
2 H, g1 ^- K9 Em. a% }这份中国报告则

6. At 1:44pm on 27 Feb 2009, thisisacryforhelp wrote:
6 R- e# ~# H6 ~1 {6 u
! H8 C' E3 z; n0 r- W" L
Both China and the US need to do better if the reports were true.
l3 T; P' b4 ?7 Z' N
As Chinese I can only ultimately speak about China itself - there is a long way to go.

如果这两份报告都属实的话,中国和美国都需要做的更好。作为一个中国人,我最后只能说中国还有很长一段路要走。5 d" c# c0 X5 X& D+ e- [
1 _0 @. }3 w$ s4 X; D7 F! j
7. At 1:50pm on 27 Feb 2009, cnlnsyhp wrote: ! _. m% T0 O. f- ~1 I

The logic is easy* _0 s3 L+ Y# D: k/ J* [

He who is without sin among you, cast the first stone at her.
t! \. R0 o- |
Don't do to others as you would not wish done to yourself. (????????)$ k% k, A# F( d$ T& Z


9. At 1:53pm on 27 Feb 2009, rodmace2000 wrote: 3 r- k+ F0 r! e1 e
" {" T3 p5 Q' |3 _
The US always believes that it's the world police who have the rights to interfere with other countries' internal issues, but the truth is the US is nothing more than a corrupted cop with little moral or legal grounds to rise any accusations. - X8 x( n. B1 {5 X( m- M, `

China, on the other hand, probably had enough from the states and decided to offer a similar style of the non-sense report.
I believe the US should simply shut up and look at its own businesses and then, China would save some time and energy to produce the counter attack to the hollow and meaningless reports.


10. At 1:58pm on 27 Feb 2009, Thegrimcrim wrote:

When money's involved human rights go out the window.


U% K" G$ s. H) q
16. At 3:58pm on 27 Feb 2009, ysjmwsw wrote: ) r8 \9 z6 l+ a# x7 ]4 g
I personally think that it is a good thing that both Governments publish a human rights record each year on the other country. Very often, one cannot see his own faults and needs someone else to see these faults. This is the purpose of the reports and each Government should pay attention to the criticisms contained in them and try to remedy or improve.


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一一一 发表于 2009-3-28 09:57

本帖最后由 一一一 于 2009-3-28 10:32 编辑


靠!人权? 发表于 2009-3-28 13:09


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-3-29 06:55

这不就是著名的BBC驻华记者James Reynolds的博客嘛

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-3-29 07:20

21. Hyperspacer    wrote:

To Doogletastic,

Inaction sometimes are bad also. I recently learned from the U.S. National Public Radio (NPR) that over 50% of Navajo people does not have access to running water or electricity, a consequence of U.S. inaction. While China's action leads to massive infrastructure investment in the Tibetan area resulting in huge improvements in the standard of living of average Tibetans.

China has a long way to go to improve its human right record, especially on the bad side of action. So is the United States, and this is on the bad side of inaction.

21   回复Doogletastic(1楼的) ,

无作为也很坏。最近我听美国全国公共广播电台(NPR )说,由于美国不作为,超过50 %的纳瓦霍人(译者注:美国最大的印第安部落)没有自来水或电力。同时中国在西藏地区进行了大规模的基础设施投资,极大的改善了藏人的生活水平。


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-3-29 07:23

22.   GlasgowGooner    wrote:

Both documents are just propaganda by their respective publishers.


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-3-29 07:25


516265258 发表于 2009-3-29 17:37

翻译辛苦了 感谢并继续期待中

0okmn 发表于 2009-3-29 21:17


flyer99 发表于 2009-4-2 02:06

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