rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 02:08

【09.03.10 Examiner】为什么你不应该关心西藏

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-7 00:46 编辑

【原文标题】Why you shouldn't care about Tibet
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- 他们几乎没有遇到抵抗,
- 作为清朝的继承国,他们只是继续1904年之前中国和西藏的关系。1904年英国军队入侵并占领了西藏拉萨,并要求清朝支付他们入侵的费用(现在你知道反西方的中国民族主义情绪来自哪里了吧)。



著名的舞台魔术师,自由意志论者和Run-DMC(饶舌乐队)粉丝 Penn和Teller 在他们的表演中编入了一些投诉(这里看视频)。

在视频中表演的是学者迈克尔·帕伦蒂(Michael Parenti),在他的论文"友好的封建制度:西藏神话"中,描述了在喇嘛阶层统治下,1912-1949年的西藏乃是一个封建的,填充着奴隶制和农奴制,贫困落后和压迫的地方。 (这里看全文)





只有傻瓜会才会相信一个专制国家比如中国的说法不含水分。然而,对资料的分析显示了一些东西。即使是最亲达赖喇嘛的人士也承认了一些中国入侵西藏之前的事实; 1 )它是地球上最贫穷和文盲最多的国家之一。没有足够的粮食,女孩没受过教育,男孩很幸运可以学习阅读。 2 )西藏社会基本上是由世俗贵族,僧侣神权,和众多农民农奴组成的等级制度。农奴受到前者的束缚和制约,耕种不属于他们的土地来支持上层阶级。没有严肃的学者争辩这两点。相反的观点主要基于假定藏族人自然地倾向于享受简单的,一无所知的农奴制度和高死亡率的生活,这是一个彻头彻尾的种族主义猜想。





首先,这里所谓的“西藏人民”的含义并不清楚它可以作为一种文化概念用来谈论西藏,但能作为一个国家或人民吗?直接到这一谬误的最严重的形式,它比区分雅利安种族和雅利安民族更难。西藏流亡政府最极端的要求是包括整个西部地区的狭长地带作为大藏区,但那些代言人并没有认识到这些地区不等于1930年的德国。大量的汉,回,撒拉,门巴,珞巴,蒙古,羌,东乡,普米族,栗僳族和其他人民生活在这一地区。解放西藏运动的口号“一个民族一个国家One People, One Nation(译者注:这句口号不确定翻译对了没有,请大侠指正)”不仅是一个谎言,更是令人毛骨悚然的种族主义和彻头彻尾的法西斯主义。我们可以去到以色列,巴勒斯坦,或印度和巴基斯坦,看一看按照文化,宗教和种族分割的结果,或探讨整个非洲撒哈拉以南地区国家和部落失败之迷,一个合理的人不难得出结论,比较各自争取利益,多种族的国家更强大和更安全。中国的汉族人被许多文化语言的族群包围。如果一个人倾倒了100桶油漆到大理石地板,并且要求把每种颜色放回到各自的桶里,也比区分一个覆盖全球的,成千上万的相互交融和纵横交错的族群容易。


















藏人只占青海人口的20%。我们非藏族占了80%。达赖喇嘛主张的大藏区里头,半数以上的人口是非藏族。我们也不是移民。千百年来羌族人居住在青藏高原的东部,而那时藏族不过是雅鲁藏布江村庄里的一些部落。自从成吉思汗征服了青海(700多年前) ,蒙古人就一直生活在这里,在此之前许多其他民族陆陆续续搬来这里,我们都已经在这里生活了几百年了。





作者Jack Elgin是来自华盛顿特区的独立保守作家.
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rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 02:13


本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-4-3 02:17 编辑

Why you shouldn't care about Tibet

Jack Elgin

March 10, 6:36 PM

Bravely carrying on, despite Richard Gere's best efforts

For those not in the know, today marks the 50th anniversary of a famous uprising in Tibet against the occupation of the People's Republic of China, which led shortly thereafter to the Dalai Lama's exile, which has been recorded, mythologized and celebrated by numerous vapid Hollywood celebrities.

Roughly ten years before that, the PRC, which is to say the People's Republic of China, had begun it's occupation of Tibet, the exact nature of which is still up for historic (and historiographical) dispute. The CPC, which is to say the Communist Part of China, has two arguments on it's side which are undoubtedly true, namely;

- That they were met with scant resistance,

- That as the successor state to the Qing Dynasty, they were merely renewing the relationship that had existed within Zhong Guo prior to 1904, when British troops invaded Lhasa and occupied Tibet, demanding, amongst other things, that the Qing Dynasty pay the expenses of their invasion (a small taste, just in case you were wondering where anti-Western Chinese Nationalist sentiment came from)

The latter is a point of some importance; Tibet and China had varied from a hostile to a symbiotic relationship by the last few centuries, with the central Qing government administrating the region, and the Dalai Lama acting as spiritual advisors to the court.

The CPC makes other claims that are completely unverifiable, but which probably have some basis in truth; certain other scholars have agreed with most of these claims, while many others take a wide gradient of stances.

Penn and Teller, eminent stage magicians, libertarians, and Run-DMC hanger-ons, detailed some of these complaints on their show, (profanity-filled) clip to
be seen here.

