magicboy 发表于 2009-4-4 08:39



Anticapitalist and climate-change activists converged before the Bank of England in London to demand action on poverty and climate change as world leaders arrive ahead of the G-20 summit.3 B* d/
伦敦喧闹:针对G20峰会的抗议 当世界各国领导人到达G20峰会会场门口时,反对资本主义和气候变暖的活动者们聚集在伦敦的英国银行门前,呼吁对贫困和气候变暖采取行动。

Rosie Greenway/Getty( Q$ F! T, X0 T* D# C" N, bfd! H
Bank Brawl
Protesters advancing down Threadneedle Street meet police lines during G-20 demonstrations outside the Bank of England on April 1, 2009 in London, England. Protesters launched missiles and forced their way into the bank after clashes with police in the capital.
银行喧嚣 2009年4月1日,英国伦敦,英国银行外针对G20峰会的游行示威活动中,抗议者沿Threadneedle街行进遇到警察队伍拦阻。与首都警方发生冲突之后,示威者投掷杂物并强行闯入银行。%

Oli Scarff/Getty4 b" g4 P" Z: O#
Under Cover6 ]! V* {- y. a( F
Demonstrators would attack the Royal Bank of Scotland with missiles and entered the building in the City after clashes with police at the Bank of England. Riot officers and police dogs and horses were used to remove the 20 protesters, who spent quarter of an hour ransacking the RBS building, tearing out computers and telephones. Nineteen people were arrested.
掩护之下 示威者试图使用投掷物攻击苏格兰皇家银行,在与英国银行附近的警方发生冲突之后,他们进入了大楼。防暴警察、警犬和骑警曾驱逐了20名抗议者,这些抗议者在一刻钟之内洗劫了苏格兰皇家银行大楼,毁坏了一些电脑和电话。19人被逮捕。

Matt Cardy/Getty Images
Powerful Protest2 V+ k* c9 v7 ]( g
The trouble broke out as PM Gordon Brown and President Barack Obama announced that the G-20 leaders were "within a few hours" of agreeing a global deal for economic recovery. The demonstrations began in peaceful fashion but resulted in some bloody skirmishes./
强力抗议 当戈登·布朗首相和巴拉克·奥巴马总统宣布G20的领导人“在几小时内”就旨在恢复经济而采取的一项全球性贸易达成共识时,纠纷爆发了。游行示威以和平方式开始,却最终造成了一些小规模流血冲突。

Jeff J Mitchell/Getty! q1 oF2 Z5 ^( p& U
Long Arm of the Law2 j8 y! p8 S; a% `% E; _6 \C9 w
By midday (7.00am EST), roughly 60 protesters and police clashed. Officers were pelted with bottles, eggs, fruit and paint. They responded by using truncheons, batons and pepper spray.%
法网无边 (long arm of the law, 愿意指法律对犯罪的广泛约束力。)到正午为止,约有60名抗议者和警方发生冲突。人们向警察投掷瓶子、鸡蛋、水果和油漆颜料。警察则以警棍、警棒和胡椒喷雾还以颜色。

CARL DE SOUZA/AFP/Getty! a) h0 F1 i4 HW! @
Hole in the Wall' \2 ]3 ^5 G5 D/ G
A protester throws a computer terminal at a branch of RBS near the Bank of England. With cheers ringing in their ears, protesters smashed several of the bank's windows, writing "burn a banker" and "scum" in spray paint.
墙中之洞 (hole-in-the-wall即俗语中自动取款机之意,此处双关)一名抗议者正将英国银行边一个苏格兰皇家银行支行的计算机终端扔掉。在一片片欢呼声中,抗议者们捣毁了好几个银行窗口,并用油漆喷涂上“烧死银行家”和“人渣”的字样。/ N: K

Chris Ison/PA' d2 z/ X1 u5 b0 I) M8 U
Police estimated there were up to 4,000 demonstrators in the City of London and cordoned off a number of streets. They tried to keep thousands of protesters in containment pens on Threadneedle Street: Scotland Yard said moving them into the area was a legitimate tactic as missiles were being thrown at officers
一触即发 警方估计伦敦城内的示威者多达4000名,并对很多街道实施了警戒封锁。他们试图将上千名示威者控制在Threadneedle街之内:苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅)称当警方遭受投掷物袭击时,将他们(示威者)控制到这一地区是一种合法手段。

Owen Humphreys/PA) y1 |5 ?/ C4 g; d" {
Blood, Sweat and Tears
For two hours, a group of protesters pushed against the police line on Threadneedle Street, provoking some skirmishes that left several officers and demonstrators injured.
血、汗、泪 在Threadneedle街,一队抗议者冲击警察队伍达两小时之久,最终导致一些小规模冲突,致使数名警察和示威者受伤

Geoff Caddick/AFP/Getty
Motto of the MomentQ# l* B9 [* r" k# A' E: o
Groups under the G-20 Meltdown banner marched from Tube stations to the Bank of England urging those who had lost their homes, jobs, savings or pensions to join them.
此刻箴言 在预言G20峰会大溃败的横幅标语之下,多个队伍从地铁站走向英国银行,请求那些无家可归者、失业者、丧失存款或养老金的人们一起加入示威行列。(图中标语为:我们能否推翻政府呢?是的,我们可以!系对奥巴马演讲的戏拟).

Chris Ison/PA7 L# g( K, t- j" c8 I: [
Painting the Town Red" P2 n9 T4 d8 L. e" J7 L" F) ^
An understandably unhappy police officer looks on with red liquid on his face and uniform outside the Bank of England. Some officers also had their helmets ripped from their heads and thrown into the air, which was turned pink and red as protesters let off smoke bombs.
万家红遍,全城尽染 (paint the town red 在俚语中为狂欢、胡闹之意,此处双关)在英国银行外有一位很不爽(可以理解)的警察,他的脸上和制服上都染上了红色液体。一些警察也将他们自己的头盔从头上摘下,并扔向空中。由于示威者们释放烟幕弹,空气中也都是一片粉色和红色。

Rosie Greenway/Getty# w* s- s3 ]' R
A mannequin dressed as a banker is hanged from a set of traffic lights outside the Bank of England. It remains to be seen whether the protests will continue on Thursday April 2, the actual day of the G-20.
无动于衷 在英国银行门外的一个交通灯上,一个银行家打扮的人体模特被吊了起来。不知到4月2日周四,即G20峰会的真正开始时,这些抗议活动是否还将继续,且让我们拭目以待。(图中标语:吃掉那些银行家)

渐入佳境 发表于 2009-4-4 23:28


whyjfs 发表于 2009-4-5 13:49

支持翻译,场面很火爆哈 发表于 2009-4-5 16:10


每况愈下 发表于 2009-4-5 17:03

为什么必须采取暴力才能彰显自己的主张,难道就没有和平手段吗? 发表于 2009-4-5 16:10
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