aha 发表于 2009-4-12 20:00

【09.04.10 英国 卫报】中国的负担(附有部分读者评论)

本帖最后由 酸枣树310 于 2009-4-13 17:16 编辑

【原文标题】China's burden


作者:Ian Buruma
guardian.co.uk, Friday 10 April 2009 17.00 BST
















作者的上一本书是《爱上中国的人》(The China Lover)


China's burden

Tibetans are only as oppressed as all Chinese are. Theirs is not a problem of nationality or discrimination, but lack of democracy

Ian Buruma
guardian.co.uk, Friday 10 April 2009 17.00 BST

Last month saw the 50th anniversary of what Tibetan activists like to call Tibetan National Uprising Day, the day in 1959 when Tibetans in Lhasa revolted against Chinese Communist party rule. The rebellion was crushed. The Dalai Lama fled to India, and for at least a decade things became a lot worse. Many Tibetans, possibly more than a million, starved to death during Chairman Mao's Great Leap Forward campaign. Temples and monasteries were smashed, sometimes by Tibetan Red Guards, during the Cultural Revolution, and a large number of people died in the violence.

Chinese officials are noticeably jumpy in this year of anniversaries (20 years after the Tiananmen Square protests). Last month I was in Chengdu, in Sichuan province, where many Tibetans live. Even foreign tourists who had no clue about the anniversary were stopped in the streets by police looking for signs of rebellion. The colourful Tibetan district was cordoned off. Not only was it forbidden to take pictures there; one couldn't even walk through.

The Chinese press, however, marked the anniversary with effusive articles describing Tibetan joy at being liberated from centuries of feudalism and slavery. If the China Daily, among other publications, is to be believed, "pre-Liberation" Tibet was a living hell, and Tibetans are now grateful to be citizens of the People's Republic of China.
Some probably are. Many are not. But if Chinese propaganda paints too dark a picture of the Tibetan past, westerners who sympathise with the Tibetan cause are often too sentimental.

The personal charm of the Dalai Lama has promoted a caricature of a mystical, wise and peace-loving people being crushed by a brutal empire. It was not for nothing, however, that quite a few educated Tibetans actually welcomed the Chinese communists in 1950. The Buddhist clergy was seen, not without reason, as hidebound and oppressive. Chinese communism promised modernisation.

And that is what China's government has delivered in the past few decades. Lhasa, a sleepy, rather grubby backwater only 30 years ago, is now a city of huge public squares, shopping centres, and high-rise buildings, connected to the rest of China by a high-speed railway line. It is true that Tibetans, sparsely represented in local government, may not have benefited as much as the Han Chinese, whose presence in cities such as Lhasa as soldiers, traders and prostitutes is so overwhelming that people worry about the extinction of Tibetan culture, except as a tourist attraction.

Still, there is no question that Tibetan towns are now more modern – in terms of electrification, education, hospitals, and other public facilities – than they were before. This is one of the arguments used not only by Chinese officials, but by almost all Chinese, to justify Tibet's absorption into greater China.

This argument has a long history. Western (and, indeed, Japanese) imperialists used it in the early 20th century to justify their "missions" to "civilise" or "modernise" the natives. Taiwan, under Japanese rule, was in fact more modern than other parts of China. And the British brought modern administration, as well as railways, universities, and hospitals, to India.

Outside a fringe of nostalgic chauvinists, however, most Europeans and Japanese are no longer so convinced that modernisation is sufficient validation of imperial rule. Modernisation should be carried out by self-governing people, not imposed by foreign force.

But the Chinese have another argument up their sleeve, which seems more plausible (and more modern). They are justly proud of the ethnic diversity of China. Why should nationality be defined by language or ethnicity? If Tibetans should be allowed to break away from China, why not the Welsh from Britain, the Basques from Spain, the Kurds from Turkey, or the Kashmiris from India?

In some cases, the answer might be: well, perhaps they should. But ethnicity as the main marker of nationality is a vague and dangerous concept, not least because it leaves all minorities out in the cold.

So are people wrong to support the Tibetan cause? Should we dismiss it as sentimental nonsense? Not necessarily. The issue is not so much Tibetan culture, or spirituality, or even national independence, but political consent.