Featured in the clip is Michael Parenti, a scholar who writes his own description of the sort of feudal, slavery- and sefdom-filled, poverty-ridden and backwards, oppressive place Tibet was under the relatively brief rule by Lama caste, from 1912-1949, in his essay,
Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth. Complete with sources.

Surprisingly, I also found an actual comprehensive answer on
Yahoo Answers, too.

Most supporters of the Free Tibet cause, of course, are idealogues, hippies, and Hollywood celebrities who, having thoroughly rejected their own European culture, are just looking for something to believe in. The peculiarities of Western self-hate being what they are, most activists never get as far as to question whether or not Tibet was actually ever a Shangri La before it was arbitrarily and brutally attacked by China some fifty years ago. Heck, as a dare, go search for news stories from the usual gullible suspects in the media about Tibet; see how many feature pictures of either the Dalai Lama himself, or other monks (even in their heyday, a small percentage of the population), and see how many actually feature pictures or even references to the lives of average Tibetans. I know I'm shocked whenever I see the latter. To left-leaning activists, the Free Tibet movement is an indulgence and ongoing fantasy, the common socialist fantasy of a numerous, simple, happily ignorant peasant class toiling under the gentle, nurturing care of a spiritually and mentally enlightened elite, who gladly lift the burden of free will from the former and take it for themselves. Meanwhile, to many warhawks, any excuse to complain about China is a good one.

Thus, most people never actually get so far as to question what Tibet looked like as an independent nation, and what it would look like again as the same. But several counter points might occur to those that come this far and are still skeptical. I shall try to address these.

Q: But aren't the portrayals of 1912-1949 Tibet the biased propaganda of the CPC, attempting to justify their invasion?

A: Of course. Only a fool would take information coming out of an authoritarian state like China without a hefty dose of salt. However, parsing information reveals a number of things. Even the most pro-Dalai Lama sources have to concede a number of facts about Tibet prior to the Chinese invasion; 1) It was one of the poorest and most illiterate nations on Earth. There was not enough food, girls were not educated at all, boys were lucky to learn how to read. 2) Tibetan society was essentially caste-based, with a secular aristocracy, a theocratic monkhood, and numerous peasant serfs who were under the thrall and contract of the former, working land not theirs to support these castes. No serious scholar contends these two points. The counterarguments rely largely on supposing that Tibetans are a people naturally inclined to enjoy a simple of life of ignorant serfdom and high mortality, which is a fundamentally racist supposition.

Q: But wasn't the PRC rule just as bad, if not worse?

A: Probably. Tibet has been part of China, and China's government under Mao was pretty terrible and incompetent. Tibet, however, was actually relatively sheltered from some of the worst fallouts of the Great Leap Forward, given how far to the west it was- the PRC is, after all, about the same size as the United States or Europe, andLhasa is no closer to Beijing than Madrid is to Minsk, or D.C. is to Denver. It would also be a mistake to ignore that nationalist rhetoric coming from China on the subject; they do not view Tibet as a foreign region being occupied, but as a part of Zhong Guo, the traditional region of influence of the Chinese empire, which is, after all, a multi-ethnic one to start with. There have been extensive efforts from the CPC to win Tibetan hearts and minds, and to raise the living standards and economy of a region that remains China's poorest. It's a lukewarm victory to say that Tibet has about a 50% literacy rate, but it's certainly a vast improvement over where the nation was under the Lama caste.

Q: But don't the Tibetan people have the right to be Free? (or any variant of a "Free Tibet" slogan)

A: No. Not specifically. Exceptio probat regulam in casibus non exceptis. More on this later.
This one bears getting into, because it's a common misunderstanding, and a continuation of a common misunderstanding that caused a lot of common grief and suffering throughout the 20th century.

First of all, it is not at all clear here what is to be meant by "The Tibetan People". It's all well to talk of an abstract concept of Tibet, as a cultural concept, but as a nation or people? To go right to the most severe form of this fallacy, this distinction is no easier to enforce in any way than that between the concept of an Aryan race and the realization of an Aryan nation. The most extreme calls from the Tibetan Government-in-Exile have included demands for whole swaths of Western China that feature prominent Tibetan communities; but advocates here fail to realize that these regionsare no more homogenuous than 1930's Germany.Large populations of Han, Hui, Salar, Monpa, Lhoba, Mongol, Qiang, Dongxiang, Pumi, Lisu, and some several dozen other peoples live in this region. The common phrase, "One People, One Nation", associated with the Free Tibet movement, is not only a lie but a chillingly racist and fundamentally fascist one. We could go to Israel and Palestine, or India and Pakistan, to see how well partitions along cultural, religious and racial lines work out, or explore the many-fractured maze of failed states and tribal emnity raging through sub-Saharan Africa, but it shouldn't take much convincing to persuade a reasonable person that multi-ethnic nations are stronger and more secure than those who strive for anything else. Even the Han majority in China are deeply fractured amongst many cultural-linguistic groups. If one were to dump a hundred buckets of paint onto a marble floor and be commanded to get each color back into it's respective bucket, pure and whole, one would still have an easier task than that of sepearting the tens of thousands of inter-mingling and criss-crossing ethnic groups that cover the globe.

