fupingping 发表于 2009-3-28 19:36

CNN:20国集团领导制定计划 决意重振世界经济

【原文标题】G-20 leaders lay out plan to restore growth
【中文标题】20国集团领导制定计划 决意重振世界经济

HORSHAM, England (CNN) -- Financial experts from 20 nations urged more regulation and oversight of fiscal institutions to help prevent another monetary crisis, as they laid the groundwork Saturday for next month's G-20 Summit of world leaders.

CNN英国霍舍姆报道 – 周六,20国集团财政部长和中央银行行长会议在伦敦的霍舍姆召开,这次会议是为四月份的20国首脑峰会做准备。与会的金融专家们强烈建议各国的财政机构实行更多的监管制度,以防止再次爆发金融危机。

Their proposals for restoring growth and confidence included helping developing countries, providing more support to international banks and improving accounting standards.


"This is a global crisis, and it requires a coordinated, global response," U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said at a news conference. "We have a broad base of consensus to act aggressively to restore growth.";

美国财政部长盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)在一次新闻发布会上表示,“这是一场全球性危机,需要全球协调一致的应对。我们已经达成了广泛共识,将大力采取行动恢复全球经济发展。”

"You are seeing the world move together at a speed and on a scale without precedent in modern times. All the major economies are putting in place substantial fiscal packages," he said. "The stronger the response, the quicker recovery will come."


The G-20 financiers recommended substantial increases in support for the International Monetary Fund and Asian Development Bank. In a communiqué, they said an expansion of the IMF's membership should be considered.


The IMF monitors global financial developments, loans money to developing countries, provides technical assistance and does economic research. The institution also plays a key role in the fight against money-laundering and terrorism.:


Geithner said the United States will soon release a framework for regulatory reforms that is guided by several principles, including stronger oversight of financial institutions and stricter standards for stability and disclosure.


Action must be taken, the financiers said, to ensure that all major "financial institutions, markets and instruments are subject to an appropriate degree of regulation and oversight, and that hedge funds or their managers are registered and disclose appropriate information to assess the risks they pose.


The recommendations also will be considered at next week's session of the European Council.


"Regulators in one country must cooperate more closely in another country to create a global network of supervision," British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said at a news conference.


"We have to address the fact that a bad bank in one country can undermine good banks in every country, and that multibillion-dollar markets still exist outside the supervisory net," Brown said.


"We call on all countries to adopt international standards and sign bilateral agreements to exchange tax information with other countries."(


The G-20 summit next month was initially going to focus on financial markets and regulation, but the deepening crisis around the world necessitated the need for a broader economic package that includes everything from stimulus packages to uneven interest rates, said Mark Malloch-Brown, the British prime minister's envoy to the summit.

英国首相伦敦峰会特使马克·马洛克·布朗(Mark Malloch-Brown)说,定于下月举行的20国金融峰会一开始将集中讨论金融市场及金融管制问题,但全球不断加剧的金融危机迫使我们不得不实行更广泛的经济政策,这就包括从经济刺激计划到不均衡利率调整的一系列措施。

wyd2008 发表于 2009-3-28 22:59

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