In this respect, the Tibetans are no worse off than other citizens of the People's Republic of China. Historic monuments are being bulldozed everywhere in China in the name of development. Culture is being sterilised, homogenised and deprived of independence and spontaneity in all Chinese cities, not just in Tibet. No Chinese citizen, regardless of whether he or she is Han, Tibetan, Uighur or Mongolian, can vote the ruling party out of power.

The problem, then, is not mainly one of nationality or discrimination, but of politics. The Chinese government claims that Tibetans are happy. But without a free press and the right to vote, there is no way of knowing this. Sporadic acts of collective violence, followed by equally violent oppression, suggest that many are not.

Without democratic reform there will be no end to this cycle, for violence is the typical expression of people without free speech. This is true not only for Tibet, but also for the rest of China. Tibetans will be free only when all Chinese are free. In that sense, if in no other, all citizens of China hang together.

• Ian Buruma's latest book is The China Lover.


10 Apr 09, 5:50pm
good god. this is just plain propaganda of the most transparent sort and insulting to the tibetan people.
i hope the guardian didn't actually have to pay for this.

10 Apr 09, 6:16pm
Tibet is a weak state between two large rival powers. If the Chinese weren't running it, then the Indians would be. I don't see the Tibetans being better off either way.

10 Apr 09, 7:11pm
Good article. This ethnocentric thinking imposed by the NGOs in the West is against the Dalai Lama's teaching, as with independence cries.
The whole of China needs to politically modernise, which will in turn help the people in Tibet. The sovereignty issue is dead and buried; no country doubted this, even when China was weak and had $0 in the bank.


10 Apr 09, 8:27pm
This article is a stunning example of willed ignorance of historical fact. Last I heard, the Nobel committee did not give the peace prize to a cartoon. As for the fabulous new modern Lhasa - you totally disregard the destruction of thousands of temples, torture, and genocide that preceded the inundation of the new, modern Tibet by Han people, who have starved out the Tibetans.
"Why should nationality be defined by language or ethnicity? If Tibetans should be allowed to break away from China, why not the Welsh from Britain, the Basques from Spain, the Kurds from Turkey, or the Kashmiris from India?"
Er, this kind of thinking presupposes that TIbet belonged to China in the first place. It did not and does not. Surely the English, having successfully either repelled or absorbed invaders for 1000 yrs, should have the perspective to see that Tibetans do not consider themselves part of China. Or maybe this is just the good old Colonialist view. Whether or not pre-Chinese invasion Tibet was Shangri-La or "a shabby backwater" -- an ethnocentric observation if I ever heard one - is utterly beside the point.
People like this writer assume that the takeover is a done deal so why don't the Tibetans, like, get over it and consider themselves (those of them still left) lucky to have running water - and screaming propaganda broadcast from the streetcorners. Hey, progress is good.
But you, sir, are not representing it. On the contrary.

JAM 发表于 2009-4-12 20:09

还是 普遍NC?

come2008on 发表于 2009-4-12 20:24


达到诬赖 发表于 2009-4-12 20:37


芒果记 发表于 2009-4-12 20:38


kingKong 发表于 2009-4-12 20:55


无可就要 发表于 2009-4-12 22:41




小鱼在乎 发表于 2009-4-13 00:45


brian.wang 发表于 2009-4-13 13:02


aha 发表于 2009-4-13 16:37

本帖最后由 aha 于 2009-4-13 17:42 编辑


10 Apr 09, 5:50pm
good god. this is just plain propaganda of the most transparent sort and insulting to the tibetan people.

i hope the guardian didn't actually have to pay for this.



10 Apr 09, 6:16pm
Tibet is a weak state between two large rival powers. If the Chinese weren't running it, then the Indians would be. I don't see the Tibetans being better off either way.


10 Apr 09, 7:11pm
Good article. This ethnocentric thinking imposed by the NGOs in the West is against the Dalai Lama's teaching, as with independence cries.

The whole of China needs to politically modernise, which will in turn help the people in Tibet. The sovereignty issue is dead and buried; no country doubted this, even when China was weak and had $0 in the bank.