Not that ethnicity alone could guide politics even then- then we'd have to come to mention the Tibetan Atheists, Muslims, and members of several large sects of Buddhism that do not place particular reverence on the Dalai Lama, and thus would not want a return to his rule, an unspoken and implicit assumption of the Free Tibet movement, based on the smiling mugs of His Holiness used in about every vapid National Geographic, Rolling Stone and even (I'm so disappointed in you) Economist articles on the subject.
Which brings us to the next point;

Q: But doesn't the Dalai Lama want to institute democratic reforms in Tibet, making it a free, liberal democracy?

A: Maybe, but I wouldn't bet my life savings on it. First of all, the Dalai Lama sings whatever tune's going to please the audience; when appealing to more Leftist groups, he's described himself with the Progressivegasmic phrase,
"Half-Marxist, Half-Buddhist".
He's basically hinted that if he were to try and lead Communist reforms, he would make them work, dammit. On the other hand, more recently he's put forward a
proposed constitution.
It guarantees religious freedom and freedom of speech, but then, so does the PRC. Moreover, it looks a lot like a Western democracy, except for the references to Tibetan Buddhism, making the Dalai Lama President for Life, and giving him exclusive power to hire and fire elected officials at will, as well as generally pause the democratic reforms he talks about at his own discretion.

I'm not saying that the Dalai Lama's plan is to use gullible Western support to secure a huge nation at the axis of Asia, announce democratic reforms, and then put them on indefinite hold while he establishes himself (again) as theocratic dictator for life with absolute power over the law and no accountability, I'm just saying that that's exactly what his proposed constitution allows him to do.

Q: But don't the Tibetan people want the Dalai Lama back in power?

A: Well, some certainly do. Most of them have a funny way of showing it. Just for clarity's sake, the Tibetan landscape makes Afghanistan look like gentle rolling hills; if there were substantial local opposition to PRC rule, you'd assume they could make life a bit more difficult than it is. Buddhists, despite what white college students might tell you, are exactly as capable of political violence as other religions, as anyone in Sri Lanka or Japan could explain. The Dalai Lama, in concert with the CIA, in fact sponsored train guerillas in Tibet during the 60's, but they didn't seem to garner a lot of popular support.

Certainly some want the Dalai Lama back, and express this by trapping Han and Muslim businessmen and their families inside of shops and burning them down (yeah, I know this was missed by the media, but those crackdowns last year? Weren't initiated by monks peacefully humming and clinking thumb-cymbals together), but it's hard to gauge where there's any real support anywhere other than exiled monks/aristocracy, Hollywood, and amongst privileged white college students.

Q: But the PRC government is repressive, exploitive, violent and abusive. How can you support that?

A: I don't. I just don't think this is a Tibet-specific issue. Hence why I said Tibetans weren't specifically entitled to freedom before.
Everyone is entitled to freedom. As it so happens, there's roughly 1.3 billion people that are having their religious freedom, their freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, right to trial, etc., abused by the government of the PRC. There's also another eighty million or so suffering far worse fates in Burma and North Korea, broken military regimes supported by the CPC. The repressions of free speech, free practice of religion, the opaquness of government and corrupiton of justice suffered by Tibetans are not more or less wrong than those suffered by Uyghars, Mongols, Koreans, Yi, Hui, or Buyei, or Han.

I'm simply being realistic. For all the freedoms it doesn't allow, the PRC does allow it's people the freedom to eat, to read, to an education, to an opportunity at economic success. The freedom to vote or write an article means nothing when your family is starving, you can't read, and you can't walk down the street without being shot by roving thugs in jeeps. The PRC is better than the alternative the Dalai Lama is offering; if it were a choice between Taiwan remaining independent or being absorbed by the PRC, my stance would be very different, since Taiwan is an actual liberal democracy.

Of course, the status of Taiwan in the UN and international community isn't an issue that college campuses are throbbing about, since it only involves twenty million, mostly Han Chinese trying to retain their democratic freedoms and economic prosperity from other mostly Han Chinese, rather than some smiling monk spouting Hallmark catchphrases that Steven Spielberg made a movie about, but that's neither here nor there.

I'm against a Free Tibet. I'm all for a Free China. Free from poverty and theocratic oppression, free from corruption and secular oppression. But those who are concerned about human rights in the Middle Kingdom should look to Taiwan, not Tibet; to the brighter future, not an even darker past.

If anyone can cite a different reason why the Free Tibet movement should be considered valid and not simply the mewling of angry and ignorant college students/Hollywood actors, let me know and I'll try to address it. Meanwhile, for a very good read on the great 20th century evils brought about by the idealization of the centralized, culturally homogenuous nation state, pick up a copy of Niall Ferguson's
War of the World.

Jack Elgin is an examiner from Washington DC, District Of Columbia. You can see Jack's articles on
Jack's Home Page.


