nbnbren 发表于 2009-5-2 17:08

【theage】Turnbull 言论损害中澳关系:澳州财长SWAN

本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-5-3 11:22 编辑

【原文标题】Turnbull damaging China relations: Swan
【发布时间】May 1, 2009 - 11:14AM

Federal Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull doesn't even believe his own "reds under the bed" rhetoric which is damaging Australia's trading relationship with China, Treasurer Wayne Swan says.

财长Wayne Swan说,联邦政府在野党领导人Malcolm Turnbull 自己也不相信的“赤色份子躲在床底下”的花言巧语,损害了中奥的贸易关系。

In a speech to be delivered to the Lowy Institute in Sydney on Friday, Mr Turnbull accuses Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of being too close to China, Fairfax reports.

Fairfax 报道,MALCOLM TURNBULL周五在罗伊研究机构(Lowy Institute)发表演讲,指责陆克文总理和中国走得太近。

The Opposition Leader also attacks Mr Rudd for basing Australia's long-term strategic policy on an assumption that China could one day pose a threat, Fairfax says.


"Mr Turnbull is playing opportunistic party politics with one of our most important trade relationships," Mr Swan told reporters in Sydney on Friday.

"He is prepared to risk Australian jobs to save his own job," he said, referring to Mr Turnbull's opposition to Chinese company Chinalco's bid to increase its stake in mining company Rio Tinto.

"The saddest thing about Mr Turnbull's speech today is that not even he believes it," Mr Swan said.


对于Turnbull先生反对中国公司中铝增持澳洲Rio Tinto矿业公司股份一事,他说“他只管保住自己的工作,而在冒其他澳洲人失业的风险”


Mr Turnbull and the Liberals were becoming increasingly desperate, he said.

"Now we've got this bizarre reds under the beds campaign."


hitoku2006 发表于 2009-5-3 04:00


无可就要 发表于 2009-5-4 11:50




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