10 Apr 09, 8:27pm
This article is a stunning example of willed ignorance of historical fact. Last I heard, the Nobel committee did not give the peace prize to a cartoon. As for the fabulous new modern Lhasa - you totally disregard the destruction of thousands of temples, torture, and genocide that preceded the inundation of the new, modern Tibet by Han people, who have starved out the Tibetans.

"Why should nationality be defined by language or ethnicity? If Tibetans should be allowed to break away from China, why not the Welsh from Britain, the Basques from Spain, the Kurds from Turkey, or the Kashmiris from India?"

Er, this kind of thinking presupposes that TIbet belonged to China in the first place. It did not and does not. Surely the English, having successfully either repelled or absorbed invaders for 1000 yrs, should have the perspective to see that Tibetans do not consider themselves part of China. Or maybe this is just the good old Colonialist view. Whether or not pre-Chinese invasion Tibet was Shangri-La or "a shabby backwater" -- an ethnocentric observation if I ever heard one - is utterly beside the point.

People like this writer assume that the takeover is a done deal so why don't the Tibetans, like, get over it and consider themselves (those of them still left) lucky to have running water - and screaming propaganda broadcast from the streetcorners. Hey, progress is good.
But you, sir, are not representing it. On the contrary.





11 Apr 09, 11:36am
“The problem about this is that the flow of finance has always been one way - from Chinese tax payers to Tibet.”
ah yes.

That is why it was known by Mao as the 'western treasure house'.
All those heavily laden trucks carry Timber and minerals heading east for the last 50 years were just practicing driving.

Have you no shame whatsoever??
The brutal Chiinese colonisation of Tibet is a crime on a par with the Colonisation of the Americas. Yet here you are defending China.


哦 是哦。



11 Apr 09, 2:50pm
The standard of living for most Tibetans is very low by our standards, but not much worse than most poor rural han Chinese. Yes, Tibet is police state, but only a somewhat more extreme version of the rest of the police state that is China. I think that the tension between ethnic groups, while it exists, is only a diversion from the real tension in China, that between rich and poor, between the majority made up of poor farmers and labourers, the new middle class, and the political elite.

以我们的标准看西藏人的生活水平相当低,但他们并不比偏远贫穷的中国汉族人差多少。的确,西藏现在是警察国家(state,不是我们说的国家,比如美国 UNITED STATES),但相对于中国的其他部分,只是一个稍微极端点的版本。我认为民族之间的矛盾,是的确存在,也只是中国真正矛盾的分支变种而已。贫富之间的矛盾,那些占大多数的穷苦农民和劳工,新兴中产阶级,和政治精英之间的矛盾,这些才是中国真正的矛盾。

nnnihaoa 发表于 2009-4-14 00:10


霸王柿 发表于 2009-4-14 12:42


HongKongCCY 发表于 2009-4-14 15:48



道行天下 发表于 2009-4-14 17:52

brian.wang 发表于 2009-4-13 13:02 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif



makelose 发表于 2009-4-14 22:39


道行天下 发表于 2009-4-14 17:52 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

zymichelle 发表于 2009-4-15 02:27

西方真正关心的是如何跟着奥巴马继续“faced down fascism and communism”。这么些年下来,中国人其实已经不太在意意识形态了,但是外国人恰恰相反,死盯着不放,只要意识形态、政治体制不和他们一样,口诛笔伐、有意识的歧视永远不会结束!从媒体和某些网友留言可以看出,他们顽固地把“共产主义”等同于“独裁”。个人觉得,他们这种类似于“非我族类,其心必异”似的偏执的思维方式才是真正的独裁——思想独裁!

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-15 04:24



环球邮报de标题改为: 藏人高兴吗? 无从得知
Are Tibetans happy? There's no way of knowing

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-4-15 04:27


墨羽 发表于 2009-4-15 20:43

But if Chinese propaganda paints too dark a picture of the Tibetan past, westerners who sympathise with the Tibetan cause are often too sentimental.


powerovergamec 发表于 2009-4-16 02:01

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