When ignorance and bigotry conjoin; Israel and the two-state delusion
April 1, 1:56 AM ·

I recently wrote an article attacking the Free Tibet movement. While one of my favorite articles that I've written, if there was a weakness to it it, it's that I didn't place adequate emphasis on the deep racism implied by the "solution" of an independent or autonomous Tibet, especially one under the Dalai Lama's control. Fortuitiously, a reader going by the simple handle of A Muslim in Tibet expounded on this point eloquently from their own perspective on the ground, la;

Tibetans only make 20% the population of Qinghai. We, the non-Tibetans, make up 80% of the population here. We also form more than half of the population in this Greater Tibet area claimed by the Dalai Lama, and we are not immigrants. Qiang people dominated east part of Tibet plateau for thousands of years when Tibetans were still some tribes in the Yarlung Zangbo villages. Mongolians have lived in Qinghai ever since Genghis Khan conquered here (700 years ago), many other ethnic groups moved here earlier than that, some followed and we all have been living here for hundreds of years.

If the exiled Tibet government becomes our government, with their 100% Tibetan background, every single government official being an ethnic Tibetan, and with a constitution that does not allow anybody to challenge the Dalai Lama's position both as a religious leader and political leader (the head of the government). It is also for sure what you are worried about Tibetans would be a practical problem for us. Are we then, going to be "happy watching our language and culture disappear?"

Many people in the west use "distinctive language and culture" as a main reason to argue for Tibet independence. The truth is, Tibet has been a part of China for 700 years, and still has a language and culture you call distinctive. Many other minority ethnic groups have lived in China for thousands of years, and we still have our distinctive languages and culture, so why should our country break up now because of one (Tibetan) language and culture as the media in the west call for? If Tibet should be granted independence because of culture and language, should the other 20 traditional ethnic groups all be granted independence from Tibet?

I'm not going to rehash the same argument, but... well, actually, no, I guess it is a rehash of pretty much the same principle. But it's a basic principle, and one that must be defended.

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 02:19


本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-4-3 19:40 编辑

a Muslim in Tibet

Every 3 to 4 out of 1000 people live in China is ethnic Tibetan, especially considering less than 5% of the Chinese population live in the western section of China where Tibet is. Are you surprised not many Chinese (what you meant was "Han Chinese") have talked with Tibetans? Also, have you talked with any non-Tibetans living in this Greater Tibet area? We live in this land, why should we be ignored?

Tibetans only make 20% the population of Qinghai. We, the non-Tibetans, make up 80% of the population here. We also form more than half of the population in this Greater Tibet area claimed by the Dalai Lama, and we are not immigrants. Qiang people dominated east part of Tibet plateau for thousands of years when Tibetans were still some tribes in the Yarlung Zangbo villages. Mongolians have lived in Qinghai ever since Genghis Khan conquered here (700 years ago), many other ethnic groups moved here earlier than that, some followed and we all have been living here for hundreds of years.

If the exiled Tibet government becomes our government, with their 100% Tibetan background, every single government official being an ethnic Tibetan, and with a constitution that does not allow anybody to challenge the Dalai Lama's position both as a religious leader and political leader (the head of the government). It is also for sure what you are worried about Tibetans would be a practical problem for us. Are we then, going to be "happy watching our language and culture disappear?"

Many people in the west use "distinctive language and culture" as a main reason to argue for Tibet independence. The truth is, Tibet has been a part of China for 700 years, and still has a language and culture you call distinctive. Many other minority ethnic groups have lived in China for thousands of years, and we still have our distinctive languages and culture, so why should our country break up now because of one (Tibetan) language and culture as the media in the west call for? If Tibet should be granted independence because of culture and language, should the other 20 traditional ethnic groups all be granted independence from Tibet?

Today, many Tibetans learn Chinese so they have more opportunities in finding better jobs, what is that so different from many Chinese learn English to find better jobs, both in China and in the US? I definitely think Tibetans should have a choice of not learning Chinese (which they do), but keep in mind, Chinese is the dominant language in China, almost everybody speaks it, you just have to learn it to be successful. We live at a time of globalization. English is not my native language, but do you think it's a bad thing for me after all that I can speak English? How else can I read Jack's article and write a comment here?

Anyway, after all, I support the communication between Han Chinese and Tibetans. But all the other ethnic groups living here should be included in this discussion. Tibetans are not so special as humans. Ignoring the rest ethnic groups is racist. I am not saying you are, but since you seem to sure you have done objective research. I feel I have to point out to you the things I have just said.

March 19, 11:22 PM



藏人只占青海人口的20%。我们非藏族占了80%。达赖喇嘛主张的大藏区里头,半数以上的人口是非藏族。我们也不是移民。千百年来羌族人居住在青藏高原的东部,而那时藏族不过是雅鲁藏布江村庄里的一些部落。自从成吉思汗征服了青海(700多年前) ,蒙古人就一直生活在这里,在此之前许多其他民族陆陆续续搬来这里,我们都已经在这里生活了几百年了。



藏人只占青海人口的20%。我们非藏族占了80%。达赖喇嘛主张的大藏区里头,半数以上的人口是非藏族。我们也不是移民。千百年来羌族人居住在青藏高原的东部,而那时藏族不过是雅鲁藏布江村庄里的一些部落。自从成吉思汗征服了青海(700多年前) ,蒙古人就一直生活在这里,在此之前许多其他民族陆陆续续搬来这里,我们都已经在这里生活了几百年了。





a Muslim in Tibet

Hi, I saw your link on one of the youtube channels and I thought i'd check it out. you really impressed me with your research on the subject. Thanks for bringing out one of the most important points in the whole Tibet issue. I don't want to turn my comment into a long essay but I will write down one thing I feel very strong about, and this is to all the people who read this webpage.

Tibet is neither a mono-cultural geopolitical entity, nor a one-hundred percent Buddhist area, even though I feel the media in the west have been purposely misleading people to believe so. Especially if this Tibet we are talking about is not "Tibet Autonomous Region", but this "Greater Tibet Area" defined by the Dalai Lama and the exiled govt. (which includes Tibet, Qinghai and part of Sichuan, Gansu and Yunnan) I am very worried if this Greater Tibet area, if independent, will become a Buddhist theocracy as what their constitution says so. That will be a disaster for the millions of non-Buddhists living here, especially Muslim, considering the relationships of Muslims and Buddhists in the past, especially during the time of the Republic of China. The worst thing can happen is that we all get expelled by them as what Dalai Lama has stated in his five point peace plan.

Even if we don't get expelled, we don't want the exiled Tibet government which has a Buddhist monk as the head who is not choose by merit but incarnation. Take Qinghai (claimed by them as Amdo) as example, it would be very unfair in Qinghai becomes part of the independent Tibet. Muslims (Hui, Salar, Dongxiang, Uyghurs and Kazakhs are the ones in Qinghai) have a larger population than Tibetans in this province, and there's also Han, Mongolians, Tu Zu, Buyei, ... 41 ethnic groups in total have large communities in Qinghai, why should a Buddhism monk be the head of the government? If we were going to have a religious leader as the head of the government, why can't we have a Muslim Caliph as our government head in Qinghai since we have a larger population?

Chinese Hui Muslim, the Ma family warlord was already the ruler and provincial governor of Qinghai (part of the Republic of China) from 1912 to 1949. The current Dalai Lama was born here in 1937. Before the Ma family, it was Qing China who ruled here, after the Ma family, it is People's Republic of China, we certainly do not want a Buddhist monk as our government head. They tried to take over Qinghai before, but their troops (Tibetan Buddhist) were crashed by Ma's army (Muslims troops).

Same like all you guys have in the west, we want Religion and Politics to be separated, especially if the ruling class is not even from our own religion. From what I heard, in parts of Yunnan and Sichuan where the Dalai Lama claims, Christianity is the largest religion among the Lisu and Yi people. Remember, we all have lived here for thousands of years, some have been living here for a longer time than the Tibetans. What on earth makes people in the west think we want the exiled Tibetans to be our rulers? Just because they are closer with some people from the west?

Do not push a Buddhist monk on top of our head. The current Chinese government might not be good in your eyes, but it's much more fair than a Buddhist theocracy. We want move towards democracy, not move backwards.
March 19, 8:21 PM

badiou 发表于 2009-4-3 03:00

Great Job!

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 03:16

The repressions of free speech, free practice of religion, the opaquness of government and corrupiton of justice suffered by Tibetans are not more or less wrong than those suffered by Uyghars, Mongols ...
scandy 发表于 2009-4-3 02:51 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-4-3 03:27

解放西藏运动的口号“一个民族一个国家One People, One Nation(译者注:这句口号不确定翻译对了没有,请大侠指正)”不仅是一个谎言,更是令人毛骨悚然的种族主义和彻头彻尾的法西斯主义。



squallsexy 发表于 2009-4-3 03:28


nnnihaoa 发表于 2009-4-3 03:35


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 03:38

本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-4-3 03:43 编辑

照ZD的思路,也只能这样翻译了。不过我很怀疑这个口号的普遍性。很少会有支藏团体赤裸裸地这么说吧。squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-4-3 03:27 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif



squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-4-3 03:43





rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 03:46


本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-4-3 03:55 编辑

Slavery in Tibet?

I've been hearing about the Free Tibet protest and I've heard from China supporters that the Chinese government freed more than 95% of Tibet from slavery and mutilation.

Meanwhile Tibetans claim that they didn't even know that Tibet had slaves.

What's the truth?


Best Answer - Chosen by VotersThis may answer your question:

First, a correction is long overdue: the word “China” or “Chinese” cannot be found in “China’s” language or in the “Chinese” rich history records. What? Are you kidding? NO, I AM NOT KIDDING!

1) “China” and “Chinese” were imposed /used by the Europeans, a reference to the place where a bowl of porcelain was made. But, before the Europeans first laid their eyes on a china, be it a rice bowl or a tea cup, the peoples living in on that land already had a name for their country. It is called Zhong Guo. The literal translation is the “Middle Kingdom.”

2) What about its peoples? How do they address each other? There are over fifty ethnicities living in Zhong Guo. The Tibetan people are one of them. The word “Tibet” or “Tibetan” was also imposed by the Europeans. But long before the Europeans (the English) landed on the Tibet, Tibetans called themselves “bod” or “po.” This word is still in use, referring to both the place and the people.

3) So, a question like, “When did the Chinese first invade Tibet?” is an oxymoron. The fallacy is comparable to a hypothetical question: “When did Native Americans invade Navajo or Apache tribal lands? “ In America, you have Navajo, Cherokee, Choctaw, Sioux, Chippewa, Apache, etc. In Zhong Guo, they have Han, Hui, Mian, Zang, Zhuang… … about 50 plus ethnicities living on the land called the Middle Kingdom.

4) So, just like the Navajo people, who are ethnic Native Americans, the Tibetan people are an ethnic Chinese. What? How could you say that Tibetan people are an ethnic Chinese? YES, THEY ARE. But their culture, clothing, and food are so different than that of Chinese, if you object my assertion. Be calm, my friend. When you say “Chinese”, you probably refer to Han Chinese, who is only one of many ethnicities in China. But there are at least a dozen of other ethnic Chinese minorities whose culture, language, clothing, and ways of religious worship are every bit as exotic, if not more than, as those of Tibetans!

Then, what makes the Tibetan issue come to a head? A short answer is because of the English and the CIA’ s never-ending meddling. A long answer is, well, let’s explain the long one:

5) As early as the seventh century, the ethnic Tibetan and ethnic Han Chinese established close ties through royal inter-marriages; the Han Emperor’s daughter married the head of the Tibetan tribe. The alliance was cemented further into a military and political bond by a mutual agreement or a bilateral practice: Han Chinese officials (or other ethnic Chinese who took control of the dynasty) came to the Tibetan tribal court to assist in administration and defense matters, while the Tibetan court sent its officials to the Central government court. For a very long time, the Central Chinese court subsidized the Tibetan court.

6) Here is a specific in Yuan Dynasty, which was controlled by ethnic Meng Chinese, or Mongols: In the middle of the thirteenth century ( about 100 years after William the Conqueror invaded England), Tibet was formally incorporated into the Chinese territory of the Yuan Dynasty. Yuan Emperor Kublai entrusted the power of administering the Tibet region to the Sakya Sect, setting up the General Council (renamed Political Council in 1288) which was a central government organ exercising administrative power over the country's Buddhist affairs and Tibetan affairs. The Yuan government instituted the system of imperial preceptor, whose job was to confer titles on political and religious leaders; to delimit administrative divisions; to appoint local officials; to take census, to collate and stipulate revenue and taxes; to divide the Tibet region into thirteen Wan Hu (ten thousand households). The heads of Wan Hu were conferred upon and appointed directly by the Yuan Court. There were three Chief Military Commands of the Pacification Commissioners' Offices, which took charge of garrison troops and the administrative affairs of the various Wan Hu Offices in Tibet proper and other Tibetan areas. (This paragraph was from the historical records at authoritative China websites. I cannot do it otherwise since Yuan dynasty was about AD 1270—1370, and no other country can provide a detailed records on this subject. )

7) This type of integrity had kept its steadfastness until the 19th century, when China’s Qing dynasty was vitally crippled by the opium trade imposed by the English. In 1888, The English invaded Bhutan and from there launched its first attack on Tibet. The invasion met Tibetan’s fierce resistance (see http://scholar.ilib.cn/A-xzdxxb200403002... In 1904 the English army, headed by Francis Younghusband, launched its second invasion on Tibet. “Younghusband slaughtered 1,300 Tibetans in Gyangzê. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_You... In the Chinese records, the British had slaughtered over 5000 Tibetans in all at the end of the invasion. The Anglo-Tibetan Treaty of 1904 was forced upon the Tibetans. This was at a time when the Tibetans’ usual protector, China’s Emperor, could not even protect himself from the uprisings inside; neither could he keep the European powers from the outside at bay. (The Qing Dynasty ended in 1911.)

8) But In 1906 the English made the Anglo-Chinese Convention with Qing Emperor. It confirmed the Anglo-Tibetan Treaty of 1904; Britain agreed "not to annex Tibetan territory or to interfere in the administration of Tibet" while China engaged "not to permit any other foreign state to interfere with the territory or internal administration of Tibet". In the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907, drafted by the British, Britain also recognized the "suzerainty of China over Tibet" and, in conformity with such admitted principle, engaged "not to enter into negotiations with Tibet except through the intermediary of the Chinese Government” (The above was from Wikipedia.(Seehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibet#Sven_...

9) In 1914, China was in chaos. The English seized the chance to shovel “the Simla Convention” down Tibetan and China’s throats. By this treaty the English would partition Tibet into two, Inner Tibet and Outer Tibet. (By the way, this treaty was the main cause of border dispute between India and China.) China resisted it, to no avail. In the end, Tibetans signed the treaty under the English pressure, whereas the China government refused to sign. Soon the World War I started, absorbing the whole world into it. When it ended, China found itself emerged as a victim at the hand of the Japanese despite that China sided with the Allies. So the revolution ensued. Young Chinese were going abroad in droves to find ways to save the country. They got support from Russia while the English and Americans refused (for the obvious reason that they intended to keep their Extraterritoriality, a form of colony over which China had no sovereignty). This was a main reason that the Chinese Communist Party was growing fast and popular among the Chinese mass. Then, the War of Anti-Japanese invasion, the World War II and the Civil War ensued. Tibet was in neglect.

10) In 1949, the Peoples’ Republic of China was established. Mao Zedong declared that the new China shall “abolish all unequal treaties forced upon the peoples of China by the foreign powers.” This certainly includes treaties coerced upon the ethnic Tibetans by the English. The Communist Party Army, called Peoples Liberation Army (PLA), chased the Nationalist Army, supported by the US and UK, down to the far ends of China territory, including the Tibet. Tibetans joined forces of the Nationalist army to resist. They were simply not a match. But Mao Zedong had no intention to crush or overthrow Dalai Lama regime. It was kept intact. Dalai Lama’s theocracy and its privilege basically were same as it had been. Dalai Lama was all happy when he was invited to Beijing to sign a agreement with Mao in 1951. Four years later he and another Lama were at top of the Central Chinese government and the PLA undertook the defense of Tibet. The century-old tradition came back; and Dalai gave a praise speech about it when he addressed the National Peoples Congress. All went well until,

11) Well, here comes a part that is hard to relate. Even if I can describe it, you would probably not believe it. Part of reason is that the Hollywood, the media and the publishers had rarely exposed it ( for the purpose we do not yet know); Part of reason is its uniqueness in the way that Dalai Lama regime governs its people before 1959. It was a serfdom in an extreme form plus a theocracy in highest degree. Here is a story told by my friend, who happened to be an aid to another Panchan lama, Panchan is the second in Tibetan theocratic hierarchy. But unike Dalai Lama, Panchan stayed in China and he lived in Beijing. About 1986, Panchan took a tour in the southwest Tibet, He took my friend with him. What shocked my friend (he is not an ethnic Tibetan but an ethnic Man Chinese) is that the region was so religious, so lama worshiping, that the whole entourage could hardly move Panchan out of crowd for the next village, What blocked their progress is not only the pious crowd, but also the money that thrown at them by the Tibetan villagers. For every 10 -20 meters, Panchan’s limo driver and my friend had to stop in order to remove the paper money piling up over the windshields. This was about 1985, when China was about to develop, the interior China remained poverty-stricken, even so inside the Tibet. But those pious villagers gave Panchan all they got, When money was gone, they start throwing bronze bracelet, bead necklace or whatever they believe value-worth at the entourage. This was their first time to see a Panchan, a reincarnation in their belief. They had no reason to reserve, since their life was ma

[*]1 year ago

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 03:52

squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-4-3 03:43 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 04:02

如果你有时间,请一定读一读学者迈克尔帕伦蒂(Michael Parenti)的论文"友好的封建制度:西藏神话"。




rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 04:30

About Examiner.com

Launched in April 2008, Examiner.com serves 60 major markets across the country and is quickly becoming the premier online brand for local information and events. We are a division of the Clarity Media Group, owned by the Anschutz Company, one of the largest media companies in the country.
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The Examiner 是一个由Leigh和John Hunt在1808年创立的周报。
John Forster 1835年成为该杂志的文学编辑,此后1847-1855年的编辑是Albany Fonblanque。投稿者包括英国著名作家狄更斯等。

squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-4-3 04:35



藏人只占青海人口的20%。我们非藏族占了80%。达赖喇嘛主张的大藏区里头,半数以上的人口是非藏族。我们也不是移民。千百年来羌族人居住在青藏高原的东部,而那时藏族不过是雅鲁藏布江村庄里的一些部落。自从成吉思汗征服了青海(700多年前) ,蒙古人就一直生活在这里,在此之前许多其他民族陆陆续续搬来这里,我们都已经在这里生活了几百年了。





a Muslim in Tibet says:

Every 3 to 4 out of 1000 people live in China is ethnic Tibetan, especially considering less than 5% of the Chinese population live in the western section of China where Tibet is. Are you surprised not many Chinese (what you meant was "Han Chinese") have talked with Tibetans? Also, have you talked with any non-Tibetans living in this Greater Tibet area? We live in this land, why should we be ignored?

Tibetans only make 20% the population of Qinghai. We, the non-Tibetans, make up 80% of the population here. We also form more than half of the population in this Greater Tibet area claimed by the Dalai Lama, and we are not immigrants. Qiang people dominated east part of Tibet plateau for thousands of years when Tibetans were still some tribes in the Yarlung Zangbo villages. Mongolians have lived in Qinghai ever since Genghis Khan conquered here (700 years ago), many other ethnic groups moved here earlier than that, some followed and we all have been living here for hundreds of years.

If the exiled Tibet government becomes our government, with their 100% Tibetan background, every single government official being an ethnic Tibetan, and with a constitution that does not allow anybody to challenge the Dalai Lama's position both as a religious leader and political leader (the head of the government). It is also for sure what you are worried about Tibetans would be a practical problem for us. Are we then, going to be "happy watching our language and culture disappear?"

Many people in the west use "distinctive language and culture" as a main reason to argue for Tibet independence. The truth is, Tibet has been a part of China for 700 years, and still has a language and culture you call distinctive. Many other minority ethnic groups have lived in China for thousands of years, and we still have our distinctive languages and culture, so why should our country break up now because of one (Tibetan) language and culture as the media in the west call for? If Tibet should be granted independence because of culture and language, should the other 20 traditional ethnic groups all be granted independence from Tibet

Today, many Tibetans learn Chinese so they have more opportunities in finding better jobs, what is that so different from many Chinese learn English to find better jobs, both in China and in the US? I definitely think Tibetans should have a choice of not learning Chinese (which they do), but keep in mind, Chinese is the dominant language in China, almost everybody speaks it, you just have to learn it to be successful. We live at a time of globalization. English is not my native language, but do you think it's a bad thing for me after all that I can speak English? How else can I read Jack's article and write a comment here?
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Anyway, after all, I support the communication between Han Chinese and Tibetans. But all the other ethnic groups living here should be included in this discussion. Tibetans are not so special as humans. Ignoring the rest ethnic groups is racist. I am not saying you are, but since you seem to sure you have done objective research. I feel I have to point out to you the things I have just said.

squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-4-3 05:06








a Muslim in Tibet

Hi, I saw your link on one of the youtube channels and I thought i'd check it out. you really impressed me with your research on the subject. Thanks for bringing out one of the most important points in the whole Tibet issue. I don't want to turn my comment into a long essay but I will write down one thing I feel very strong about, and this is to all the people who read this webpage.

Tibet is neither a mono-cultural geopolitical entity, nor a one-hundred percent Buddhist area, even though I feel the media in the west have been purposely misleading people to believe so. Especially if this Tibet we are talking about is not "Tibet Autonomous Region", but this "Greater Tibet Area" defined by the Dalai Lama and the exiled govt. (which includes Tibet, Qinghai and part of Sichuan, Gansu and Yunnan) I am very worried if this Greater Tibet area, if independent, will become a Buddhist theocracy as what their constitution says so. That will be a disaster for the millions of non-Buddhists living here, especially Muslim, considering the relationships of Muslims and Buddhists in the past, especially during the time of the Republic of China. The worst thing can happen is that we all get expelled by them as what Dalai Lama has stated in his five point peace plan.
bbs.m4.cn% [$ Q0 A0 d. g. A9 F

Even if we don't get expelled, we don't want the exiled Tibet government which has a Buddhist monk as the head who is not choose by merit but incarnation. Take Qinghai (claimed by them as Amdo) as example, it would be very unfair in Qinghai becomes part of the independent Tibet. Muslims (Hui, Salar, Dongxiang, Uyghurs and Kazakhs are the ones in Qinghai) have a larger population than Tibetans in this province, and there's also Han, Mongolians, Tu Zu, Buyei, ... 41 ethnic groups in total have large communities in Qinghai, why should a Buddhism monk be the head of the government? If we were going to have a religious leader as the head of the government, why can't we have a Muslim Caliph as our government head in Qinghai since we have a larger population?( U; ]3 P* M; S3 g$ _$ S! [" r

Chinese Hui Muslim, the Ma family warlord was already the ruler and provincial governor of Qinghai (part of the Republic of China) from 1912 to 1949. The current Dalai Lama was born here in 1937. Before the Ma family, it was Qing China who ruled here, after the Ma family, it is People's Republic of China, we certainly do not want a Buddhist monk as our government head. They tried to take over Qinghai before, but their troops (Tibetan Buddhist) were crashed by Ma's army (Muslims troops).

Same like all you guys have in the west, we want Religion and Politics to be separated, especially if the ruling class is not even from our own religion. From what I heard, in parts of Yunnan and Sichuan where the Dalai Lama claims, Christianity is the largest religion among the Lisu and Yi people. Remember, we all have lived here for thousands of years, some have been living here for a longer time than the Tibetans. What on earth makes people in the west think we want the exiled Tibetans to be our rulers? Just because they are closer with some people from the west?

Do not push a Buddhist monk on top of our head. The current Chinese government might not be good in your eyes, but it's much more fair than a Buddhist theocracy. We want move towards democracy, not move backwards.

squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-4-3 05:23


Examiner.com成立于2008年8月,为全国(应该是美国)60多个主要市场提供服务,很快便成为提供当地信息和活动的主要网上品牌。我们是Clarity Media Group的一个分支,由Anschutz Company所有,是本国最大的媒体公司之一。


About Examiner.combbs.m4.cn8 K$ u9 v! v- a

Launched in April 2008, Examiner.com serves 60 major markets across the country and is quickly becoming the premier online brand for local information and events. We are a division of the Clarity Media Group, owned by the Anschutz Company, one of the largest media companies in the country.
Our content is contributed by passionate, informed people known as Examiners. Examiners are people in your community with a common desire to share their knowledge and expertise with others. Examiners are college students, civil servants, retirees, doctors, musicians, magazine editors and stay-at-home parents.
, U+ u" u( ]* u8 E( _- y" t

squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-4-3 05:27

如果你有时间,请一定读一读学者迈克尔帕伦蒂(Michael Parenti)的论文"友好的封建制度:西藏神话"。
我分别读了三个版本:2003,2004和2007年的。比较遗憾的是后来修改中他删除了不少对ZD不利的内容,增加了指责中国 ...
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 04:02 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-4-3 05:40


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 03:38 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-3 05:49

Squirrelnyc, 谢谢你帮忙翻译!!

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